The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 51 It's Nice to Meet You (End of Naki Chapter)

Chapter 51 It's Nice to Meet You (End of Nagi Chapter)

When Yan Luge came back, he saw a miraculous scene.

There are countless glowing feathers in the sky, falling like snow.

The light feathers fell on the pollutants that had just climbed up from the sea, and these frenzied and weird monsters tilted their heads and fell to the ground, convulsing and dying.

Tang Hongyin shed tears and killed them, killing all pollutants, including her blood relatives who had lost their human identity.

By one's own power.

But such power, such mighty power... does not come without a price.

"It seems that I missed a lot of things."

He looked up and saw Tang Hongyin who was standing in mid-air at the moment, spreading a pair of wings of light like an angel.

Countless feathers of light floated down from the light wings behind her, and landed on those pollutants, expelling those traces of pollution.

And every time a feather of light falls, the light wings behind Tang Hongyin will become dimmer.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I didn't know that I became a sheep... I caused you a lot of trouble..." Tang Hongyin also saw Yan Luge, but lowered her head and said guiltily, "I'm sorry, why did I do this? stupid……"

"It's okay." Yan Luge said with a smile, "You care too much about your appearance. So, your brain will automatically block all descriptions of your appearance, including photos, images in the mirror, and other people's evaluations, etc. .It's a self-preservation mechanism, not your fault, really."

The sea breeze blew past, gently blowing over Tang Hongyin's face.

It was a girl with a hunched body, distorted facial features, no hair, scars all over her body, and mutilated limbs.

This is Tang Hongyin's real appearance.

When she was seven years old, a fire burned everything she had and killed her parents.

She has also become an ugly monster with no hair, no eyebrows, no nose, grinning all day long, and she can't see clearly when others stand in front of her. Her hands only have five fingers and eleven knuckles, and she can't move flexibly. Can't lift heavy things either.

She dared not go out or meet people.

She tried to engage in some jobs that can be done through the Internet, such as game leveling, such as opening an online store, such as writing online novels, was too difficult for her.

When the Blackstone Research Institute was recruiting site maintainers in Haicheng, it had released recruitment information through certain channels, and then slowly screened personnel through the received resumes.

Because she heard that the job was just to clean empty houses and didn't need to contact anyone, she tried to submit her resume.

Photos are required to be posted on the resume. Others post photos of the last six months, but she only dares to post photos of herself before the age of seven.

But no one expected that this job would miraculously fall on her.

She then received an address and a set of keys, delivered by courier.

She couldn't sleep for three full days before her first job.But in the end, in the dead of night, she covered her head and face and walked out of the house.

This is the first time she has left the house in more than ten years.

Going to tidy up and clean the room every week, an empty house with two bedrooms and one living room, is obviously a very simple job, while others spend two hours, but she needs to spend all night.

She will carefully clean every corner, check every item for damage, and carefully count and replace every spare food and medicine.

For the boss who has never met her face but gave her a hope of life, and for someone who may live here in the future.

Tang Hongyin raised her head, and softly asked a question that had puzzled her for a long time: "Boss, if you saw me like this, would you still be willing to help me?"

"Yes." Yan Luge smiled, and he walked through the air, came to Tang Hongyin's side, and gently touched the girl's head. Her scalp had no hair, and was covered with scars that could not fade after being burned. But it is very warm, "cute little sheep."

Tang Hongyin closed her eyes and smiled slightly.

"It's great to meet you," she said.

Her body began to crystallize, then crumble.

Like glass falling on the ground.


Yan Luge looked at the young man kneeling on the ground in front of him, holding his heavily polluted daughter.

"Asano Kanazawa?"

"Please, save my daughter, please..."

"She's been heavily polluted."

"Please, please..."

"I can save her and use a lot of spiritual potions to get rid of the mutant symptoms on her body. But her mind has been distorted, and even if she is rescued, there is a high probability that she will be a lunatic. Are you sure?"

"I'm sure! Even if she is a lunatic, I will love her, take care of her, and raise her up!"

"it is good."

Every day someone dies, every day someone is born again.

Some people say that this is a magnificent era.

Others say that this is an era of despair and madness.

And the chosen path must be followed.


Ability Name: Wings of Purification

Route attribution: It has the characteristics of strengthening route, alienation route and specialization route at the same time
Ability Description: At the cost of sacrificing oneself, purify and kill all the pollutants in a certain area.

Ability form: The ability manifests itself as a pair of light wings growing from the back of the ability holder. When the ability is activated, light feathers will fall down. When the ability ends, the body of the ability holder will crystallize and shatter by itself.

Scope of action: centered on the extraordinary person, with a radius greater than? ?(??: Detailed data is not available, known to be greater than 3 kilometers).

Restrictions: What is the maximum number of kills within the scope of action? ?Pollutants (??: Detailed data cannot be obtained, known to be more than 1000).Effects on xenospecies are unknown.

Known owner: Tang Hongyin (deceased)

This is the ability information compiled by the intelligence agents of the Blackstone Research Institute based on the traces left on the scene.

This is an extraordinary ability that does not exist in Yanluge's memory.

After closing the information booklet in his hand, Yan Luge lay down on the back of the chair behind him, and said lightly: "Let Bailu file it, and classify the relevant information about Tang Hongyin's ability as a Class A secret. Only when I personally authorize it You can check it out below."

Bella responded.

Words and songs no longer make a sound.

He was playing with a small glass bottle in his hand. There were some crystal clear fragments in the glass bottle, like glass, but brighter than glass. When he held it in his hand, it exuded a slight coolness.

It was the ice crystals left when Tang Hongyin's body collapsed. He tried his best to collect them, but unfortunately most of them fell into the sea, and then melted and mixed into the sea water. He only found a few.

Even if these ice crystals are put together completely, they are only about the size of a palm.

Not even he could bring this girl back from the dead.

But... this era when the aura is recovering is originally an era of miracles, isn't it?

 【Naki Chapter】End.

  Don't ask me if Tang Hongyin will be resurrected, I hinted at it very clearly at the end of the chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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