The Regressor and the Blind Saint

Chapter 191: Gift (1)

→ Gift (1) ←

Their next destination had been decided, but it didn’t mean they were headed straight there.

Preparations were needed for the long journey ahead.

The supplies they had prepared beforehand were all lost when Locrion teleported them to Oben.

Thus, they had to start by restocking supplies. In the meantime, Vera used his spare time to look into Ardain’s legacies.

‘Life, veil, eyes…’

Vera, examining the Devourer of Life, Locrion’s bracelet, and Gorgan’s shortsword, then thought of the Crown of Rebirth that resided in Jenny’s body.

‘…and power.’

Vera’s expression darkened.

‘How do I use it?’

He couldn’t figure it out.

After all, these objects didn’t react even when he used different methods.

There was a momentary reaction when Locrion handed him the bracelet, but aside from that, there was nothing more.

When they returned to Oben, the legacies had become lifeless again.

Vera held the Life Devourer.

‘Gillie definitely used this object.’

An artifact that absorbs the life of others and uses it as power.

He wanted to test it, but… he couldn’t.

Its method of use was too strange.

After all, how could one easily use an object designed to be thrust into the user’s own heart?

Vera became more distressed.

As he continued his thoughts to find more meaningful clues before they left…

Knock knock.

– Sir Vera?

Norn knocked on the door of his room.

Vera lifted his head.

“Yes, please wait a moment.”

As Vera opened the door, Norn bowed his head.

“I apologize for disturbing you during your rest.”

“It’s fine. What is it?”

Norn usually didn’t approach Vera first.

Vera wondered if something bad happened and asked Norn, then he answered with a smile.

“The Saint’s birthday is coming up soon. We have some time before we depart, but I wanted to ask about your plans.”

It was about Renee’s nineteenth birthday, her coming-of-age ceremony.

Vera’s body froze, and his mouth dropped open.


Cold sweat ran down his back.

The sudden news left his mind ringing.

“Hmm? Sir Vera?”


It was an emergency.


Vera sighed.

‘Fool. How could I forget that?’

Even if he was out of his mind, it was unthinkable that he forgot the coming-of-age ceremony of Renee, of all people.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and he almost missed it.

‘…Three days.’

There were only three days left.

Even if he spent all his time preparing, it would be tight.

‘I can make it.’

It was a daunting task, but not impossible.

Vera retraced his memory.

His own coming-of-age ceremony… he remembered the gift he received from Renee not long after he came to the Holy Kingdom.

‘…A meal.’

He remembered Renee, who only found out about his birthday the day before, celebrating his birthday with a tearful face.

As he recalled the past, a smile formed on Vera’s lips.

– Seriously…! Next year, we’ll definitely celebrate properly! I promise!

Back then, he had considered Renee’s kind-heartedness to be regret over her failure to celebrate his birthday properly. But now, looking back, he realized something.

‘Since then…’

She already had feelings for him and was probably frustrated about being unable to convey it.

He suddenly felt sorry.

Vera felt awkward and brushed off the thought, pondering on a meaningful gift for Renee.

‘Practicality… that’ss not it. A gift should be more meaningful. Then, jewelry? No, not that either…’

In the midst of these thoughts, he remembered something Rohan once said.

– Hey, twins. Listen well. If you want to impress a girl, yeah? You should be a bit shameless. If she has a special day coming up, just put a ribbon on your head and say, ‘I am your gift!’ Shout it out! That’s the ‘trick’!

Rohan spoke with excitement in front of the twins.

Unconsciously, Vera felt attracted to the idea.


He smashed the desk.

Immediately, the door opened, and Norn came in.

“What happened?”

Vera was startled.

“…It’s nothing.”

Looking at Vera’s blushing face and the shattered desk, Norn swallowed hard and left the room.

“Well, um… I hope you make up soon.”

Thinking that someone had upset Vera, Norn left that comment, shut the door with a ‘click’, and disappeared.

Vera covered his face with his hands and trembled more violently.

‘Damn it…’

No matter how much he thought about it, that idea didn’t seem right.


Renee lay on her bed, huddled under the blankets.

The comforting, soft sensation helped calm her troubled mind, so she often did this when her mind was restless.

The reason why Renee was feeling restless now was…

“…I have to change.”

Change is necessary.

For the things that will happen in the future.

For the impending fate.

Renee didn’t know whether it was for her and Vera’s happy future, or perhaps for sake of the world.

They hadn’t engaged in many conversations, but even so, there were things Renee could discern.

The version of herself from the regression that she saw in her dreams was truly suited to being called the Saint.

A far cry from her selfish self.

To that extent, it was possible that her intentions were for the good of the world, regardless of how she felt about Vera.

‘…No, maybe Vera is part of the peace that woman desires.’

I don’t know.

Her naive self would not know.

However, that was why she was afraid.

‘If the future could be stopped if I used all my power…’

If the only way to stop the future was by sacrificing her soul, or if it meant that she could not be with Vera anymore, what choice would she make then?

It was a fear that existed only in her imagination.

With no defined standard, it grew in size according to the depths of her heart.

Even now, as her contemplation deepened, her fears were spreading endlessly.

‘Will I…’

Will I be able to do it?

Will I be able to sacrifice myself for the world?

No, will I be able to allow such a future?

Renee clenched her fist tightly.

She shut her eyes even tighter.

Then, she abruptly stood up.

Renee mumbled absentmindedly and thought.


I need to find Vera.

Sitting here alone made the world feel too dark.

She felt alone.

Still unable to stand on her own, she needed Vera to support her.


Her cane hit the ground, and then her foot slid off the bed.

Her steps were as precarious as ever.



In the hallway of the annex.

Vera was surprised to see Renee walking feebly from a distance, and he went towards her.

“Why have you come out alone? What if you get lost?”

Since this place wasn’t yet familiar to them, Vera always considered the possibility of Renee getting lost when she went out by herself. Vera’s question was due to his surprise at seeing Renee walking alone.

Renee lifted her head.

She held onto Vera’s hand that touched her shoulder.

“…Oh, it’s Vera.”

An absentminded response popped out belatedly.

Vera noticed that something was amiss with Renee’s condition, and his expression grew serious.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, I’m just feeling a little dizzy.”

It was obviously more than just feeling dizzy.

Vera’s expression sank.

“Would you like to go out for some fresh air?”

“Yes, that would be great.”

Her gaunt face was evident even with just a glance.

Feeling stifled by this, Vera led her to the terrace.


Come to think of it.

Ever since they returned from the Dragon’s Nest, Renee’s demeanor had been subdued.

Vera blamed himself.

‘I’m so stupid…’

He had been busy preparing for the coming-of-age ceremony and had failed to pay attention to Renee. Could there be anything more foolish than this?

Vera’s gaze turned to Renee.

Her attire was a mess, with her outer coat thrown haphazardly over thin clothing.

Her white hair was disheveled, and beneath her unfocused eyes was a particularly gloomy look.

‘Her eyes look tired.’

It seemed like she hadn’t slept properly.

Vera looked at Renee’s gaunt face for a moment, then asked.

“Is something bothering you?”

“It’s just I have a lot to think about. About the future and all.”

Though she was trying to smile, her demeanor remained dark.

“…Can you share it with me?”

Renee smiled awkwardly.

“It’s something I have to figure out on my own…”

That was how Renee saw it.

Regardless of her past self’s intention before the regression, revealing the truth to Vera in a situation where her intention was unclear would be the worst option.

Instinctively, Renee had come to Vera for answers, but not having an answer added to her frustration.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s all right.”

Vera’s gaze drifted away.

Renee’s hand clinging to his index finger seemed even thinner today.

Vera felt bad, then he blurted out.

“…If you ever need my help, please let me know. I will always be on your side.”


“Yes, always.”

Renee mulled over Vera’s mention of ’always’, and soon bursted into a smile.

“That’s right, Vera is always on my side.”

How could someone be so consistent?

Renee smiled and leaned her head on Vera’s shoulder.

Vera’s body shuddered, and then Renee made an excuse.

“…It’s cold.”

After saying so, she thought that even though the blanket was warm, it was not as warm as a person’s warmth.

The turmoil within her was gradually calming down.

Vera’s presence gave her a sense of calm.

Meanwhile, Vera’s gaze was on Renee.

Seeing Renee regain her smile, Vera bit his lip for a moment and then spoke.

“…You can do this even when it’s not cold.”

He added in a trembling voice.

“Isn’t that alright with our current relationship?”

He liked Renee’s smile and wanted her to smile more, so he uttered those words.

Then, the both of them stiffened.

Their faces blushed.

A trembling anticipation filled the air.

Renee spoke in a firm tone.

“Well, yes. Now we’re, you know… in that kind of relationship. Yes, that’s right.”

As she spoke, her posture, which had been leaning on Vera’s shoulder, slowly straightened.

She felt a new kind of embarrassment.

Vera spoke as he looked up at the sky, feeling down as Renee moved her head away.

“…We’re still lacking in many ways.”

Though he didn’t know what exactly was lacking, he said it anyway because he felt like it.

“Uh, we need to improve…!”

Renee also spoke about improvement without knowing exactly what needed to be improved.

Silence ensued.

Then, there was a subtle movement.

Though neither of them voiced such intentions, their distance naturally closed.

Their hips lightly bumped as they moved closer.

Both of them, who had been silent now, blurted out their thoughts as if they were talking to themselves.

“…Now it feels like nothing’s lacking.”

“Yes, we’ve improved.”

They resonated again.

A giggle bursted out.

“We look like fools.”

“I don’t think so.”



Vera continued speaking, looking at Renee with a smile that had yet to vanish.

“As the Saint’s complexion has improved, how could this be a bad thing?”

Renee’s fingertips trembled.

‘Now that I think about it…’

Her mind had cleared up in no time.

Despite just having a short conversation, all her worries seemed to have flown away.

“This is nice.”

Renee smiled.

Vera also smiled and nodded.

Then, Vera thought.

‘Two days.’

Two days until Renee’s coming-of-age ceremony. I’ll make this memory an unforgettable one this time.

As he thought that, his motivation surged.

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