The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 459 Corpse Dog: "Harmless Disposal"

Chapter 459 Corpse Dog: "Harmless Disposal"

"It's unpalatable? That's not the case." Yan Luge shook his head, "The food technology of the Maurya Dynasty is still good. It can use a lot of additives to restore the taste of this can to 80% of the barbecue, which is really not bad.

"If you want me to rate it, the taste of this can can be about 75 points."

This can is not even a spiritual ingredient.

It's really not bad to be scored this score by the picky Director Yan.

Chefs in many hotels may not be able to achieve this level.

Yan Lvge glanced around, and found that most of the people in the same tour group who were holding the can were very tasty.

Although I know it is junk food, but the taste is really good and novel.

Just like ordinary people tasted instant noodles for the first time.

Yan Luge pointed to the canned "Complete Nutrition Convenience Food No. 1 - Barbecue Flavor" that he took a bite out of and threw aside: "I'm just a little tired of eating it."

"Tired of eating? When you came to the Maurya Dynasty last time, did you eat it many times?"

"No, it's not this level of tiredness." Yan Luge looked at the jelly-shaped food in the can, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "If I tell you-the craftsmanship and taste of this thing have continued Thousands of years later, it became the mainstream food of the human race and the demon race in that end of the world...

"What do you think?"

Bailu was dumbfounded: "...Huh?"

"Well, I'm being polite when I say it's mainstream food." Yan Lige couldn't help but start complaining, "It should be said that 99% of the food in that era was made of it—the food produced in a few large gathering places All these cans.

"Although this can is said to have 999 different flavors, I have actually eaten every one of them and I don't know how many times I have eaten them.

"It can be said that, except when I went hunting by myself, I never escaped the torture of this can.

"When civilization collapsed, there were fewer and fewer hunting objects. Only this canned food remained due to its long shelf life, and it became the only source of food for the survivors other than cannibalism.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I found several warehouses with the same taste. Yes, it's this damn 'barbecue smell'. I have to eat it, eat it, eat it every day, eat it every day..."

Yanluge threw "Full Nutrition Convenience Food No. 1 - Barbecue Flavor" into the trash can with a deadpan face.

"I really don't want to eat. Goodbye."

On a rare occasion he wasted food.

Seeing his movements, the tour guide subconsciously wanted to reprimand him for wasting food, but before he could speak, his feet suddenly slipped inexplicably, performing a flat fall, and the bag with the cans in his hand was also thrown out, a very coincidental fall On the road, it was crushed to pieces by a speeding heavy truck.

The tour guide got up, but now he couldn't care about the words and songs anymore.

Looking at the broken breakfast, he was so angry that he jumped on the spot, but in order to keep his job evaluation, he had to spend money to prepare a new breakfast for the tourists.

The corners of Yan Luge's mouth were rarely bent.

"Boss, do you hate this canned food so much? Not only do you not want to eat it yourself, but you also don't intend to let others do it?" Bailu suppressed a smile.

"They'll thank me."

"Yeah, of course." Bai Lu only thought that Yan Lvge said it casually.

But Yanlvge was not joking.

Based on his understanding of the Maurya Dynasty, combined with some things he has seen in the later life... at least in the later life he experienced.

He felt that the source of the "additives" in these cans——

——Maybe it's not that simple.


Inside the human corpse processing plant.

The corpse dog passed through the sorting room, where it sniffed the place where the owner had stayed.

The corpse dog walked past the dissecting room, where it rubbed against the cart where the owner's body had been placed.

There was no one in either workshop.

The original corpse processing plant was supposed to operate 24 hours a day, but due to its existence being exposed, the sorters and technicians were warned by the peacock, and they left the work at hand and retreated in a hurry, leaving only empty workstations .

After all, in this country, every talented citizen is the precious wealth of the Holy King.

Their lives are all important.

At least in the trade-off of peacocks, keeping them alive is more important than the organs waiting to be harvested on the dissecting table.

The corpse dog continued to move forward.

It's finally here - the biological fermentation room.

This is the last workshop of the corpse processing factory, and it is also the last stop in the life of all the dead.

Corpses that have died for too long, died of illness or poisoning, or the remains of usable organs after they have been removed, will be sent here for harmless treatment to recover the last bit of residual value.

The dead dog raised his head.

This workshop is different from the sorting room and dissection room that require certain skills. It has a high degree of automation, so even if the operator on duty leaves, it can still continue to operate.

Those worthless corpses were placed on the carts, which came from all directions, drove up the sloping ramp, and finally stopped on several fixed platforms.

The platform was tilted, and all kinds of strange corpses were thrown into a huge "feeding port" under the traction of gravity.

Then, the trolley, which was stained with blood and corpse fluid, drove away automatically along the established track, and entered the cleaning room for high-temperature cleaning and anti-virus work.

After cleaning and disinfection, these carts will enter the corpse cart again, quietly waiting for the next round of work.

Everything seemed in order.

Except for those corpses thrown into the feeding port.

They rolled and fell along the huge funnel-shaped mouth, and finally fell into the pulverizer at the bottom of the funnel, making a few sticky noises of "Gada Gada".

It was the sound of soft muscles and hard bones being crushed by huge steel teeth on rollers.

The corpses crushed by the grinder have turned into lumps of minced meat and bones, the particles are so fine that they can't see the original appearance at all.

The mince then falls into the fermenter connected to the pulverizer—a giant rotatable barrel shaped like a cement mixer that can be continuously heated, pressurized, and supplied with oxygen.

The fragments of the corpse were constantly rolling inside.

Until it is evenly mixed with other people's corpse fragments.

Mix evenly with other ingredients.

And under each drum-type fermentation machine, there is a small console—this is where the operators originally stood.

On the screen of the console, it is displayed that this set of harmless treatment equipment is processing, or what is being produced.

[Products: Meat and Bone Meal No. 13, Oil No. 1

70. Feeding progress: [-]%

0. The progress of harmless treatment (high temperature aerobic fermentation) is [-]%
——The estimated processing time is 18 hours (0 hours have been processed). 】

(End of this chapter)

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