The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 456 Corpse Dog: What is it?

Chapter 456 Corpse Dog: What is it?
The corpse dog appeared in the place where the corpse transporter once lived, and it was also the third last place he stayed in during his lifetime.

This is a cold and damp basement cubicle. It may have been designed as a storage room, but it has not been used for a long time, and it has become a shelter for corpse transporters.

As a Class D personnel recognized by the Maurya Dynasty, the corpse transporter was once assigned a bed in the 1-person dormitory on the first floor.

But he, who is incapable, seems to be a member who is rejected no matter where he is.

After adopting Smelly, he was kicked out of the dormitory by his "roommates". He brought his old clothes and Smelly together, and lived in this windowless, musty basement.

Now his "roommates" are dismantling his small room in a mess in the cubicle he lived in before his death.

"Fuck, this stinky ghost is dead, why should the task of cleaning up his garbage fall on us?"

"Because legally, he's still our 'roommate'...Stop complaining, get to work. Throw his crap out there and set it on fire."

"I see—ah, I suddenly feel something is wrong, my head is so dizzy—who are you? Ahhh? Who are you?"

"Are you crazy? I'm your colleague... Ahh! No! You monster!"

"You are the monster! Kill you! I will kill you!"

"Help! Go to hell, monster!"

"Peacock - help me, woo woo woo -"

Like crazy, these people suddenly started killing each other and finally died together.

The corpse dog didn't actually do anything.

It's just that they touched the kennel it stayed in before it was alive, thus triggering the [Horror Illusion].

[Horror hallucinations]: After people with unsteady will come into contact with your belongings, they will trigger horror hallucinations, killing all creatures except themselves.

—The master is not here.

The corpse dog left.


—The master is not here.


—The master is not here.


——The master is not here either.


The corpse dog walked through every place the corpse transporter stayed in for the last time.

Where does the smell of the master remain.

But there is no master.

It finally raised its head, and turned its gaze to the corpse processing factory not far away——

——"biological fermentation room".

The smell there is both familiar and unfamiliar to the corpse dog.

What is familiar is the unique gentle breath of the master, what is unfamiliar is that there is a sour smell after mutation.

It's different from the smell of corpses or the sour smell of sweat when you return from ordinary work.Smelly smell can be clearly distinguished, these breaths do not belong to the owner.

...but this time is different.

The owner's taste is changing.

His breath was becoming scattered, stale, sour, and slowly mixed with other breaths.

Just like when it loses its vitality and is buried in the soil, its own smell has also changed, and as the body rots, it slowly becomes smelly.

...the master is dead.

... The master's body is being rapidly cut, eroded, and decomposed, and is gradually disappearing.

The corpse dog scratched the ground with its paws irritably. The movement looked light, but it scratched deep marks on the concrete floor.

It doesn't want to be like this.

It doesn't want this.

It doesn't want the master to disappear.

The corpse dog whimpered softly, turned around and ran out.

It ran very fast, faster than any time in its life.

The corpse dog didn't quite understand the reason, but it could feel that it was different.

The power applied to it makes it have the speed of the wind when the idea of ​​"running" comes together.

It ran out of the dormitory building and rushed to the processing factory area.

And behind it, the corpses killed by it all stood up unsteadily.


"I can't hide it anymore." In a small hotel, Bai Lu said to Yan Lvge in a steady tone, "The peacock's control over different areas is different.

"In the corpse processing factory, the employee dormitory area is the most 'open' place. Peacock's alert and control level is very low. If I break some equipment, I can hide it for a while, so it hasn't noticed any abnormalities here.

"But after entering the official factory area, it is very difficult.

"All the monitoring screens here are set up with double angles, and all the equipment is installed with more advanced security firewalls, and a slight movement will trigger an alarm from the superior.

"If the dead dog enters the factory area, it will be difficult for me to hide the abnormality under the eyes of the peacock..."

On the screen that Yan Lige was watching, there was a little corpse dog running in the "game" interface.

Now he has two options, one is to directly change the corpse dog's [behavior target] in the attribute panel, and let it go to a place with a lower alert level, such as leaving the processing factory, so as to reduce its chance of being found abnormal by peacocks. probability.

And the other is...

"Since you can't hide it, then there's no need to hide it." Yan Luge laughed, "Let the peacock 'discover' the dead dog."


"It should be very interesting, little white deer." Yan Luge seemed to have thought of some interesting idea, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "I've always wanted to find a chance to see the extraordinary organization of the Peacock Dynasty, the Saint Palace of the King', let's see how they deal with gods, pollutants, and all kinds of messy abnormal situations.

"Right now, isn't it a great opportunity?"

The choice to wake up the corpse dog was not only because of his sympathy for what happened to the corpse transporter, but also because of his "test" to the country.

He wanted to see how the extraordinary organization in this country would respond to a "undead creature" that had been resurrected from the dead.
Come to think of it... it should be interesting.


Dead dogs run in the morning light.

It left the staff dormitory and started running wildly on the road leading to the processing factory.

Where it ran, several monitors installed on the roadside wall suddenly flickered, and the indicator light on it changed from green to red, and turned around to stare at its direction.

The corpse dog didn't know, it was because the white deer lifted its "protection".

The corpse dog didn't know that he had been captured by the peacock in the morning light and transmitted it to the city manager "Peacock" through an encrypted data link.

In the first second, the peacock analyzed this strange "creature" that was running.

--what is this?
——Screen comparison, shape comparison, and behavior comparison, to determine that the live animal is "the skeleton of a canine creature".

——If the comparison result is negated, the canine creature with only bones left must have died and cannot move freely.

--what is this?
—— Structural comparison, invention comparison, technology comparison, inferring that the live animal is a "canine bionic skeleton manipulated by external forces".

—— Negative comparison results, no traces of external manipulation of live animals.

--what is this?
——Logical comparison, data comparison, program comparison, inferring that the live animal is a "false picture generated after the monitoring equipment is disturbed".

——Negative of the comparison results, there is no condition of misplaced vision caused by light and shadow interference on the scene, and there is no trace of intrusion on related equipment.

——So, what is this?
Peacock was lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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