The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 393 Poetry: What is this? !

Chapter 393 Poetry: What is this? !

[On April 4002, 4, Shikoti Nishizawa exchanged 22 surplus points for "Carp", and the loss was -4000. 】

A line of black writing appeared on the "Original Law Code".

It worked!
A certain mechanism in this ancient magic weapon was activated by the mind of the holder, and the miracle reappeared in the world.

A starlight escaped from the pages of the book, condensed into a ball the size of a fist, and sank into a corner in front of Shikoti.

Under the soil layer, there is light shining through, showing a strange magic circle.

In the sky and on the ground, those crumbled carp bones seemed to be suddenly inspired by the magic circle, soaring into the air, and began to whirl around the starlight.

The sudden vision attracted Yan Lige's attention, he turned his head and looked at the scene with interest.

Shikoti was even more playful, staring at the little whirlwind that appeared not far away with wide eyes in surprise: "What is this?"

Her astonishment was half genuine, not entirely fake.

Although this was the noise she made, she really didn't know how the "Original Code" would pay for the "carp bird" she exchanged.

"Let me see." Yan Luge stretched out a tentacle, poked the small wind whirl above the magic circle, but touched a hard layer.

The bone powder at the core of Fengxuan has formed a solid ball. Although the strength feels similar to that of an eggshell, it can be pierced with a little force, but at the moment his curiosity has the upper hand, and he doesn't want to destroy it forcefully.

So Yanlvge changed the experimental method, retracted the tentacles, fully opened the function of the left electronic prosthetic eye, and superimposed countless BUFFs on the right eye, and began to observe the internal situation of the cyclone.

This time I saw it clearly, but the more I looked at it, the more strange it became.

"The bone meal of these carps, under the guidance of a certain force in the center of this whirlwind, is undergoing a genetic reorganization at the micro level." Yanlvge said, "Or, life refining."

"Gene recombination? Formation of life?" Shikoti was attracted by his words.

She had no doubt heard both words, and knew the general meaning.

The former was learned from life science textbooks, and the latter was learned from the ancient books of the Caesar Empire.

There is a well-known spell in the alchemist's professional system called "Life Alchemy", which is mainly used to breed various beasts.

"Well, you can understand that a 'carp egg' is being born here." Yanlvge explained, "As a large-scale extraordinary species, the 'carp' has quite stable heritable genes and can be In the process of sexual reproduction, the genes of different traits of the parental individuals are recombined and passed on to the next generation.

"Although some of the gene fragments retained in these carp bones have been polluted and some have become incomplete over the past 4000 years, as long as there are enough gene fragments, there is still a chance to extract usable gene fragments and reproduce the next generation. Let the 'carp bird' reappear in the world.

"It's like scientists trying to extract DNA from dinosaur fossils and patch them together to resurrect extinct dinosaurs—theoretically, as long as the complete gene fragments can be assembled, this plan is feasible.

"That's how the circle works.

"It can extract the incomplete gene fragments of carp to breed a new 'carp', and it can also extract the gene fragments of cats and dogs to breed a 'dog-headed cat'.

"You can call it 'genetic recombination circle', or you can call it 'life formation circle', it's the same thing anyway."

It has to be said that sometimes the line between technology and supernatural power is blurred.

The only difference is the means to the end.

Scientists use a variety of gene editing tools to cut and recombine genes, while extraordinary people are usually a little more simple and rude, making a wish to the spiritual power to awaken a "life refining technique", giving up the process of exploration and reaching the result directly.

These two methods are essentially the same.

"So that's how it is." Shikoti sighed involuntarily, turned around the magic circle, and thought of another question, "So, the 'carp bird' born from this magic circle Eggs', are the 'descendants' of all ancient carps?"

"On a genetic level, yes."

Shikoti's eyes lit up slightly, and he circled the magic circle.

She stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to touch the little wind whirl above the magic circle, but she didn't dare, so she hesitated and withdrew her hand.

"You can touch it, it's not a big problem." Yan Lvge reminded kindly.

Shikoti became bolder now, and stretched out his hand to poke the little whirlwind.

She felt as if her palm had been inserted into the flowing sand, and the fine bone powder swirled by the wind hit her skin lightly, but the force was very small, not only did it not hurt, but it was a little itchy.

She kept going, and finally poked something hard.

like an eggshell.

Just when she exerted a little force with her fingertips, trying to feel the texture of the eggshell, it suddenly shattered.

The eggshell above the magic circle suddenly shattered, re-scattered into bone powder and fell to the ground.

Even the magic circle stopped, and the whirlwind disappeared.

Skoti: "..."

Yanluge: "..."

Shikoti withdrew her hand in a flash, covering her fingers in horror: "I couldn't have poked it, did I?!"

Yanluge paused for a second: "No, there shouldn't be. The 'Carp Egg' has already been born."

He stretched out a tentacle, pushed aside the bone meal on the ground, and rolled something from the thick layer of off-white powder with the tip of the tentacle.

His movements were extremely fast, and the things he picked up were so small that Shikoti didn't even see what he picked up.

"Open your hands." Yan Lige said to Skoti.

Shikoti did as he was told.

Yanluge put the "Carp Egg" in Shikoti's hand.

Shikoti widened his eyes, and finally saw a sesame-sized, transparent, round object in his palm.

This thing is so small that Skoti couldn't help but marvel at Yanluge's eye sharpness and tentacle dexterity—she had never seen such a thing in a pile of bone meal, and felt that it was difficult to use such a big one Root tentacles pick it up in the dirt.

Shikoti: "...What is this?!"

Yan Luge: "Obviously, it's a fish roe."

"No, no, what I mean is, why would a fish roe pop out after a burst of cool special effects!" Shikoti was obviously a little puzzled, "I thought the 'carp egg' was an egg after all! "

"Because a carp is a fish, even if it has wings and is called a 'carp', it is still a fish in essence." Yan Luge said naturally, "So the 'carp egg' is of course fish roe, Any questions?"

"...From what you said, it seems that there is no problem."

"By the way, haven't you seen carp flocks in the illusion? You don't know how carp reproduce?"

"I've only seen the scene where the carp king violently beat up his fellows and sterilized them, but I haven't seen them lay eggs... No, the process of laying eggs!"


(End of this chapter)

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