The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 342 Another Version of the Story 1

Chapter 342 Another Version of the Story 2
"After leaving his gathering place, I was still wandering in the wasteland, a lone traveler living for myself.

"It seems like nothing has changed.

"Occasionally, I would hear his name and this gathering place that was becoming famous.

"They say he is a 'saint', the only savior of the wasteland, one of the very few who is willing to shelter the homeless unconditionally.

"His gathering place has never launched a foreign war, and most of the resources are obtained through transactions, and he is also one of the few people who can go to the territory of the demon clan and the spirit clan to do business.

"Most of his followers share the same belief. They are rare good people in the wasteland. If they are in danger, they can ask them for help, and most of them will agree.

"He has maintained a good relationship with several other gathering places, and those who usually fight hard are willing to trust him.

"Sometimes I feel that this person is really a breath of fresh air in the dark age. If there were more people like him, maybe the world would not be like this. If I met him in the first place, maybe I would will live in a different way.

"But I never thought about going back, not even once.

"At that time, I already knew that this world is doomed to destruction. Gods walk on the earth, and the power of pollution expands disorderly. Today's prosperous and prosperous gathering place may be destroyed and swallowed tomorrow. We are all lingering beasts. You If you want to spread the embers of civilization, go ahead and spread it, but it's none of my business? I can live well by myself.

"I kept wandering like this until one day—under the pressure of the extreme environment and in the foreseeable hopeless future, the three tribes of human, demon and spirit miraculously united together and decided to issue a final challenge to the gods.

"—The Armageddon has begun.

"I participated in that battle. Almost all the living creatures participated in that battle either actively or forcedly.

"As you know the ending, we failed.

"The coalition forces were destroyed, and the extraordinary people on the front line died one by one, but I was the one who managed to escape.

"I went to the center of the Chapter where the Saints are. It used to be the core of their gathering place, but now it's become a tainted place.

"He and his followers will die there.

"I found the 'Saint' and told me that I could take him away, but only him, because the 'space jump' I just learned can only take one person away.

"But I actually lied to him.

"My ability has always been prepared for myself. I can only guarantee that I will leave safely. The only result of taking another person is that one person will be cut into pieces by the turbulence of the void.

"But I think I should be able to locate the landing point before he dies, so that he can escape safely.

"I'm ready to exchange my life for another, maybe because he is the only one who saved me and didn't ask for anything in return, so I'm willing to give back all the lives I owe him.

"But he refused.

"He chose to stay, guard the last homeland and subjects, and die together.

"And I...he asked me to take all the inheritance, resources, and extraordinary courses of the 'saint' to fly away. If there is a chance in the future, he will help him find an heir. If there is no chance, then forget it.

"The second time I left without looking back. That's when I realized that what I owed him would never be repaid.

"I was far away, watching the last isolated island fall little by little, and saw that there was no sign of life there. After many years, I went back there and found that there was nothing but pollutants in the ruins of the town. No left. No miracle happened.

"I tried to avenge them, but there is always a god in that place. I tried many times, but I couldn't kill it until the end.

"I've tried to find an heir for him, but in the ashes of the ages, I've never met a man like him who could afford a 'saint' legacy.

"Until the time of my death, I still haven't done it.

"—that's the whole story, White Hart."


"I really didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to turn back time and travel through rebirth. But since I have come, let's finish some things that I haven't done before."

In the warm season of early spring, the boy curled up on the soft lazy sofa, basking in the sun and teasing the cat, and in a gentle tone, he narrated the past that he had never revealed.

When he narrated, his tone was calm and leisurely, as if he was telling a fairy tale for children. In the story, there is no madness, killing and death. Good people are rewarded and bad people are saved.

But in fact it is quite the opposite.

Although Yanlvge didn't use any fierce, violent, or cruel words, it just described everything that happened in a plain, straightforward, and calm manner, but the darkness and despair hidden between the lines made Bailu feel ashamed. Heart palpitations.

... When he was first used and traded as a tool, he probably didn't care as much as he does now.

...When he became a cold, selfish fanatic who didn't believe in anyone, he probably wasn't as understated as he is now.

... When he met the only friend in his life but turned away twice, he probably didn't do as he pleases now.

... When he tried to take revenge and try to find an heir but failed to do anything, he was probably not as indifferent as he is now.

All the suffering, all the loneliness, all the cries, all the grief, all the nostalgia, all the unwillingness, were perfectly hidden by him under that faint smile, as if he really didn't care anymore.

No one knows how he did it.

It was as if no one knew how he could endure the waves of pain, and remained silent even after being tortured to such an extent by the imprint of the alien species.

Now Bailu understands...he is probably just used to forbearance, and will not show a weak posture in front of anyone.

"Okay, I've finished listening to the story." Yan Lvge smiled while holding his cheek, "Little White Deer, what score do you give this time?"

Bailu entered the computing state.

The algorithm of the mental health status verification model is very complicated, but one of the most important judgment principles is logic.

Intelligent life is complex and changeable, but it is also full of logic, and any behavior can always find a precondition.

If a good old man who has nothing to do with the world suddenly kills someone, then he "may be mentally polluted"; but if he kills an enemy who ruined his own family, then he is "normal".

If a murderous demon suddenly becomes a Buddha, he "may be spiritually polluted"; but if he is influenced by a saint and decides to change his ways, then he is "normal".

Although people's minds are different, there are certain commonalities in normal psychological changes, and most of the psychological changes caused by mental pollution deviate from the commonalities.

Psychologists in Yanluge's previous life quantified this, and finally came up with a general model to detect mental pollution—a mental health test model.

Bailu didn't know much about Yanlvge's past before, and he thought that he had "serious psychological problems that may induce mental changes" based on just one sentence, but now that Yanlvge has taken the initiative to complete the cause and effect, she can no longer choose 0.865 arbitrarily. Points will be deducted for the overrun factor.

And in a new round of calculations...

Bailu came to a conclusion with some discomfort: "Your mental test score is 99 points, which is a 'normal' state."

Not only did he pass, but the score was actually so high!
It's outrageous!
(End of this chapter)

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