The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 325 Humans Never Give Up Fighting

Chapter 325 Humans Never Give Up Fighting
"Prayer is a weapon that a few mortals can master, and it is used to fight against extraordinary creatures." Yan Lige suppressed the erosion of the pollution force, and said in an almost cold voice, "Even if you are a weak person who can't carry it on your shoulders Chicken, as long as it is not afraid of death and has a mouth to read prayers, it can kill or even kill a high-level transcendent."

Yes, a weapon, although the prayer contains terrible pollution power, it is also an excellent weapon.

A weapon enough to allow mortals to defeat the strong with the weak.

Although Yanlvge hoped that this weapon would never be used if possible...but he also knew it was impossible.

There are not too many ordinary people with strong wills who can control prayers, but for a country, there are definitely not too few, at least there will be much more than extraordinary people.

Therefore, in Yanluge's previous life, the two periods of "resurrection of spiritual energy" and "rise of alien races" were full of wars, wars between countries, ordinary people and superhumans, human beings and spirit races and monster races. worse than one.

"Prayer" is thrown into war as a weapon, and it is usually held by ordinary people or low-level transcendental warriors, and is used to assassinate high-level transcendental beings of hostile forces.

Although after that, the superhumans killed by prayers will be corroded by the power of pollution, but the low-level pollutants are not to be feared. Transcendents continue to serve hostile forces.

It can be regarded as drinking poison to quench thirst.

Perhaps in peaceful times, everyone will restrain themselves and sign a "Treaty against Proliferation of Pollution Power". After all, the harm of pollutants is obvious to all.

But after entering the state of war, I am afraid that no one will care about all of this. This kind of power of defeating the strong with the weak and using the small to make the big is afraid that it will be used without restriction.

Just like nukes.

The abuse of prayers continued to deepen the pollution of the main space, and by the time everyone realized it, it was too late and everything was irreparable.

But what can be done?

As the person who witnessed the demise of civilization with his own eyes, Yan Lvge has a clear understanding of the horror of the pollution power, but he is not too rigid to know how to adapt.

Prayer is a weapon, try not to use it if you can, but when you have to use it, don't be cowardly.

like now.

He had no way to jump up to the helicopter a few kilometers away to fight the evil spirits, so he could only rely on Li Chongshan himself, or in other words, rely on prayers.

"Look at the lump of mud, it has shrunk to the back of the cabin, it is scared." Yanlvge calmly guided and explained on the spot, "Do you know why it is scared?

"One reason is that it also suffered a critical blow from the prayer, just like someone smashing the brain into a brain with a hammer, it was directly smashed into a cake on the wall by a prayer.

"another reason……"

Before Yan Luge finished speaking, the evil spirit at the other end of the helicopter cabin suddenly moved again.

The black mud moved in the air at an extremely fast speed, rushing towards the direction of the hatch.

It doesn't kill Li Chongshan anymore.It wants to escape.

This time, Li Chongshan yelled frantically, "Mi gardas Kapricornon."

Another round of crit attacks.

The black mud where the evil spirit was located flew back again, sticking to the cabin and wriggling, as if wanting to get as far away from Li Chongshan as possible.

And Li Chongshan really cried this time—his upper body, especially his face and arms, was covered with dense white hairs, while his lower body was a little more miserable, with his legs and leg bones completely broken and bone fragments The stab came out from the inside of the thigh, and then grew together inexplicably, hooking his legs together, blood gushed out from the wound pierced by the leg bone, and flowed all over the floor.

His image is gradually approaching the "Capricorn" image of half sheep and half fish.

As a human being, Li Chongshan seemed to die with so much blood, but because the pollution power also had an extremely powerful healing ability, he couldn't die no matter what.

But that doesn't mean it's a good thing.

Li Chongshan has seen the miserable conditions of heavy polluters in the Bauhinia Hospital.

Those heavy polluters lie on the hospital bed and cry all day long, feeling the pain of being twisted both mentally and physically, and can't relax for a moment.

Ordinary surgery can excise the mutated part of the heavy polluter, but the polluter will mutate in other parts immediately after the excision.No one can save them except spiritual power potions.

But on the other hand, those who are polluted to such an extent and still insist on it must be people who don't want to die.

Those people are like this, and so is Li Chongshan.

He felt that he was about to go crazy in pain, his throat was howling dry, and he couldn't feel anything other than pain, but unexpectedly he still didn't give up.

He maintained the last trace of his sanity and sobriety, tremblingly gripped the joystick, and tried hard to maintain the flying altitude, so as not to let the helicopter lose control.

At that time, what came to his mind was not the black mud monster that would pounce on him at any time, but a woman he saw in the Bauhinia Hospital last night.

The woman is a terminal cancer patient. Since she was first diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 15 and had her left leg amputated, she experienced four recurrences on and off, but survived each time. At the age of 20, she became a jewelry designer, opened a small jewelry shop on the side of the street, and stayed in that small shop for more than ten years.

But just half a year ago, she experienced another cancer recurrence. Unfortunately, when she found out this time, it had already spread throughout the body.She handed over the jewelry store to a shop assistant girl who was only two-thirds her age, and returned home to complete her last work while receiving painkillers.

When the pollution video appeared in her field of vision, she didn't react at all. She thought it was just an ordinary cancer pain, and she didn't realize that something was wrong until her limbs began to mutate.

She was sent to the Bauhinia Hospital, but the doctors couldn't cure her illness at all. Only Li Chongshan knew that the spiritual potion could save her.

But he is a waste, he can't get more spiritual power potion quota, and he lost the spiritual power potion he bought.

He had no choice but to hold her hand and ask her to persist.She said yes, anyway, I have persisted for most of my life, and there is nothing to be afraid of.

So she really did it, and she was tortured by the pollution force for two full months without giving up.

Five minutes after Li Chongshan injected the last spiritual potion into her body yesterday, she stood up again.

Pollution power and spiritual power showed a double miracle. This injection not only cured her cancer and missing left leg, but also turned her into a slim girl of sixteen or seventeen years old—that was the default of the cell will The best state of life.

Fate made a big joke, depriving her of her left leg at the age when she was most yearning to run, and when she chose to remain silent, gave her back the years she was missing.

Her favor comes from the fact that she never gave up fighting.

What about him?
Before, he felt that if he didn't save those people, he would despise himself for the rest of his life.

Now he feels that if he gives up here, he doesn't deserve a thank you from those people at all.

With almost chaotic thinking and blurred vision, Li Chongshan saw the Moon Gate Square in front of him.

 Thanks to "Xinghe Jieyou" for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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