The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 72 He Returned From Hell 2

Chapter 72 He Returned From Hell 2
Balak didn't have to wait long before he saw Yanlvge jumping off the roof and walking towards the pile of wreckage.

He parted the corners of his mouth into a cruel smile.

Although he didn't know why the young rich man appeared alone, he knew that his chance had come.


Now the distance is too far, and I don't know what the other party is carrying, so I can't rush out blindly.

But Baller believes that the other party will definitely come to him on his own initiative.

After all, he is the "prey" and the opponent is the "hunter".

It is natural for a hunter to follow the trail of his prey.

When Baler walked away from the wreckage, he deliberately cut his own arm with a knife, sprinkled spots of blood on the ground, pointing all the way to his... trap.

Although this bait is not very clever, Barr believes that no hunter will let this clue go by.

Then he saw Yanluge muttering to the debris on the ground for a while.

The voice was so soft that Barr couldn't hear what the other party said.

Then he saw Yan Lvge yawned, and walked unsteadily towards him to trap...the opposite direction.

Baller: ? ? ?
Are this hunters so amateurish?

What he didn't expect was... Of course, Yan Lvge saw the blood on the ground, and even saw his ambush from a distance, but he didn't have the slightest intention of going over to have a look - he jumped down to meet the two Let's talk about spirits.

Yanluge would have killed Bale a long time ago, so there is no need to wait until now.

After getting what he wanted, Yan Lvge turned and left.

He is going to continue to be a melon-eating crowd and leave the battlefield to the real... Avengers.


The rabbit's head rolled into the "X arena".

Yudin glanced at the illegible sign on the arch, and frowned slightly.

When he designed this place back then, he designed it as an arena for real CS battles. The background of the story is a battle between two factions in the doomsday wasteland for resources.Players can play the forces they want and fight against enemies.

Although this kind of game mode is very common now, 20 years ago, no matter whether it was a qualified battle field or battle equipment, it was a rarity, so there was a long queue here on the first day of the opening of the park.

Then...then a derailed roller coaster fell from the sky, smashing half of the field, and killing and injuring the players here.

Is Balak actually hiding here?

The first and last place.

It is also good to make a conclusion here.

You Ding sneered, carrying the fruit knife in his hand, and walked in like shopping.


How could it be him? !

How can it be? !
Baler, who was hiding in the corner, exploded his head the moment he saw Yudin appear.

The person who came to hunt him, how could it be Yudin Rodster?
Although Baler guessed that Yudin and the Cornerstone Technology Group might have some kind of special relationship, so he let the latter come forward to help the former to avenge him, but, how could Yudin appear in front of him in person? !
Looking at that familiar and unforgettable face, Baler felt his blood run cold and his heartbeat almost stopped.

Under his horrified gaze, Yudin walked to the wreckage of the mechanical guard, looked at the wreckage that had been chopped into pieces, and there was a trace of unconcealable anger in his eyes.

Yuding looked around, and finally found bloodstains on the ground under the bright moonlight.

Holding a fruit knife, he followed the blood and walked forward.

The large, hollow rabbit's head rolled quietly and freely at his feet.

This scene is weird and harmonious.



Yuding stepped into the trap set by Balak.

Baler's eyes were red, and he stared at Yudin stepping into the trap, kicking an inconspicuous thin wire unsuspectingly.

The thread breaks.

Organ triggers.

With the sound of "Zheng", several sharp arrows made of hardwood were fired and shot at Yuding from different angles.

This is a deadly trap.

Yudin was still defenseless... The thin wire was very thin, and the movement of the mechanism was so slight that he didn't even realize that he had kicked something inadvertently.

Although he has been in prison for five years and has prepared for revenge for 20 years, he is still an ordinary person in essence.

The trap that Baller set up is not aimed at such mediocre people, but the "hunters" who have received a little training and can find this mechanism-they will think they have found the trap, curse proudly, and even try to dismantle it it……

Then Balak, crouching on the roof beams, would jump down from them and take them hostage, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

But Yudin stepped in ignorantly.

Sharp arrows pierced his body from all directions.

Yudin's body shook for a while, but he didn't fall down.

A total of five sharp arrows pierced him.

Three pierced his chest and abdomen from the front, one pierced his waist from the lower left side, and one pierced his right leg from the lower right side.

Turn him into a hedgehog.

The body suffered fatal trauma, but Yudin behaved strangely.

He didn't scream, scream, or fall down, and he didn't even show much pain on his face.

He stood still, sneered, raised his hand, and grabbed the wooden arrow that pierced his body.

Then pull them out one by one.

The place pierced by the wooden arrow revealed a terrible wound, but the wound was slightly white, like a piece of dead meat, without the slightest blood flowing out.

Baler, who was squatting on the beam, couldn't bear the weird and terrifying scene anymore. He swung his ax behind Yudin's back, jumped off the beam, and the force brought by his fall smashed the ax hard. Yudin.

The sharp fire ax smashed into Yudin's right shoulder, and then went straight down, cutting off his shoulder blades, ribs... until the waist position stopped due to loss of strength.

Yudin's whole body was split into two halves, the upper body was separated like a "Y", and the head was connected to half of the body, tilted obliquely, showing an "X" shape.

However, Yuding stood there, and there was still no blood flowing from the exposed organs and wounds.

It was as if what Balor split open was just a corpse that had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

"Corpse" Yudin maintained the half-split appearance, moved his feet, turned around slowly, and looked at Barr with a sneer with his head tilted to one side.

Baler finally couldn't stand this horrific and unreasonable scene anymore, he shouted, pulled out his axe, and took a step back while holding the ax handle.

"Why you? Why?" Baler yelled uncontrollably with red eyes, "What the hell are you?"

"Why can't it be me?" You Ding tilted his head and sneered.

Ba Le swung the fire ax again: "Because... because you're fucking dead, I've already killed you!!!"

"Yeah, because I was killed by you." You Ding continued to laugh, and before the fire ax fell, his body tilted to one side moved slightly, and he sent the fruit knife in his hand into the fire with lightning speed. Balak's chest, "I was killed by you, Balak.

"So, why the hell can't I just come back from hell and kill you?!"

(End of this chapter)

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