The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 197 Monster!There are monsters! 1

Chapter 197 Monster!There are monsters! 1
When we met last time, Wang Xiaoliu's brother Wang Danian secretly told Wang Xiaoliu that the base seemed to have changed the experimental project and was researching something very dangerous. The alert level was raised three times in two months, and a group of airborne troops came to the base. The spies are catching spies in the base every day with guns in hand and eyeballs in the eye.He was a little scared, and wanted to persuade Wang Xiaoliu to wash his hands and don't come next time.

But the eldest daughter of Wang Xiaoliu's family will start elementary school next year, and the mother-in-law's belly is getting bigger again. This is both tuition and milk powder money, which makes Wang Xiaoliu anxious.He begged his brother to do it one last time.

Wang Danian agreed.

Wang Xiaoliu packed all the valuable things and looked forward to it, and finally the trading day came.

On the wasteland in the distance, the outline of the Northwest Base is already looming.

Wang Xiaoliu pulled himself together, touched his sore buttocks, and moved his stiff waist and knee joints a little.

There is a high fence in front, and the words "Military restricted area, no entry" are hung on the fence.

A little further along the fence, there will be a remote guard point with a small door to get in and out.His elder brother Wang Danian would be on duty every five days, and at this time, Wang Xiaoliu would make a big circle around the wasteland like now, and send things in there secretly.

Wang Xiaoliu soon drove to the place where they had been handing over the goods.

Looking at it from a distance, Wang Xiaoliu was startled: "Strange, is there no one standing guard today?"

As a base with a high level of secrecy, the Northwest Base is equipped with 24-hour guard duty in all warning points, and the sentries on guard stand upright like javelins. They waver.

It's not uncommon for someone to stand guard, but it's jaw dropping when no one stands guard.

Every time Wang Xiaoliu came here in the past, he would see people standing guard.

But today, no one is there.

"Brother Da Nian is really getting bolder, he even dares to run away from guard." Wang Xiaoliu muttered, turned the steering wheel, and drove towards the entrance.

However, when he got closer and saw clearly the sentry box and the "things" on it, the hairs on his body exploded, and he slammed on the brakes.

A small pile of clothes was piled on the tread of the sentry box covered with faded red cloth. It was a familiar military uniform, as if it had been taken off and thrown there casually.

The military uniform was covered with dark red blood, and there seemed to be some strange flesh and blood wrapped inside the camouflage jacket, which seemed a bit like a pig that had been left in the water for several days, with broken white bone stubble mixed with it.

And not far from the sentry box, there is a round, spherical object, red and white.

When Wang Xiaoliu saw clearly what the spherical object was, his expression changed from anticipation to panic uncontrollably.

It was a head.

A head that has been scalped and masked.

It lay quietly on the ground, its eyes had rotted, turned into thick black and white water flowing down the naked muscles on its cheeks, leaving only a pair of empty eye sockets, staring at Wang Xiaoliu blankly.

Is it Wang Danian?

Is this head Wang Danian's?

Is that dress Wang Danian's?

Are those flesh and blood organs belong to Wang Danian?
Wang Xiaoliu thought of these questions, but his thinking was in chaos, and he couldn't give an accurate answer at all.

But he came up with an obvious answer—someone died.

And the death is very cruel and curious, even those serial killers who are good at dismembering corpses in horror movies have to bow down.

Who on earth dared to kill the sentinel at the northwest base?

And who is it that has such a deep hatred for the deceased that he wants to toss the corpse into such a state before giving up?

Wang Xiaoliu couldn't figure it out, and he didn't want to.

In an instant, according to his instinct, he made a quite correct decision.

- Run away!
No matter what the murderer's background was, no matter how these stumps became like this, he thought—the farther the better, the better!

Wang Xiaoliu suppressed his nausea and fear, and quickly turned the car around. When he turned halfway, he suddenly saw something in the rearview mirror that made his hair stand on end.

That's a skin.

A gray-white human skin that looks like the dead.

Its head has only one layer of outer skin, and it has lost its human appearance, and there are squirming red threads in the empty eye sockets.

Its body is like a person crawling on all fours, but the inside is empty, without flesh, bones and internal organs, only some red network structures, like blood vessels, and bright red liquid is still flowing in the blood vessels.

It is slowly standing up from the pile of flesh and blood.

It is an unspeakable monster.

Just looking at it, Wang Xiaoliu felt pain in his eyes, as if he accidentally got pepper water into his eyes.

Although his eyes were irritated to tears, as a veteran driver with ten years of driving experience, Wang Xiaoliu quickly completed the standard movements of stepping on the clutch, shifting into gear, and stepping on the accelerator without opening his eyes.

The small truck refitted from the eliminated military vehicles sped out on the uneven wilderness road.

The eerie pollutant was treading strange steps behind him, as if dancing.It sings and dances in this frenzied gesture, uttering broken and jumbled prayers.


The sound was not loud, but it was hoarse and strange, like the piercing scream of a grinding wheel rubbing against metal.

It fell into Wang Xiaoliu's ears like a magic sound.

With a scream, he crouched down and stabilized the steering wheel with both hands desperately.


Accompanied by piercing prayers, unbearable pain hit Wang Xiaoliu, like a red-hot knife piercing into his brain and stirring.

Every time he stirred it, he felt that the skin all over his body was itchy and painful, as if the skin was involuntarily leaving his body.

He didn't know what he had encountered, and he didn't know what the human skin monster was, but he stepped on the accelerator instinctively, forcefully, and crazily.

“… min esti…”

The small truck galloped across the wilderness Gobi, shuttled between the forested stones, and the body bounced up and down, as if it would hit a stone in a second, or roll over.

But Wang Xiaoliu didn't care about it, he couldn't see clearly and couldn't hear, he still stepped on the gas pedal with all his might to survive.





Died on the way to escape, it was his bad luck.

To die in the hands of that monster is the most terrifying thing.

I don't know how long I drove it, I don't know how long I ran away, but the singing behind me finally faded away.

Wang Xiaoliu still didn't stop.

With red eyes, enduring the pain all over his body, he rushed forward numbly, fiercely and recklessly.

When he finally drove into Gray River Town, he couldn't help shouting "Monster! There's a monster!", rolled and crawled to get out of the car, and fell to the ground.

But in front of him, the familiar crowd showed terrified expressions, scattered away one after another, pointed at him from a distance, and shouted: "Monster! There is a monster!"

Wang Xiaoliu lay on the ground, turned his head, and saw his body, from the chest down, all the flesh and blood had rotted and disappeared.

In its place was a thin, empty layer of gray-white skin.

He looked at his own body and at the terrified crowd around him. His body was still in pain, but his mind became calmer.

Strange prayers flowed through my heart like musical notes.

"Mi...ajnigis... min... esti... homo."

He started singing loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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