The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 353 Taling No. 1 Expresses Fear

Chapter 353 Taling No. 1 Expresses Fear

"Really? Last time I thought the runes of 'Tiantian Tower' were quite primitive, but I didn't expect them to be so primitive." Yanluge smiled.

The Venerable Atomic Energy slowly put away the bamboo slips, handed them to the mechanical servants who followed him, and said seriously: "But according to your method, two-thirds of the Tongtian Tower needs to be demolished and rebuilt, and the space symbols must be redrawn." arts.

"It's going to be a pretty massive project."

The "quite huge" of the Atomic Energy Venerable is a euphemism.

Because currently the only person who has mastered the "spatial perception" is Yan Lvge, so he is the only one who can redraw the space runes himself.

This is a lot of work.

"I know, this can't be done in a short while."

"I guess so." The Atomic Energy Venerable used the new words he had just learned, "Then the card bug you mentioned, is it related to these?"

He looked at Yanlvge with interest.

Although Yan Lige said a lot just now, it is all related to changing space runes and improving the efficiency of spiritual power usage.

These can only be called "optimization", but they are not at the level of cheating "card bugs" - the Venerable Atomic Energy understands the meaning of this word accurately in combination with the context.

"Of course it's related." Yan Lvge said.

He turned his head to look at the three-dimensional shallow runes painted on the wall, and felt the four-dimensional deep runes for a moment through "spatial perception".

"What is a rune?" Yan Lige asked himself and answered, "A rune is a special technology. A transcendent engraves it on a magic weapon, and copies a false will 'artificial mind', thereby deceiving the soul. The attachment of power enables the magic weapon without self-will to simulate and exert extraordinary abilities.

"But the fake ones are fake after all. The deception of spiritual power by the 'artificial mind' is one-time. Once the ability is used, the attached spiritual power will automatically dissipate—that's why the magic weapon needs to be constantly replenished and consumed. New spiritual power.

"Extraordinary people are different. Their wills are real, and the spiritual power attached to them is difficult to lose unless the will dies. Therefore, after awakening, they can use supernatural powers almost unlimitedly without additional repurposing. Supplement spiritual power.

"This is the essential difference between a transcendent and a rune weapon."

Yan Lige turned his head and looked at the Venerable Atomic Energy: "Let's go back to the first sentence I said - the rune is a simulation of the will of the extraordinary.

"Simulation - aha - so, 'Babel Tower' is a magic weapon that simulates high-level 'spatial perception' ability and can use space angle technology.

"And I have the original version of 'Spatial Perception'. Although the level is quite different and the range of perception is much worse, it is not difficult to understand part of it.

"My lord, guess what, can I embed my 'spatial perception' into the operation of Tongtian Tower, replace and modify the functions of some of the runes, and continue to complete the work of space jumping?"

The Venerable Atomic Energy was stunned by Yan Lvge's unconstrained imagination.

Yan Luge's idea is roughly that - he dislikes a train that runs too slowly and consumes fuel, so he not only optimizes the track and optimizes the mechanical structure, but also cuts off half of the locomotive, and then rushes up to drag it with the other half of the locomotive Keep going with the train...

In this way, the speed is increased and the fuel is saved, because the person who is dragging the train does not need money...

But is this really something humans can do?

Such a precise and complicated rune has its own set of logic when it operates.

Even if there is a transcendent with the same ability as it, can it really take on part of its work?
It’s like a supercomputer is calculating a super complex model, half of the calculation is suddenly cut off and the rest of the calculation is handed over to a person, and the person calculates for a while and then returns it to the computer, just like this back and forth seamlessly , until all the answers are calculated... and faster and better than the computer itself.

"Can you do it?" The Atomic Energy Venerable was suspicious.

Yan Luge laughed loudly: "Of course I can!"

This job really depends on him!

You know, his title of supernatural ability application technology ceiling is not covered.

Otherwise, why did he come here in a hurry just after he got the "spatial perception" and didn't even return to the island.

Isn't it just to show off your skills and challenge the limit operation?
With a somewhat joyful mood, Yan Lvge flew up and kicked towards a stone wall covered with space runes somewhere.

The huge force fell on the stone wall of the Tongtian Tower, kicking the 4000-year-old ancient cultural relic out of a big hole, and even the precious ancient runes were destroyed and peeled off one after another.

The urgent voice of Taling No. 1 sounded in Tongtian Tower: "Warning, some runes have been detected to be damaged.

"Warning, watch 'You have to change my name today or I'll tear down your tower, pick out your runes and grind all your bricks into ashes and throw them into the sea' is destroying 'Babel' .

"Warning, calling for guards.

"Failed, the guardian did not answer.

"Warning, the guardian is being called again..."

Yanlvge ignored the noise of Taling No. 1 at all, picked another problematic rune node, and kicked violently again: "Well said, I will praise you today!"

The sound of Tarling 1 disappeared.

It seems that some of its functional nodes were destroyed by this kick, so that it lost its sound instantly.

A few seconds later, the broken rune lit up again, and the voice of Taling No. 1 seemed to have a strange noise: "Negative, re-checking the priority...Confirmed, the 'Final Command' has the highest priority.

"Confirmed, according to the authorization of the 'final order', 'you today'...

"...Visitors have the right to use and modify the Tongtian Tower in any way."

It seemed to have realized that the person in front of him really dared to praise it for a disagreement, and the words he said were even a little weaker.


After planning the way of the card bug, the next step is to determine the candidate to go to the subspace "the place where the battle ends".

The venerable atomic energy is definitely going, and those who study the three parts can also bring it along.

Yu Chen and Cheng Xiaoyuan should be interested in this place, tell them to come together.

Jiang Changhai is currently in the Nishizawa Empire. By the way, let's take the Minister of Intelligence to open his eyes.

If An Luoyang is free, call him to come with him. After all, there are many delicious extraordinary creatures in that subspace. As the head of the logistics department, he should get to know them.

Bella has been dumped by him several times, and if he dumps this assistant again, it's time for him to use his photo to practice bayonets. She can't be left out this time.

Caroline's little Charmander with an out-of-character personality should like this kind of adventurous occasion very much, so let her come along.

A few people from the action team have come together...

Yan Lvge happily circled the candidates...and found that there were quite a lot of people, enough to form a large tourist group.

Some people are currently in the Nishizawa Empire, but with the financial resources of the director, it is trivial to charter a flight for them to come here.

And except for the personnel of the Blackstone Research Institute, the rest...

Yan Luge's eyes fell on the last name he wrote down, and he fell into deep thought.

The eldest daughter of the emperor of the Caesar Empire, the chief of the extraordinary organization "Babel Tower", and the legal owner of the historical building of the Babel Tower, Shikoti Caesar.

(End of this chapter)

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