The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 467 Can this also fail the mission?

Chapter 467 Can this also fail the mission?
After thinking for a while, the crow didn't say whether he would accept it or not, but just asked: Where should he be taken?
Peacock: The Executive Bureau will send vehicles to follow behind your tour bus.You just need to find an opportunity to stop, take the special visitor 888 away from the team, and hand it over to other executives.

It sounds simple enough.

Especially for him as a tour guide, this task is a piece of cake.

But the crow still decided to ask clearly: Will his life be in danger after walking with you?
Peacock: No.

Peacock has no ill intentions towards Special Tourist 888 itself...and certainly no kindness either.

Although it tried to kill him, in essence, all it wanted was the child's eyes, which belonged to the corpse carrier.

But if he can be taken away smoothly, with the medical level of the Maurya Dynasty, it will choose to perform another eye transplant operation for him, take away the corpse transporter's eyes, and get a new pair for the child.

The whole process will be very fast, if it is done by a class A ophthalmologist, it will even only take 1 hour to complete.

Then, as long as it is sure that the abnormal creature 041's movements are normal, it can let him go.

Crow: What about the child's parents?Do you want to take it with you?

Peacock: You can take it with you or not.It's up to you to decide.

That is to say... Among the three members of this family, the only thing that Peacock has set his eyes on is that child?
Is there anything important about him?
The crow couldn't hold back, turned around, and stared at the boy a few more times in the bumpy carriage.

...No matter how you look at it, it is ordinary.

The crow fell into thought again.

And at this moment, he suddenly noticed that someone seemed to be staring directly at him.

It's a young man named "Bowen" who seems to be a designer by profession.

This person looks like an ordinary social animal tourist, and he brings a work computer with him when he travels, but he doesn't know why he is so annoying, and he chokes him speechless several times.

...What are you staring at him for now?
The crow subconsciously wanted to stare back in order to establish the authority of the tour guide.

But he didn't expect that the young designer suddenly grinned at him.

Then, he said loudly in a loud, clear, penetrating voice that could be heard by everyone in the car: "Guide, what are you doing staring at other children for so long? Are you thinking of something bad? , For example, want to take the opportunity to abduct other people's children?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole car fell silent, and all of them stared straight up at the crow, as if they were examining an attempted criminal who was about to commit a crime.

The crow was so frightened that he hurriedly turned his head away as if nothing had happened, not daring to fart.

He almost gritted his teeth when he thought about the important tasks related to national security in his mobile phone, and also thought about this group of moth tourists who were not easy to fool.

Damn, why is this best group so difficult to lead?


Yanluge also looked away.

I pissed off that poor tour guide again, he feels refreshed now.

"I didn't expect this little tour guide in our group to have a special identity?" Yan Luge found it very interesting, "Former A-class executive? Tsk tsk——

"How did he get into what he is now? Was he dismissed for offending the royal family because his mouth was too stinky?"

Although the dialogue between the peacock and the crow is very secret, it is only for ordinary people.

There are no secrets at all in front of him.

Bailu also found it very interesting: "Maybe there is some story in it."

"There must be a story—" Yan Luge laughed.

He felt it now that the system task had arranged him in this tour group, it seemed that it was not aimless.

A family of three involved in extraordinary events without knowing it.

A tour guide with a secret identity and a secret mission.

and also……

More and more interesting!



The tourist bus stopped at Yunshan Restaurant near the scenic spot.

According to the original travel plan, tourists will have a simple lunch here, and then enter the scenic spots to browse.

The lunch this time is not canned food, but a local special meal sponsored by a nearby farmer.

The advantage is that the dishes are rich and the ingredients are fresh.

The disadvantage is that you need to listen to the farmer's preaching of his natural and pollution-free organic corn, which has no disadvantages other than unpalatable and expensive, and you must buy two bags for each table before serving it.

While the tourists were complaining, the tour guide Crow looked down at the time.

11: 30.

He walked towards Special Tourist 888.

The boy who had just finished the operation seemed extremely uncomfortable. He kept trying to rub his eyes, but he couldn't touch them, and he kept writhing on the chair in pain.

His parents could only coax him softly beside him.

"Is the child unwell?" the crow said to them.

The young father turned around: "Well...the doctor said before that they used special drugs to stimulate the growth and fusion of the optic nerve, but the process may be very itchy."

"Go out the back door of the restaurant, and there is a small hospital on the right." Crow said, "You can go and prescribe some medicine to make the child feel better."

"Ah? Really?" The young father looked happy, "Then let's go and have a look."

He stood up with the child and walked towards the back door of the restaurant.

Crow looked away blankly.

Several executives were waiting at the back door of the restaurant.

The task is simple, isn't it?

at noon.

The tourists in the group finished their meals and returned to the bus one after another.

When leaving the restaurant, the tour guide Crow glanced at the back door of the restaurant.

The family of three never came back.

It looks like the executives standing there seem to have succeeded.

Crow got into the car.

Before the departure, some tourists seemed to find that there were fewer people in the group, and reminded them: "Tour guide, the family sitting behind me hasn't come back. Do you want to wait for them?"

This scene seems familiar...

The crow was expressionless: "Not waiting."

"Huh? Then we just throw them away? Isn't it good?"

"It's not the first time I dropped it." The crow sneered, "Why don't you stay and wait?"

The tourist was silent.

Although it is not good to leave the passengers in the same group in a foreign country, everyone also does not want to be delayed by latecomers-people are very contradictory.

But no one doubted the crow.

Because everyone saw that the family of three went out by themselves, and the crow was with them the whole time.

The previous joke in the car was just a joke.

Crow smiled cryptically, and suddenly felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket.

He took out his phone and glanced at it.

Peacock: Mission failed.

crow:? ? ?
Crow: Are those executive officers trash?People have been sent right under their noses, can they still fail to catch them?
Peacock: You can go over and have a look.

The crow turned his head and said to the tourists in the car: "Wait for me."

After speaking, regardless of everyone's reaction, he got out of the car and returned to the restaurant.

He walked through the disheveled hall and pushed open the back door of the restaurant.

It was a van parked at the back door with the door wide open.

There were several people lying in disorder beside the car.

Three uniformed executives, two ordinary people—the latter being the target boy's parents.

But the real target, Special Tourist 888, has disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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