The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 322 Sacrifice to the God Who Destroyed Us

Chapter 322 Sacrifice to the God Who Destroyed Us
In the blazing dragon fire, the half-human, half-dragon boy stepped on the ground with dead bones and ash, confronting the evil spirit that had been burned to the point of withering.

Inside the bones, under the plaster, the evil spirit's weak and vague voices sounded at the same time: "You—even if you guessed it, so what?
"Do you want to stop me? Prevent her resurrection?"

"It is impossible for the dead to be truly resurrected!" Yan Luge stared at it, "You should know it better than anyone else.

"Even if you pray, the 'dead' born from the corpse is a completely different thing. At most, it is just a spirit that inherits the memories of life, a marionette shaped according to your desire—"

The evil spirit said indifferently: "I know. Just because I know, I will never let her fall into such shackles, so I gave up seeking supernatural power from the very beginning..."

"So, you are ready to seek the pollution power of the gods." Yan Lige pierced his claws into the skull of the skull, crushing most of its head, and roared in a nearly roaring gesture, "'Two-headed snake'— -Is it right?"

"As expected, you know."

The two-headed snake.

The double-headed snake that Yanluge once saw in the memory of Su Er VII, the "two-headed snake".

Or, it was the god he had seen a glimpse of in his previous life, "The Two-Headed Snake".

The former is the alien race that killed the priestess on the battlefield at the end of the cultivation era, and was finally killed by King Sur VII.

And the latter...

When Yan Luge was wandering the wasteland in his previous life, he once picked up a torn page with ancient characters printed on it somewhere.

It is said to be a broken page, but it is actually a small withered yellow note, about the size of a finger, like a broken page of a newspaper or book.

There is a sentence written on the broken page: "The two-headed snake" allows himself and his lover to be born from death at the cost of destroying a nation.

Only this sentence...

Only this sentence.

God knows how this little note came to him through hundreds of thousands of years, through wars, killings, and the end of the world.

When Yan Lvge obtained the fragmented page, even the text that wrote this sentence was lost. He memorized the ghost symbols on the fragmented page with his powerful memory. This is Guti, a minority language circulating in the Nile Federation.

After understanding the content of the text, he immediately deciphered some information from it based on his experience in words and songs.

First of all, "Two-Headed Snake" is a different name.

Second, "destroying a nation" is a mythical ritual of the "two-headed snake".

Finally, the historical "two-headed serpent" completed its mythological ritual, allowing a deity "born from death" with the characteristics of "self and lover".

But beyond that, he still didn't know anything.

I don't know which era it came from, which country it came from, or which nation was destroyed by the "two-headed snake".

He could barely recover bits and pieces of information from memory and experience.

First of all, there should still be a relatively complete industrial system in that era, at least the ability to print paper products.

Secondly, the nation that was destroyed should not be the Guti tribe of the Nile Federation, otherwise they would not have had the opportunity to record this period of history in writing.

Finally... well, there is no end.

Yan Luge threw the things in his memory and guesses into the database of the Blackstone Research Institute, and set up a series of plans so that he could respond in time when the "two-headed snake" appeared in the future.

Maybe a few years later, maybe tens of hundreds of years later.

But he didn't expect that he would see the "two-headed snake" so soon, still from the memory of Su Er VII, on the historical line 4000 years ago.

Not from the plausible "two-headed snake" appearance, but from its prayers.

Mia amo kaj mi naskiis el la morto de sangaj parencoj.
The meaning of this prayer is: My love and I were born from the death of the bloodborn.

So, kill them, kill the Nile people who are connected with her blood, kill my former subjects and descendants——

Then, let us rise from the dead together—

The evil spirit's plan was to kill from the very beginning, and the essence of killing was a mythical ritual belonging to the "two-headed snake" of the alien species.

Kill all the Nile people who account for [-]% of the population in this country, and sacrifice their lives to foreign gods in exchange for rebirth of themselves and their loved ones as "two-headed snakes".

It's just that its plan was once interfered by the words and rhythms, and the overwhelming sound of new prayers restricted its behavior, making it difficult for it to carry out large-scale killings.

But it doesn't matter, as long as it hides from the world and breaks free from the chains, it can--

At this moment, Yan Lige, who had seen through everything, was almost furious: "You are crazy! You are really crazy!
"You actually want to let the power of pollution that the cultivators paid so much to clear come back to the world, you actually want to sacrifice to the gods who destroyed you, you actually want to become something that kills her!!!
"No wonder Su Er VII wants to stop you, even if it loves her as well, it must desperately stop you.

"During these 4000 years, once the power of pollution reappears, it will be a catastrophe for this world with no aura! No one or any life can survive this catastrophe!
"It's obvious that you worked so hard to save it and change the ending...

"And you—do you want to fail her, fail an era, and fail the sacrifices of all cultivators?!"

The evil spirit, with only a small piece of skull left, said in a very low voice, "I don't care."

"If your priest knows, he will definitely not want you to do this." Yan Luge said, "Stop, before everything happens. Don't let her down."

The evil spirit living in the black mud and ashes continued in a very weak voice: "I don't care."

This is its final answer.

--I do not care.

Spirits are the most paranoid and stubborn beings. They are spotless heroes when they are righteous, and unscrupulous thugs when they are evil.

When it falls in love with someone with all its heart, it will live and die for her, and commit heinous sins for her just to look back at it.

Yan Luge didn't say anything more.

He sympathized with this evil spirit that couldn't ask for it, so he was willing to give it one last chance, but he knew that most of the time, the resolute one didn't need to be saved.

He also knew that in another timeline he had experienced, the "Two-Headed Snake" had finally succeeded.

In that timeline where he did not exist, perhaps the battle between Su Er VII and the evil spirits had been going on silently in the coffin, until one day Su Er VII could no longer hold on, so the affectionate and tyrannical evil spirit broke out. Coming out of the coffin, it instantly turned the world into ghosts.

It doesn't need anyone to redeem it, and it doesn't need anyone to forgive it.

"Then—go to hell!" Yan Luge violently activated the dragon fire.

And the evil spirits express themselves with actions at the last moment.

It exploded the remaining skull, turned the black mud into a sword, and attacked Yanlvge.

But this level of counterattack only scratched the skin of Yanlu Singer, and dropped a few dragon scales from his back.

Standing on the wrecked Moon Gate Square, the half-human, half-dragon boy looked up at the sky, but his expression was not relaxed.

Because he's not over yet.

It's not without reason that this system task is rated as SS, because this old man has too many tricks!
In the flames, Yan Luge sneered: "It's a coincidence, although your love is earth-shattering, but I——mother doesn't care!"

(End of this chapter)

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