The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 445 The Source of Organs

Chapter 445 The Source of Organs

Yan Luge stretched out his hand expressionlessly, opened the man's mouth, picked up the pliers, pulled out the teeth one by one, and put them on the tray on the left.

A moment later, a pair of healthy and complete human teeth appeared on the tray mountain on his left, as white as snow, free from cavities and tartar, obviously the deceased had protected them well during his lifetime.

There is still a trace of clotted blood on the teeth.

He put them in a cryogenic transport box.

"Organs harvested: Teeth, Rating: A." Peacock's work tip flitted across the mask.

Yan Lvge put down the pliers, replaced the scalpel, put his index finger against the back of the knife, started from behind the dead man's ear, and cut open the dead man's skin with a sharp blade.

He already understood that the so-called "technician" was the person responsible for removing usable organs from the dead.

In other countries, the job belongs to highly skilled doctors.But in the Maurya Dynasty, they are just "technicians" on the assembly line.

After the blade cut through the skin, it turned sideways again, inserted between the skin and the muscle, and began to slowly and carefully peel off the dead man's skin.

Peeling is a difficult job, especially to remove it completely and without destroying the usability and aesthetics of the skin.

It is difficult for a "technician" who is not a "technician" who deals with corpses every day to complete this work proficiently.

If another "undercover agent" were here, he might have already passed through.

But he is a rhetoric.

He is even more familiar with how to decompose the human body than the original "sand technician".

Start behind the ears, peel the top of the head first, and then the more troublesome face.

Further down, the neck, shoulders, back, arms...

It didn't take long for the corpse in front of him to become bloody and bloody, looking more and more hideous.

Yan Lvge put away the knife, and put the complete human skin into the cryogenic transport box.

"Organs have been harvested: skin, evaluation: A." Peacock's prompt appeared, "Your work efficiency is very high today."

Yanluge: "..."

Didn't he deliberately slow down in line with the principle of "don't be too arrogant when wearing a vest"?

Why is it still A?

Is the work efficiency of the Dynasty people so low?

Yan Luge took a sneak peek at his colleague.

He found that a colleague who also received the task of "removing the skin" was still working hard to separate the skin of the deceased's face.

"..." Yan Luge pondered for a moment, "I'm in a better state today."

Peacock was noncommittal.

Most of the time, it is not a humanized AI that likes to chat with humans. It will praise the work efficiency of the "sand technician" because of the preset incentive program, just like the boss will praise when he sees employees he does not know working hard. A few words are the same.

Therefore, once the existence of Bailu, who can cry, laugh and write novels, is made public, it will inevitably cause an uproar all over the world. However, Peacock has been the city manager for so many years, but no one thinks there is any problem.

It's just a more powerful artificial intelligence.

Like the mobile phones, computers, and automated machine tools we use... Isn't it the same thing?
Human organs with residual value and mutilated corpses that are no longer valuable are transported away, and a new corpse is transported in.

"The deceased, 83A2A, died of drowning within six hours. The organs that need to be removed include: bilateral corneas, stomach, and intestinal tract."

Yan Lvge thought for a while, and then slowed down a little bit, but not too much - after all, it was too difficult to slow down like his colleagues.

Just like an adult who has practiced running script for decades, it is too difficult to imitate the stroke-by-stroke writing of elementary school students.

"Organs harvested: bilateral corneas, evaluation: A."

"Organs removed: Stomach, evaluation: A."

"Organs harvested: intestinal tract, evaluation: A."

Today's sand technician is in a particularly good mood and in a very good condition, what's wrong?
Within half an hour of starting work, Yan Lvge completed the organ harvesting work from the two corpses and ushered in his third corpse.

"The deceased, HR846, died of a heart attack. He died within half an hour. The organs that need to be removed include: bilateral corneas, teeth, skin, lungs, bilateral kidneys, spleen, pancreas..."

Words and songs under the knife.

After accurately cutting open the dead man's chest, sawing off the dead man's ribs, and exposing the internal organs in the chest cavity in front of his eyes, the cutting movement like flowing water suddenly stopped.

"Peacock," he said to the country's AI anthropomorphic, "this man died not of a heart attack, but of poisoning.

"Look here, here, and here... the color of the blood vessels in the stomach is not normal... the same is near the heart... This is a typical reaction of ammonia nakadone poisoning, and it is most likely murder.

"It's just that the deceased may have a history of heart disease before his death, and the symptoms of death are also very similar to heart disease, so he was misjudged."

Yan Lvge dropped the knife and curled the corners of his mouth cryptically.

He found it very interesting.

Because he had witnessed a murder, a covert murder successfully carried out right under Peacock's nose.

This proves that human potential is unlimited.

What's more interesting is that he can also test the peacock's reaction through this corpse.

"The organs of this person are useless." Yan Lage said, "The deceased who died of ammonia nakadone poisoning, the whole body's organs were contaminated with toxins, and could not be used for organ transplantation."

On his mask, it took only half a second for Peacock to reply: "Sand Technician, your judgment is correct.

"The organ was not removed, but the aforementioned error correction process was successfully completed, evaluation: A."

The cart started automatically, and left with the toxin-contaminated corpse.

Looking at the direction it left, it doesn't seem to be going to the "biological fermentation room"... There is a high probability that it will be thrown directly into the incinerator?
However, Yan Lage was more concerned about another matter than lamenting the fate of the corpse.

"Peacock." He asked softly, "I'm a little curious, how would you deal with those who misjudged the state of the corpse during the aforementioned process?"

"For those who make mistakes in their work: deduct corresponding evaluation points and performance bonuses; for murderers: implement arrests and impose corresponding penalties."

"Can you catch it?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Peacock was unwilling to answer this question.

"Okay." Yan Lvge shrugged, apparently stopped asking, and began to dissect the fourth corpse in front of him, but he was actually chatting with Bailu.

"In the Maurya Dynasty, all the dead would be sent to the corpse processing factory for unified processing." Bailu said the conclusion he had obtained from his own observations, "The so-called 'processing' means removing useful organs first—and these organs are The source of the organs sold in Duolang Shopping Mall."

(End of this chapter)

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