The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 32 System Task: Play 1 Telegram

Chapter 32 System Tasks: Making a Phone Call

At that time, Yanlvge was helping Yu Chen to awaken his extraordinary ability.

2nd floor (real-name user Bailu/data center supervisor)

God, such an unfortunate thing can happen.

Too bad I can't be of much help.

May God bless you and your family.

Building 3 (Anonymous user Jiang Changhai/Minister of Intelligence)
I know a friend who works at the Nautical Bureau of Sang Island, and I will check it for you.


Floor 8 (real-name user Jiang Changhai/Minister of Intelligence)
Landlord, I sent you a private message, but you didn't reply, so I will publish the information I found here.

I asked my friend to find some confidential information, which is consistent with what the cruise company told you.

The "Dawn Angel" cruise ship did not stop at Nagi Port on Sangshima Island.

The ship had already arrived near Nagi Port, but for some unknown reason, the cruise ship did not enter the port to dock, and then left.

My friend who works at the Navigation Bureau of Sang Island has limited authority and cannot find more information.But he told me that his domestic security services got involved.

I also got some news through other channels. After the "Dawn Angel" left Nagi Port, Sang Island dispatched two warships to follow it all the way.

I personally suspect that the cruise ship was hijacked before December 12, or other serious incidents occurred on it, so that the island refused entry and even alerted the security department.But for some reason I don't know, Kuangdao chose to hide these things.

If you see this reply, please contact me as soon as possible.

9th floor (real-name user Nakajima Yako/administrator of the dormitory in Building D11 of the Logistics Department)

Ah, I'm from Sang Island, so I'll help you to ask.

10th floor (real-name user Nakajima Yako/administrator of the dormitory in Building D11 of the Logistics Department)

Landlord landlord, I asked for some news, but it seems very strange.

That's the one, when the cruise ship was trying to dock at Nagi Port, a cargo ship passed by, and the sailors on the cargo ship took a photo.

I got this picture, and it's very strange, it seems that there are many sheep's heads lying on the side of the boat, looking out.

It's really strange, why are there so many sheep on the cruise ship?
(Pictured: Photos of the cruise ship taken by sailors.)
The sailor who took the photo once posted this photo on his social software, and said that he also heard the sound of a flute on the cruise ship, which was very nice.

But the photo was quickly deleted.

Later, the cargo ship that the sailor was on docked at Nagi Port, but something seemed to have happened. All the crew members were taken away by the security department, and the cargo ship was also detained.

Floor 11 (Anonymous User Xue Batian/Captain of the Second Strategic Action Team of the Field Service Department)

I looked through the entire post and smelled something weird?

The missing cruise ship, the phone call after the disappearance, the sound of the flute twice, the intervention of the security department in Sang Island, the deleted photos full of sheep, the detained cargo ship and sailors...

Can this incident be handed over to the crew of "Into the Unscientific"? (manual dog head)


15th Floor (Real-name user An Luoyang/Head of the Logistics Department)
Thank you for caring about our employees!
After investigation, this incident may involve supernatural phenomena, and it has been handed over to the Ministry of Intelligence for investigation.

The logistics department will continue to follow up and continue to pay attention to ensure the personal safety of the employees and their families in this department.

This post has been locked. If you have relevant information, you can directly contact me or the intelligence department. Thank you for your cooperation!

The last reply time was [-]:[-] this morning, about half an hour ago.

Yan Luge looked at the screen, supported his head with one hand, and tapped on the table with his fingers slightly bent.

Just like Xue Batian on the 11th floor said, the whole incident was a bit weird.

But Yanlvge is still not sure if it is a supernatural event.

But it doesn't matter, Yanlvge has a cheat.

"System, set a new goal: to determine whether there is an extraordinary force intervening in the disappearance of the 'Dawn Angel' cruise ship." Yanluge said silently.

He is using the system as a divination tool.

The information gathering ability of this system is astounding. Sometimes when he is not sure, he will ask the system, and maybe he will find a magical entry point.

But he will not trust and use the system too much, after all its origin... well, the origin is a mystery, who knows if it will suddenly trick him.

"The goal is set."

"The system is doing calculations for you based on existing resources."

"The calculation is complete."

"Generating task."

"The task has been issued."

System task: make a phone call.

Mission description: Make a phone call to Jiang Changhai, Minister of Intelligence.

Mission Difficulty: E-Class.

Task time limit: 10 seconds.

Required price: 6 yuan to 30 yuan.

Task reward: Learn about the interference of extraordinary forces in the disappearance of the "Dawn Angel" cruise ship.

Yanluge: "..."


Is there a difference if this task is posted or not?

Wait, why is the mission time limit 10 seconds?What happens if you make this call after more than 10 seconds?

Although very curious, Yan Luge immediately called Jiang Changhai.

"I saw the post about the disappearance of the 'Dawn Angel' cruise ship. This case is with you now? Is it related to extraordinary power?" Yan Lige asked straight to the point.

"Boss, I just wanted to report this matter to you. I wanted to drink this glass of water before calling, but you came here first." Jiang Changhai said with a wry smile.

Yan Luge: " drink first."

So, the ten seconds given by the system is the time for people to drink water?

After ten seconds, the task will change from "calling" to "answering the call". Is that what you mean?

The logic of this broken system is perfect, haha.

The Minister of Intelligence on the other side of the phone swallowed a sip of tea and said, "The situation is like this. After we saw this post last night, we immediately sent people to the home of the person involved, Tang Hongyin, only to find that she was taken away and her home was also taken away. It's closed, there are more than ten secret sentries nearby, and our people dare not approach."

Yan Luge was suddenly amazed: "Took away? By whom?"

"Department of Internal Affairs of Tianzhou. According to our information, after she was taken away, she was soon handed over to the intelligence department under the jurisdiction of the Armed Forces Department. We are working hard to follow up the follow-up situation." Jiang Changhai drank water again and moisturized With a hoarse voice, he continued, "According to our intelligence agent's investigation, the reason she was taken away by the because she turned into a sheep."

Yan Luge: "...Huh? What kind of magical unfolding is this?"

"We are still investigating the specific situation. But I tend to think that there is a supernatural force involved, but it is not yet possible to determine whether it is pollution or other types of forces." Jiang Changhai said cautiously, "There are also people on Sang Island A photo of a cruise ship full of sheep was taken and then deleted. The missing cruise ship was just an introduction, and the sheep and the sound of the flute, these two things may be the key to the investigation."

 Thank you "Aoxue Lingyu" for the reward, I'm a little embarrassed...

(End of this chapter)

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