The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 235 The chairman threw out a new product again

Chapter 235 The chairman threw out a new product again
Among the three waste utilization plans, the second one is a giant mutated mushroom named "Tai Sui". It is a new species independently cultivated by monks who study three microbes. It is also planted on spiritual residues. It is non-toxic and delicious, and The growth rate is extremely fast, and it can grow to half a person's height in five or six days.The taste of raw food is a bit like medium-rare steak, and it is currently the best-selling spiritual food in the cafeteria.

Yan Luge was wondering whether to sell this product as a health food. After all, the name "Tai Sui" is very festive, and ordinary people can really strengthen their bodies and prolong their lives after eating it.

The third one is a "spiritual fish" with a delicious taste and no thorns. This fish feeds on the residue of spiritual power. It is about the size of a finger and has a lifespan of only five to seven days. species.

The origin of the spirit fish is that when a certain transcendent was drinking spiritual potion by the lake, he accidentally spilled a third of it into the lake, causing a small female fish in the lake to mutate, shortening its lifespan and increasing its reproductive ability. .

On the first day, the little fish sowed 5000 seeds in the lake and hatched [-] little fish.The next day it sowed another [-] roe, and at the same time its [-] daughters who had hatched and matured also sowed more than [-] million roe...

By the evening of the third day, when someone realized that something was wrong, the small lake was already crowded with densely packed spirit fish and fish roe that almost overflowed the lake. That scene could scare a person without secret fear out of it. Secret fear.

The Blackstone Research Institute was so frightened that it urgently launched the "Act on the Prevention of Invasion of Extraordinary Biological Species", mobilized all the people who could, and checked the rivers and adjacent seas on the entire Blackstone Islands overnight. There are small lakes, and there is no spreading out.

Since then, the delicious spirit fish and caviar have become a dish in the cafeteria and the staple food of the carnivores on the island.For example, the flock of frigate birds were frantically fed to the spirit fish by the supernatural beings, almost turning them into monsters.

The transcendents set up various restrictions around the small lake, and controlled the population of spirit fish every day, keeping their overall number at around "thousands".

The spirit fish is less than ten thousand and invincible.

It is impossible to sell this spirit fish - if a female fish is accidentally lost during transportation, the entire planet's ecological circle will be waiting for extinction.

Far away.

At the board meeting, Yan Lvge seemed to be silent, but in fact he was really thinking about throwing away some more extraordinary products.

Not just to make money, but to let the general public adapt to the "unscientific" things in advance, as a preview of the extraordinary era after the recovery of spiritual energy.

He made a decision quickly.

It is impossible for "Spirit Fish" to let them leave the Blackstone Islands, but "Tai Sui" can really be sold.

After making up his mind, Yan Lvge raised his head, and calmly swept towards a group of directors: "I will find a way to increase the production of warm moss.

"In addition to warm moss, I have another very interesting new product for you to release."

The eyes of the directors brightened: "What new product?"

"I call it 'Tai Sui'." Yan Lvge briefly introduced, "Simply put, it is a health food that can strengthen the body and prolong life."

"Health food..."

Although they didn't say it explicitly, the disappointment of the directors was palpable.

the reason is simple.

There are too many "health foods" in this world, and it is a metaphysics whether most of them are useful or not. Eating them is more like taking a placebo.

Maybe it’s really a placebo—a large health care product company had a scandal involving filling capsules with flour dumplings and selling them as health care products.

Who made this field have low barriers to entry, weak supervision, and high profits?
Wild cats and dogs everywhere wanted to get involved, and finally lowered the lower limit of the entire health care product market, turning it into a stinky ditch that relies on deception and marketing for food.

When Yan Rong was still alive, he never bothered to touch the health care products market.

He would rather spend a lot of money and spend a long time to develop a new drug that is really useful, rather than sell some unhealthy things with some specious concepts.

Could it be that the new chairman intends to collect money in this not-so-clean sinking market...

The directors of Cornerstone Technology Group unconsciously felt worried.'s not necessary.

Their group's size and technical reserves are there, and they can make huge profits by relying on serious R&D and marketing, and there is no bad money at all.

But... what if the young chairman insists on his own way?

They thought about it carefully, thinking about the 81% shares held by the chairman, and then thinking about their own... It seems that they can't stop it at all.

Li Ge didn't explain anything - he actually saw the hesitation of the directors from their uncertain faces, but he didn't explain.

However, at this moment, a young director sitting at the end of the conference table, who had been keeping a low profile and silent all the time, suddenly turned on the microphone and made a clear-cut statement: "I agree with Chairman Yan's suggestion! I support the release of new products!"

The speaker was gray-haired and gray-eyed, obviously not from Tianzhou, but he spoke a standard Tianzhou language.

His age was a bit too young among the directors present, and he seemed to be of the same generation as Yan Lvge, but Yan Lvge was sure that he had not seen him at the last board meeting.

It looked like he was the successor of an old director.

The directors looked at him: "..."

Is this surrender?
Alas, today's children are really impatient.

Even if you want to surrender, it's too simple and rough, and the timing and occasion are not suitable...

Ignoring those directors who were thinking wildly, Yan Lige glanced at the young director's face and laughed.

He swiped the phone screen, switched to the backstage of the Blackstone Institute's intranet, and searched for information about "Tai Sui".

Most of them are experimental data.

The Blackstone Research Institute is a very rigorous research institute, and the third research department led by the Venerable Atomic Energy is even more outstanding.

Before putting "Tai Sui" on the dining table, they have conducted all-round experiments and tests on it, proving its safety and effectiveness with unshakable data.

Yan Luge glanced at it, picked out a few useful ones and sent them to the decision makers.

"Before objecting, you can take a look at these materials first. I will also send some samples to you later, and you can find a trustworthy team to experiment on your own." Yan Luge smiled, "I hope that when we meet next time, You will change your mind.

"Now, except for the one who just agreed with me... yes, you, the young man sitting at the back, is talking about you, you stay.

"Others, dismiss the meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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