The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 470 Mission?nonexistent

Chapter 470 Mission?nonexistent

In the depths of the unmanned computing tower, the core of Peacock's thinking is running crazily.

It reads all relevant information frame by page with the unique high efficiency of a personified AI, and thinks and connects all information in a thinking mode that is very close to human beings.

After about half a minute, it seemed to find something.

It increases computing power in an instant.

Several giant power stations used to supply power to the computing tower began to overload, but the computing power originally used to run other tasks in the computing tower was weakened by a bit.

The efficiency of the road dispatching network becomes lower, and the speed of vehicles decreases; the speed of the simultaneous interpretation system decreases, and the translation delays by 0.1 seconds; the automatic processing speed of large factories decreases, and the speed of producing a product is 0.08 seconds slower...

At that moment, almost everyone in the whole country vaguely noticed that the speed of the peacock seemed to slow down.

The allocated computing power was all gathered together by Peacock to complete the more important work in front of it.

—— Immediately evacuate all irrelevant personnel in Yunshan Scenic Area.

——An order has been issued to 93 armed personnel within a radius of 8 kilometers in the Yunshan Scenic Area, including but not limited to executive officers 1URT, B485802UU041, etc., requesting them to immediately go to the Yunshan Scenic Area and stop the abnormal creature [-] at all costs up the hill.

——All executive officers have been all costs!

Peacock: The former executive officer 5Y5Y5, now issues a special mission to you: go to Yunshan Scenic Area...

Crow saw this message alert on his phone.

But he didn't click on it at all, he just deleted the message, and continued to sleep on the back of the bus seat.

After finally sending the tourists into the scenic spot for free activities, he had to take the opportunity to get a good sleep in the car.

As for the task?

what task?
I didn't see it, it didn't exist.


The personified AI, which has absolute control over the electronic equipment, silently turned the volume of the crow's cell phone to the maximum, and played a deafening screaming dolphin sound: ah~ ah ah~~~
Crow covered his ears and rolled off the seat.

Damn, how did he never know that the volume of his broken mobile phone can be adjusted so high and the sound range can be so wide!
Peacock: Ex-executive 5Y5Y5, please complete your mission.

Crow: You already called me the ex-executive officer, so the task of the executive officer is none of my business?
Peacock: After completing this mission, you can resume your original position as a Class A executive.

Crow: Don't do it.I think it's good to be a tour guide.


Crow really thinks it's good to be a tour guide, especially a tour guide for such a cheap group.

The job is easy, and you can sleep eighteen hours a day; the social status is high, and the average foreign tourist dare not chat with him, a local snake; you don't have to bother to maintain interpersonal relationships, you meet anyone by chance, and you will never see him again in this life the second time.

Whoever likes to do the job of that crap executive, he won't do it anyway.

At that time at noon, if Peacock hadn't said that he might threaten the lives of the whole group, and promised that he would not harm the child, he would not have returned to his old business.

Peacock: 5Y5Y5, you have the right to refuse the task of the executive officer, but you need to complete the following tasks as a tour guide: Go to the Yunshan Scenic Area and evacuate the tourists from the Happiness No. 9 regiment.

The crow's face was distorted: Isn't this really the same mission as before? !
Peacock: No.

Crow: I don't believe it.


Peacock: If the tourists are not evacuated in time, there is a high probability that all members of the tour group will die.

Why do these words sound so familiar?

The crow gritted his teeth. Although he really wanted to continue to rant, his professional acumen as a former executive made him smell something bad.

He considered it for a while and asked: You said the same thing when you asked me to take away the special tourist 888.

Crow: Is there any connection between these two tasks?

Peacock: The level is not enough, no comment.

Crow: So, is it related to the one who lives on the top of Yunshan Mountain?

Peacock: The level is not enough, no comment.

Peacock: You will be eligible to know when you resume your position as a Category A executive officer.

Crow dropped the phone again.

Half a minute later, the crow picked up the half-broken mobile phone with a cold face, and silently tied a rubber band to it, which was on the verge of disintegration.

Crow: Where are my tourists?Send me the location.

Peacock: Sent.

Peacock: There are 9 people in the Happiness No. 33 group, 2 people are receiving treatment in the hospital, 1 person lost contact, 29 people are on the way back after receiving the notice of the closure of the scenic spot, and 1 person ignored the notice and deviated from the tourist road and entered the no-man's land.

Crow: It’s easy for those who return, I’ll pick it up at the gate of the scenic spot.What happened to the last "ignoring the notice"?

Peacock: He deleted the message I sent.

Why does this behavior feel so familiar... The crow is expressionless.

Crow: Who the hell is so bold to delete your message.I'm going to get him back now.

Peacock sent another copy of the tourist's personal information.

The crow gritted his teeth when he saw it.

Bowen, a young designer from Brahma.

It's this guy again!

Always make trouble for him!

Yan Luge, the "Vatican designer" who likes to make trouble for the tour guide, is currently masturbating monkeys in the forest.

The monkeys here are so cute. When they see tourists taking delicious food, they will rush over to grab it. After grabbing it, they even know how to pile up the endless snacks neatly in the tree hole for the next time.

When Yanluge took out their stock from the tree hole, the monkeys reacted a little violently.But after a few tricks, he became the monkey king in the group of monkeys, and he is currently enjoying the warm service from the group of monkeys sending snacks, scratching lice, tickling and beating their backs.

"The current situation has become a bit complicated." Yanlvge sat on a tree branch, dangling his legs, opened the "game interface" of his laptop, and casually chatted with Bailu, "The corpse transporter's eyes were transplanted to The little boy in the regiment was killed, so the corpse dog chased us all the way, abducted him and brought him into Yunshan Scenic Area.

"On the other side, the peacock kept making small moves, and recalled the tour guide who was the former executive officer in our group, and now he has also entered the Yunshan Scenic Area..."

He looked down at the game interface in front of him.

In the map of the Maurya Dynasty above, in addition to the original "corpse dog", there are two more character cards.

[Character name: Crow
Level: lv.9
Faction: Executive Board
Status: normal
Skills: none

Items to bring: none
Behavioral goal: Get the person back early so that you can have a good night's sleep. 】

as well as--

Level: lv.1
Faction: None
Status: tired
Skills: none

Items to bring: none
Behavioral goal: protect parents. 】

Among them, the light spots representing the corpse dog and the little boy almost coincided, hovering near him.

The crow is a little farther away, but is also on the way.

Yan Luge rested his cheeks, looked away from the screen, squinted his eyes and looked into the depths of the forest, until he saw a figure of a person and a dog, passing through the gap in the forest far away.

He thought for a while, took out a bunch of delicious food from the tree hole, and threw it to the former monkey king who was helping him beat his back: "Send it to them."

The former monkey king got angry, hugging the snacks that once belonged to him, and babbling—meaning you can't eat enough by yourself, so you want me to give it away?Is it too much?
Yan Luge bent his fingers and made a snapping motion.

The former monkey king immediately stopped being angry, and ran to deliver the food as soon as possible.

It's scary.

The last time this person flicked his forehead with his fingers, he was thrown more than ten meters away, and he couldn't get up for a long time, and his head is still buzzing.If it was a little later in showing its belly and surrendering, the whole monkey group would change from protecting animals to protecting animal specimens.

This is different from the human tourists it has seen before, who dare not resist even being robbed.

How could there be such a fierce human being in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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