The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 390 Carp Bird: Ultimate Killer

Chapter 390 Carp Bird: Ultimate Killer
The last scene of "Oath Narrative" is the final battle that Shikoti has heard countless times.

Under the double protection of the "Original Code" and the weakening of perception, she barely saw the true face of the "filthy beast".

It was a bloated, ugly, filthy behemoth.

At first it looked like a gigantic elephant, with limbs and tusks, but the tumorous bones in its body proliferated, eventually bursting through its flesh, tearing huge, rotting wounds in its skin, Let their flesh and blood look like clothes hanging from the skeleton, while the real body is a bloated bone tumor monster.

On the opposite side of it is Mangura Caesar, who is holding a broken knife and is full of scars.

Facing the alien species dozens of times his size, the last emperor of the extraordinary country did not show the slightest sign of shrinking, but stood proudly, crossing the broken knife in his hand.

Only a quarter of the knife in his hand is left, and the remaining three quarters are stuck on the back of the filthy beast——it cuts down from top to bottom, cutting half of the filthy beast The spine finally got stuck on a huge bone tumor and broke.

They have been fighting for a long time.

The battered beast of filth cried out in pain: "Mi maras inter malpuraj ostoj."

Following its prayers that seemed to be talking to itself and shouting, more bone tumors emerged from the body of the filthy beast, filling up the severed wound on its back.

Apart from becoming more monstrous and hideous, it looked as if it had not received any trauma.

"A thing like you deserves to be called a 'god'?" Mangula sneered, "You are a god, then I will kill the god!"

He stretched out two fingers and wiped along the broken knife.

At the same time, a starlight flashed in front of Mangula, condensing into a black leather book that seemed real and illusory.

Mangula's fingers brushed lightly over the edge of the blade, and he uttered a difficult syllable in ancient Caesar's voice: "Vasa, scorching knife."

The black book is automatically opened, and new text is automatically written under the densely packed interactive items.

[On December 1, 12st year of Nishizawa's previous calendar, Mangula Nishizawa used 3 surplus points to restore the magic weapon "Scorching Knife", at a loss of -9900250000. 】

Starlight flickered where Mangula's fingers passed, and the broken long knife actually grew and repaired automatically, and red and black hot flames ignited at the edge of the blade, turning into a scorching knife that was intact.

But his actions and words did not stop.

"Vesa, heal."

Starlight shone on his body, and all the scars were repaired.

[On December 1, 12st year of Nishizawa's previous calendar, Mangula Nishizawa exchanged 3 surplus points for recovering from his own injuries. The loss was -85000000. 】

His enemies are unkillable monsters, but so is he.

Shikoti, who was on the sidelines, endured the pain of being attacked by the pollution force, her eyes widened suddenly, and she forgot about the intermittent broadcast.

She actually saw the "Original Code"!
She actually saw the real usage of the "Original Code" in the "Oath Narrative" formed by the "Original Code"!

She finally knew what the profit points on the title page of this book were for, and she also knew what the ancient Caesar word "Vesa" meant.

The former is like a virtual currency that can be exchanged for everything, while the latter is the ultimate secret order to open the road to exchange.

"Deals and oaths are what you Caesars are good at." ——So that's it!I see!

They get double benefits from various actions such as transactions and contracts, one is in kind and the other is profit, and the latter can accumulate sand into a tower to bring them even more powerful power!
The figure of the filthy beast on the battlefield flickered, and jumped into the void in the next second.

"Vesa, the journey to heaven."

The starlight condensed under Mangula's feet, turning into a silver-gray road leading to the sky.

[On December 1, 12st year of Nishizawa's previous calendar, Mangula Nishizawa exchanged 3 surplus points for the spell "Tianlu", and the loss was -100000000. 】

In "Oath Narrative", Mangula ran wildly along the sky, smashed the barrier between space and space, ran into the void, and rushed in front of the filthy beast that was performing space jump.

The giant beast moved and flashed in the void, but the end of the journey followed it all the time, firmly bound to its body like a chain.

"I got you," he said.

The flaming scorching knife cut down, pierced into the body of the filthy beast, and dragged it down all the time.

The giant beast screamed and roared, and the bone tumors on its body continued to proliferate and explode, blasting Mangula into bruises all over his body, but the latter tightly clenched the knife in his hand, refusing to relax or retreat.

They rolled in the void, like two immortal beasts, constantly causing fatal damage to each other, and constantly healing themselves.

In this frantic tussle, they began to fall.

"Do you want to escape?" Mangula smiled silently, "but will I let you escape?"

They kept falling in the void, falling, and finally tore through the space barrier, falling into a shallow subspace.

"Mi maras inter..."

"To shut up!"

Using the recovered gravity and impact, Mangula tore a huge gap in the body of the filthy beast, and he also got into its body along the gap.

The burning scorching knife penetrated its body, smashed its internal organs, smashed more than half of its bone tumors, and nailed it to the ground from the inside out.

The body suffered unprecedented terrifying damage, but the filthy beast let out a scream that seemed to be excited.

"You, lost, human, human." The filthy beast, which seemed to only read prayers, uttered human words.

Those dense and expanding bone tumors suddenly turned in the opposite direction, and began to shrink and move inward at an extremely fast speed, sealing the crack on the top of Mangula's head in an instant, and continued to shrink and squeeze inward.

Mangula's entry into its body was the biggest failure.

This means that he actively entered the cage and it is difficult to escape, and it only needs a simple and rough squeeze to hurt him again and again until the opponent's weird recovery ability is exhausted.

But Mangula just turned the pages of the book with his consciousness, and turned the last remaining points into combat power: "Vesa, the space is confined."

As the starlight fell, a transparent sphere unfolded from under his feet, turning into a cage, sealing off the space around him.

And just rightly brought the filthy beast into it.

[On December 1, 12st year of Nishizawa's previous calendar, Mangula Nishizawa exchanged 3 surplus points for the spell "Space Confinement", and the loss was -120000000. 】

This spell sealed his own space ability, and also temporarily sealed the space perception of the filthy beasts, making them unable to escape through space jumps in a short period of time.

Here he crucified the beast of filth.

Immediately, Mangula's body was squeezed by bone tumors coming from all directions, and was on the verge of being broken.

There was mixed blood flowing from his mouth, but he was laughing: "Dirty bastard, I just want you...not to be able to run away!"

Outside the body of the filthy beast, a group of black carps and birds were circling.

But the three-winged carp king at the head flapped its wings, let out a long cry, and rushed towards the filthy beast that was like a mountain to it.

The flock of carps rushed to the beast of filth.

They are weak.

So weak—many people think that they will be polluted and alienated into monsters just by looking at the filthy beast.

But they are also powerful.

So powerful—they subverted everyone's cognition. Not only were they not polluted for a while, but they dared to rush towards the filthy beasts one by one, biting the flesh and blood of the giant beasts, and crushing the bones of the giant beasts.

"Haha, hahaha——" Mangula, who seemed to sense something, laughed out loud.

Tiny carp, weak carp.

The carps that are regarded as alchemy materials are like weeds.

They rushed forward one after another to the opponents that were impossible to defeat.

"I can't kill you... From the first time we fought, I knew that I couldn't kill you with my strength alone!"

The body of the filthy beast became dripping with blood, and even the exposed bone tumors were smashed to pieces.

Around it, there was a layer of carp corpses visible to the naked eye.

Most of these corpses have traces of contamination and mutation, but without exception, they all committed suicide before they were completely contaminated.

"But I still have a helper, hahahahaha——"

The body of the filthy beast with internal and external troubles has shrunk by a large circle.

There are more and more carp carcasses piled up around it, and it gradually looks bigger and bigger than it, almost burying it.

"The carp is the weakest extraordinary creature in this world, and it is also the most terrifying disaster beast in the world."

The foul beast's body quickly disintegrated.

It seemed to feel uneasy, and began to struggle to escape, and even tried to use its space ability to leave this place, but the Mangula in its body firmly nailed it to this place.

"One carp is nothing, but when one hundred thousand, one million, tens of millions of carp come together, even a god will be afraid." Mangula laughed wildly, regardless of his broken body, Then he pressed the scorching knife deeper into the monster's body, "You said, didn't you?
"is not it?!"

The filthy beast swallowed its last breath, and was completely motionless.

Carp corpses covered the entire warp, piled together normally or twisted, and there was no survivor.

The king of the three-winged carp had long been buried in the corpses of his clan.

Even though it is a little stronger than its kind, it is still limited. How can it survive such a crazy charge?

But it promised.

He promised to fight with that human who likes carps.

Carps have always been the most trustworthy race. When they get their favorite gemstones from humans, they will give back a drop of "Carp Tears" that takes a lot of effort to condense.

This time, they participated in a life-and-death covenant with the power of the whole family, and completed a lore against a critical god with their tiny bodies.

"Is it..." Mangula murmured.

With the last of his strength, he expelled the alien imprint released by the filthy beast into the void, and then he was unable to do anything anymore, and just quietly lost his vitality in the giant beast's corpse.

Before completely closing his eyes, the last emperor, godslayer, and descendant of the cultivation era looked at the darkness of nothingness, but his consciousness seemed to return to the midsummer courtyard many years ago.

There is bright sunshine, mottled tree shadows, and a small three-winged carp.

"I'm sorry... I don't seem to have given you anything this time."

The three-winged carp flew towards him from among the trees, but the moment it touched his fingertips, it turned into a phantom and annihilated together with him.

It's as if it never left from the beginning to the end.

——It doesn't matter.

——You never understood why I came back.

——Because this is not only your world, but also our world.


In the main space, where he and it couldn't see, at the same time, countless carps soared into the sky.

They frantically pounced on those hidden, tiny pollutants that hadn't been killed by the superhumans.Those stubborn things are hidden in the mountains and rivers, it is difficult for humans to find them, but the carps can.

Every attack will cost countless casualties, but they are willing.

——for our world.

They cry out silently and swarm toward death.

But no one can understand their words anymore.

Occasionally, people who saw this scene asked curiously: "Are these carps crazy?"

"Yes, they are crazy." Someone replied.

It was not until a long, long time later that someone was surprised that the carps on this land seemed to have disappeared together with the pollutants.

They seem to be really crazy.


Skoti breaks away from "The Pledge Narrative".

She looked up.

Tears were streaming down my face.

(End of this chapter)

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