The Reiki Era of the Powerful

Chapter 174 Is there anyone on this missile?

Chapter 174 Is there anyone on this missile?

Yan Luge changed his mind, thinking that the most likely thing he would develop black technology would be the third research department, and immediately sent a communication request.

"My lord, I want to arrive in Tianzhouhai City within 30 minutes, is there anything you can do here?"

The Venerable Atomic Energy, director of the third research department of Xianfeng Daogu, moved his fingers and sent a product manual: "This thing should meet your requirements."

Yan Luge saw this instruction manual, and the title said "Justice I" aircraft (experimental machine).

The developer of the "Justice I" aircraft is an extraordinary person whose Tao name is the real person of aerospace engineering. Like other works produced by the third part of the research, it is a product of the combination of science and extraordinary technology.

The main components of the aircraft are made of metal and machinery, but in terms of the selection of power sources, balancers, reducers and other devices, the "Justice I" has abandoned the design ideas of conventional manned aircraft and turned to the method of drawing and engraving runes. The array of propellers is used to provide relevant functions, which increases the carrying capacity while reducing the weight of the aircraft, and greatly increases the flight speed.

The experimental aircraft "Justice I" successfully designed has a self-weight of 2.3 tons and a load of 30 tons-its carrying capacity is equivalent to that of a small transport aircraft, but its self-weight is only one-tenth of a conventional transport aircraft.

What's even more amazing is its flight speed, with a maximum flight speed of Mach 20, which is six times faster than today's fastest fighter jets.

About the same speed as an intercontinental missile.

When Yan Luge saw the entity of "Type I Justice", he couldn't help but fell silent for a moment.

This thing looks similar to an intercontinental missile.

The whole is a cylindrical metal column with a slightly pointed front end and a tail fin at the rear end. The middle is hollowed out to form a cabin. There is no fuel tank, but it is powered by the rune propeller engraved on the tail—as long as there is enough It can keep flying forever.

Cold and ferocious, dark and rough, it seems that the dose of truth is very high.

"You call this an aircraft?" Yan Luge was speechless.

The designer, the aerospace engineering real person, pushed the gold-rimmed glasses and said solemnly: "In principle, it can carry people. You see, just get into this place and fix yourself."

"In principle?"

"The overload of the 'Justice I' aircraft is above 25G. Ordinary people suffer from cerebral ischemia and coma when they bear the acceleration of 5G. Those who have been trained can withstand 10G, but the acceleration of 25G is still too exaggerated for human beings, and it will kill people instantly. Kill them." The aerospace engineering real person said, "Only extraordinary people whose physical functions have been strengthened can ride it. But unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a suitable passenger yet."

Yan Luge calculated it in his heart, and realized that he seemed, maybe, probably, maybe the one who "can ride" it.

The "muscle strengthening" imitated from Xue Batian can not only enhance strength and endurance, but also effectively adjust muscle structure, strengthen blood vessels, respiratory tract, heart and lungs and other body organs, enhance resistance in harsh environments, and effectively avoid large Vertigo and cerebral bleeding symptoms under acceleration.

Of course, just relying on the strengthening of this two-star extraordinary ability is not enough.But in addition, Yanluge also has "phantom limbs", "mass reduction", "self-healing" and various medical abilities, which are enough to deal with the sequelae caused by ultra-high-speed flight.

"Now you have your first passenger." Yanlvge laughed, opened the hatch and walked in. "The last question, why did you design a manned aircraft to look like a missile?"

"Hey, I also want to design an ordinary aircraft, but my major is aerospace engineering - it sounds like I design an airplane, but I actually design a missile. Alas, my ideal back then was obviously to send people to the sky, but in the end I only learned how to send people to heaven, now I want to change it."


After a few minutes.

Once I chose the wrong major, and then turned around and embraced the aerospace engineering real person in the aircraft design industry I love and pressed the launch button.

The "Justice I" aircraft carried the only passenger on this trip, Yan Lige, the rune array at the tail flashed, sparks and electric lights were ejected, and it flew violently towards the sky.

"The acceleration of 25G is indeed a bit exciting, but it is still tolerable." Yan Lige endured the crazy acceleration in the cabin, recalling the product manual he had seen before, "I remember that the next step is to pull this lever, and then press This button, and then down to toggle this lever..."

The projectile rises to a sufficient height, and the tail propeller and the side vector nozzles start to work, adjusting the entire projectile from a vertical angle to a horizontal one.

Then... while accelerating again, it began to spin 360 degrees.

Yan Luge's expression changed.

He felt like he was on an ultimate roller coaster with a big pendulum, spinning him wildly in circles as he swooped wildly.

He opened his phantom limb, dense tentacles gushed out from behind, spread out from all directions, and pressed against the inside of the cabin, it took a lot of effort to support his body.

Yan Luge seemed to understand why the broken system gave the first phase of the task a B-level - his car itself was a murderous weapon.

"Mistgrass! You didn't tell me, this product also has a 360-degree Thomas maneuver!!!"

"???" On the ground, the chief aircraft designer and aerospace engineering real person of the Blackstone Research Institute who heard the boss's shout showed a confused look, "In order to maintain stability, the missile will spin like a bullet during flight, so the aircraft Also, isn't this common sense?

"Oh, by the way, the boss seems to be driving 'Justice Type I' for the first time, so it's normal to not know.

"It seems that I should add more common-sense designs in the future."


Tianzhou, Armed Forces Division, Airspace Monitoring Institute.

The monitoring yard is in a state of chaos.

"Alert! Alert! A UFO is approaching at high speed, approaching Tianzhou's airspace."

"Activate the radar identification system, the height of the UFO is suspected to be an intercontinental missile, and the owner is unknown."

"Highest alert! The flying object has entered the airspace of Tianzhou, and the missile interception system is being activated."

"The acoustic signal of the flying object is being intercepted, time-frequency domain analysis is being carried out, and the database is being cross-matched."

"Uh, wait, the match was successful... Is this a private aircraft with a safe mark? The interception operation is terminated?"

"Uh, Civil Aviation Private Aircraft Route Application No. 213...Application time, half an hour ago...Applicant, Blackstone Research Institute...Pilot staff, Yanlvge...Our richest man?"

Monitor:? ? ?

Did he eat so much wild mushrooms last night that he hallucinated?

Is there anyone on this missile?

 Thanks to the book friend "20221231025325442" for the reward~
  Thanks to "Tong Xuan" for the reward*5~Bi Xin~
(End of this chapter)

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