The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 447 Live worthlessly, die silently

Chapter 447 Live worthlessly, die silently
The corpse transporter instinctively opened his mouth, but failed to make any sound.

This newborn soul doesn't know how to communicate with soul power, it only tries to vibrate the vocal cords, but he has long since lost the ability to speak after losing his body.

it's fine.

When he tried to answer, it meant he started remembering.

Yanluge turned the power of the soul into fine tentacles, accurately pierced into the soul of the corpse transporter, and read his soul fluctuations caused by memories.

This is the usual way of communication of Zur VII.

The difference is that Surr VII is active, it can perfectly separate the specific picture in its own memory, and transmit it to the receiver through the soul wave.

The Corpse Carrier is passive, he does not know such complicated skills, so it can only be read by Yanlvge.

He saw his broken memory.


"...No big deal! Don't jump!"



Half an hour ago, the corpse transporter got off work and took off his work clothes that exuded a strong smell of corpses.

25 minutes ago, he returned to the dormitory with his waist supported.He yelled "Smelly" when he entered the door, but nothing answered him.He froze for a moment, then remembered that his dog had been dead for several days.He sat down on the chair and began to daze.

Twenty minutes ago, he was still sitting in a chair in a daze.During this period, he has been looking at the peacock bracelet distributed by the factory, which shows: "Today's job evaluation: E".

Eighteen minutes ago, he got up, carefully folded the quilts he had slept in, packed and dumped the domestic garbage accumulated for two days, and neatly arranged his daily necessities.When he saw a tattered scarecrow doll that was bitten by Smelly, he hesitated and put it in his pocket.

Fifteen minutes ago, he took a shower and used up half a bar of soap, making his skin red from rubbing, but he still didn't seem to be able to wash away the stench of corpses that seemed to penetrate deep into the marrow of his bones.

Ten minutes ago, he changed into a new set of clothes that he had just bought and that hadn't caught the smell yet.People always want to die decently.

Nine minutes ago, he glanced at his peacock bracelet for the last time, which showed "job evaluation: E".He looked away and used it to open the door to the rooftop terrace.

He straddled the railing of the roof with difficulty and stood on the outside of the railing.

He turned around and pressed his painful waist against the railing to make himself feel better, then raised his head and stared blankly at the orange-red sunset.

Five minutes ago, the door of the rooftop was pushed open again, and a group of people swarmed in.

Peacock, who sensed his abnormal behavior, notified the general manager and security personnel of his going to the rooftop a few minutes ago.

The big-bellied general manager hurried up and shouted to him in an unprecedented anxious manner: "Don't jump—don't jump off!"

The corpse carrier looked back at him.

4 minutes ago.


His body fell heavily to the ground.


"So, you committed suicide?" Yan Lvge asked, "Why do you want to die?"

The corpse transporter's soul floated in the air, and seemed to become more blurred than before.

Like his dying brain and dissipating mind.

However, under the influence of the power of the soul, he still couldn't help thinking about the question Yan Luge asked him.

So why did he want to kill himself?

Ten minutes ago, the general manager and security captain who rushed to the rooftop also asked him the same question.

"Leave me alone...don't worry about me..." The corpse transporter grabbed the railing with both hands, turned his head, and murmured, "...after all, I'm no longer an employee of the processing plant, am I?"

"...What nonsense are you talking about?" The general manager who managed the entire corpse processing factory, whom the corpse transporter had never met, shouted at him.

The body carrier's hand gripped the railing tightly.

His hands were like dead wood, with broad knuckles, but no muscles, only a layer of loose skin.

"My job evaluation today is E again." The corpse transporter whispered, "I have been E every day for three months in a row. Do you know what this means?"

"..." The general manager was speechless.

He knew what that meant.

"This means that I am an unqualified corpse transporter. I am useless, and I will be fired." The corpse transporter laughed, a little sadly, "Today, I broke my waist, and I will be fired again." I can't move anything heavy..."

"Even if you are not qualified for the job of a corpse transporter, there are other jobs you can do!" The general manager said again.

The corpse transporter's eyes seemed to light up, and even his words were a little more hopeful: "Manager, can the processing plant assign me another job?"

The tone of the general manager who was shouting from behind was slightly stagnant, and he faltered: "I, our processing factory can't help it. But you can look for it elsewhere."

"I've already asked the peacock." The corpse carrier's tone became low and desperate, "But I'm too bad, I'm too bad...even it can't recommend a new job for me ..."

The injured waist started to hurt again.

The corpse transporter let go of one hand and rubbed his waist.

This action of his made the general manager tremble with fear.

The corpse transporter had only half a foot standing on the edge of the roof.

There is only about five centimeters of width outside the fence, and it is difficult to stand firm. You can only hold on to the railing desperately to ensure that you barely fall off.

And now the corpse carrier had let go of one more hand, looking almost shaky.

"Don't be afraid," the general manager shouted, "Even if you lose your job, it's no big deal to be an E!
"You can choose to pay the exemption fee! As long as 100 gold / day is enough!"

The corpse transporter smiled wryly: "My income as a corpse transporter is only 5 gold per day. A few years ago, I went to the organ bank to mortgage myself, and I only got 500 gold... Where can I have money to pay the exemption fee?"

"Don't worry, this country will give everyone a chance!" The general manager shouted again, "You can choose to enter the academy to relearn new skills, and after you finish your studies, you can find a new job!
"You have to believe in me, in our country, and in the future under the rule of the Holy King is full of hope!"

But the term "Learning Academy" seems to have irritated the corpse transporter.

He chuckled, and answered vaguely in the wind: "Learning Academy? Those who work in our line of business, who doesn't know what kind of place it is? Who doesn't go there several times a day to run there? How many bodies come out who died in 'teaching accidents'?

"In the earliest days, I wasn't a corpse transporter, I was a dentist... But after I entered the Academy, I could only be a corpse transporter...

"I'm old now, my waist is bad, my hands and feet are not flexible, my strength is gone, and I can't learn things...

"If I enter the academy again, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand up..."

(End of this chapter)

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