The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 333 "Space Jump"

Chapter 333 "Space Jump"

The space door opened by the "Two-Headed Snake" at the end did not set the space coordinates of the landing point - it may be because there are no suitable coordinates, or it may be because it does not want Yanlvge to have a chance to live.

So, it threw the small space it cut out into the endless void, into the high-dimensional space with nothing but turbulent flow.

It is impossible for a low-level transcendent without "spatial perception" to escape from the turbulent flow of the void, and can only curl up in this place with no resources, die desperately in hunger and thirst, or gradually die due to lack of oxygen. asphyxia.

Li Ge couldn't even wait for that time...he was injured too badly.

Those space blades that are death on touch chopped off his two feet back and forth, tore a large piece of his skin, cut off half of his shoulder and part of his lung, and cut open his spleen, causing his blood to dwindle. Drained... These wounds are fatal.

It's just that Yan Luge is really tolerant. Not only has he remained absolutely calm and sober, he has never screamed from the beginning to the end, and even his movements of moving and dodging have not changed in the slightest.

But being able to endure doesn't mean that he can't feel the pain and the harm. In fact, Yan Lvge knows better than ordinary people what these injuries mean.

It means that ordinary doctors can't save him, and even extraordinary doctors and his self-healing ability can't cope with such a scene.

As it stands, he will last another ten hours at most before dying of blood loss, pneumothorax, cardiac arrest, etc., before suffocating.


Yan Luge showed a ruthless look, spread out the flexible phantom limbs and tentacles, and placed herself on the ground, completely ignoring the severe pain of the wounds all over her body contacting the rough ground.

After all, compared to what he was going to do later, this little pain right now was just an appetizer.

He rolled the black alien imprint with his tentacles, brought it to his mouth, and swallowed it without hesitation.

This is the third time he tried to devour the alien imprint.

The first time was "Capricorn", the second time was "False Man", and this time it was "Two-Headed Snake".

The terrifying power of pollution attacked him from the inside out with extreme pain.

Yan Luge tensed his body all of a sudden, stretched his neck as if wanting to let out an instinctive howl, but in the end he remained silent without making any sound.

It is a pain beyond human limits.

It is difficult for intelligent life to fight against the power of pollution, often because it is too painful.

Whether it's knife wounds, fires, broken bones, cramps... any pain is less than one ten-thousandth of being polluted and twisted.

Yan Luge had suffered such a serious injury, and felt severe pain all the time, but when the pollution power soaked into his body, he couldn't feel anything.

It's like being pricked by a needle on your finger. It hurts at first, but then someone pierces your palm with a dagger. How can you care about a small needle prick in the blood?

The same goes for the feeling of being polluted.

All sentient beings will instinctively want to escape this pain, and together with the idea of ​​escaping, they will be attracted by the supreme sense of relaxation and pleasure, and degenerate into frantic and chaotic pollutants.

But that means you lose, you're about to become one of them.

Yan Luge trembled and endured.

The wound on his body that was no longer bleeding began to turn gray and black, as if he had been poisoned, and gradually turned into black flesh and blood similar to the "two-headed snake".

The part below his waist began to mutate, his pelvis was shattered and reorganized, his legs twisted and grew, slowly changing towards the shape of a snake's tail.

The middle of his ribs on both sides of his chest began to break, and the internal organs in his body were torn to both sides, as if being torn apart alive by a pair of giant hands, and slowly split into two snake heads.

The heterogeneous imprint hidden in his body, which is the combination of "Capricorn" and "Two-headed Snake", also moved restlessly, colliding, fighting, annexing, and merging with the "Two-headed Snake", giving the word law While the song brought great pain, it also added more inhuman traces to his body.

Thick horns grew from his forehead, and pale human faces emerged from his torn chest.

He is slowly being tainted into a new xenomorph.

But in contrast, the fine wounds on his body caused by the blade of space are healing rapidly, or they may be distorted into other shapes—in short, there is no need to worry that he will die because of these injuries anymore.

Pollutants are things that are neither alive nor dead, and they are becoming such things.

And that's what he wanted.

Yanluge was immersed in the inhuman pain, maintained an absolutely clear consciousness, and almost cruelly embraced the torture brought by him.

It was unbearable, but it didn't seem so unbearable.

He moved his head slightly, forcing the "life mimicry" in his body to continue devouring and analyzing the alien imprint, and at the same time made the first sound since swallowing the alien imprint-a hoarse sneer.

He's kind of used to it.

Or rather, he should have gotten used to it.

He has been dealing with pollution forces in his previous life, and he has countless memories related to pain and endurance. Even after swallowing the "Swallowing Elephant" imprint, he is breaking new records every day.

So no big deal.

Compared with the physical pain, the real challenge is still behind... that is spiritual pollution.

The distortion brought about by the power of pollution is all-round, and the most terrifying thing is not the mutation of the body, but the distortion of the spirit.

Chaotic and difficult prayers sounded in his ears over and over again, pointing to an indescribable monster, and his will would be pulled down by this irresistible force, torn apart and kneaded into something else.

He would no longer be him, he was becoming a devoted fanatic of the thing, and then the thing itself.

He could clearly feel his own changes, and clearly felt that he was losing his humanity little by little.

When devouring the "Capricorn" imprint, he injected a large amount of spiritual potion to get rid of the pollution power.When devouring the imprint of the "false man", he fell into a frenzy and devoured countless extraordinary creatures to suppress the spiritual pollution.

But now he was imprisoned in a small space with nothing, so he could only rely on his own will to resist.

He wants to kill.He wants to believe in gods.

He wants to destroy.He wants to be them.

he thinks……

The polluting power is getting deeper and deeper, making the words and songs almost inhuman, and dyeing those eternally rational eyes with crazy colors.

For a moment, he seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and began to writhe and struggle.

But this small space is really too small, he moved a little, and the huge proliferating snake tail hit the edge of the space, and was mercilessly torn apart by the turbulent flow of the void.

As a result, Yanlvge's will gained a moment of clarity, and then slowly fell into frenzy as the wound healed and grew.

However, at the moment when he was about to lose himself, Yan Lvge slammed into the edge of the space again without hesitation, using the trauma to restore himself to a brief sobriety.

This feeling will not be too pleasant... But he didn't hesitate at all.

In his bones, he has always been a guy who is cruel to others and himself.

Perhaps it was the experience of living in the wasteland in the previous life that created his viciousness; maybe only those who are so vicious are qualified to survive in the wasteland.

In such a cyclical process, Yanlvge still inevitably fell into the abyss of heavy pollution, and even slowly crossed that line.

Ordinary life has long been completely polluted by should, but he just kept a sliver of clear will in such pain.

He knows what he wants.

A person like him would not swallow a foreign imprint for no reason, nor would he put himself in danger unprepared.

From the start, he knew what he was doing.

Thus, Yan Lvge suddenly opened his eyes that had been closed tightly under the condition of being so deeply polluted that it was almost hopeless.

Amongst the various polluting forces, he caught what he wanted.

"Spatial Perception".

An extraordinary ability that only high-level extraordinary people can obtain, is also a strange power that aliens have the opportunity to possess.

The "Two-Headed Snake" has spatial perception, and Rhyme has swallowed its alien imprint, and has been polluted to an extremely deep level.

Under this level of pollution, he can almost be regarded as a new alien species, and he can use the space ability of the "two-headed snake" as a matter of course.

Power is just power.

Will can be used to harness spiritual power, and it can also be used to control polluting forces.

Under the control of her strong will, Yanlvge unfolded this newly acquired ability, and outlined complex lines of runes in a high dimension.

One end of the line is connected to the small space where you are, and the other end of the line extends out and lands somewhere in the main space.

"Space Jump".

Yan Luge's figure suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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