The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 338 How about this chapter?

Chapter 338 How about this answer?
"The two options you just gave are too unequal." After Li Chongshan left, the personified AI Bai Lu couldn't help complaining, "Except for Li Chongshan, a fool, normal people know that they should choose the second one.

"Most people outside of the Blackstone Research Institute have never even seen a Transcendent course, let alone a complete Transcendent career path, not to mention that you have made such a promise..."

Yan Luge put his hands behind his head and smiled lazily: "I did it on purpose."

"Why did you give him such a choice?" Bai Lu was curious, "Is it the final test?"

Yan Luge didn't answer but instead asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Feeling." The personalized AI with data and logic at its core said a rather idealistic word, "You hope to find a person who is kind-hearted, compassionate, and unmoved by interests."

"Yes, I hope so much." Yan Lige didn't deny it, just smiled, "So after he chose the first one, I gave him two gifts together.

"And if he chooses the second one, then he can only get another set of extraordinary courses...not the person I'm looking for, and it's useless to give him that set of extraordinary courses."

Children make choices, adults want them all.

"Is there anything special about the Transcendent course you gave him?" Bailu checked the Transcendent course corresponding to this key, "Specialized route Transcendent profession, 'saint'?"

Yanlvge seemed to be in a good mood, so he didn't refuse to answer some questions: "It's an inheritance left by a friend of mine. I'm going to find a suitable heir for him."

"Is Li Chongshan the right heir?"

"I don't know, let him try. Anyway, even if it fails, no one will jump out of the coffin and beat me."

"..." Bailu was speechless for a moment.

She felt great irresponsibility from Yan Luge's words.

Is this really a friend?
But no matter what, those who are qualified to be called "friends" by the boss... Bailu suddenly had an idea.

She suddenly asked: "Is your friend from the previous era?"

Yan Luge raised his eyelids: "You actually talked about 'that era' with me so definitely... Oh, by the way, I didn't block you when I told the Venerable about my time travel."

So oh, rounding up means that there is another "person" who has confirmed his details.

Although he didn't deliberately hide it, for some reason, even if he guessed it, many people would not come to him for interviews and verification, and they seemed to tacitly acquiesce that this was his "secret".

When Bai Lu talked about this topic now, his attitude was a little subtle.

Yan Luge actually finds this fascinating, because he really doesn't take his own origin too seriously.

So when the Venerable asked him, he said it very frankly, and now when Bailu asked him, he answered it very casually.

"It's from that era." Yan Lvge said, "So you haven't seen it...and you won't see it again."

"What kind of person is he?"

Yan Luge didn't answer but instead asked, "What? Are you curious about him?"

"Yes." Bailu said softly, "I thought you should be a lone traveler in 'that era', but I seem to be wrong. I want to know where I was wrong."

The White Deer existed in the early days of the establishment of the Blackstone Research Institute, when Yan Lvge's body was even a little kid a few years old.

It can be said that she grew up with Yanlvge. During the process, she gradually perfected herself and gradually realized what kind of person Yanlvge is.

She clearly knew how independent this guy Yan Lvge was.

He has no common language with his peers at all; his relationship with his subordinates is fixed in the relationship between employees and bosses;

When he makes a decision, he will not discuss it with them, and often acts after thinking about it by himself; he will not talk to them when he encounters difficulties, and often only finds a way to solve it by himself; He will only hide and endure and lick his wounds alone; he is not interested in sharing with them when he has achieved success, and often just laughs at himself.

He doesn't need "friends" to discuss, help, comfort, encourage, and applaud. He lives as if he has broken away from the concept of "human beings live in groups", as if he can walk to the world alone even if the world is destroyed before his eyes. at last.

Cattle and sheep are in herds, and beasts walk alone.

Considering that the boss completed his personality shaping in "that era", Bai Lu felt that Yan Lvge should have been a complete loner in his previous life, which formed his current style of behavior that is too self-aware.

I didn't expect him to have a "friend".

"...No, you guessed right." Yan Lvge smiled casually, "When I said he was my friend, I just said it casually.

"I often call people brothers and sisters one second, and backhanded him the next second.

"If you do this kind of thing too much, you will not believe anyone, and you will think about how to guard against people's schemes every day.

"'That era' was much crueler than the present one. Who do you think I can become true friends with?"

Bailu believed this.

In the previous battle, although Yan Luge kept calling the evil spirit an old cunt, in Bai Lu's eyes, it seemed that her boss was more cunning.

The evil spirit prepared one hole card after another like a mille-feuille cake, and was beaten back one by one by the director Yan expressionlessly. In the end, he was forced to sacrifice himself, but he still couldn't win...'s pretty miserable.

What's even more exaggerated is that Bailu didn't even see many of Yanlvge's precautionary operations, and only realized it after the statistical analysis.

Boss, the name of the ceiling of human combat power is really not covered, even her personified AI who calculates tens of millions of data per second has to bow her head and study hard, try to summarize and imitate a combat auxiliary module as soon as possible.

If you don't have a wealth of Yin people experience, ordinary people can't do this.

"But I still think that someone who can be called a 'friend' by you must impress you." Bailu said stubbornly.

There is actually no basis for this judgment, and it is more like some kind of emotional intuition than the rationality, data, and logical analysis she has always relied on.

"It's really not like you can ask, Bailu." Yan Luge's voice was still smiling, but there seemed to be something deeper and colder hidden under the smile, "But I can answer your question.

"That guy is a cowardly, stupid, worrying, good guy...probably the only nice guy I've ever seen in that era.

"He saved me and sheltered me when I was weak, but I ended up throwing him in the warp full of pollutants and watching him die.

"I was thinking about finding an heir for him because I promised him.

"—how about this answer?"

 This volume will be completed by the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

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