The Real Harry Potter

Chapter 158: Snape's Final Act

Severus Snape walked into the top room of the Astronomy tower, he found Draco unconscious on the floor. Perhaps Draco actually was willing to kill Dumbledore and Dumbledore stunned him so the boy wouldn't become a killer. Snape internally scoffed at that, the boy wanted to be a member of the death eaters, he was going to kill sooner or later. Snape also noticed that none of the other death eaters were here, that must have meant that Draco's plan to use the vanishing cabinet to bring them into Hogwarts must have failed.

Either that or they were currently elsewhere in the castle, either way it was time to do what had to be done. Snape's gaze landed on Dumbledore who was weakly standing on his legs, looking like he was about to die in a few moments, apparently he had suffered a lot while searching for whatever he had been searching. A shame he had not revealed what he was looking for but Snape thought that withholding information was probably the smartest thing that Dumbledore had ever done.

"Severus!" Dumbledore said in a relieved tone when he saw Snape. " it really you?"

"Yes," Snape said in a soft voice. "you're not looking too good Dumbledore." Snape commented in a conversational voice, as if he was talking about something simple like the weather.

"Severus, I need your help!" Dumbledore said as quickly as he could, which wasn't very since he felt like death was knocking at his door. "Harry...he..."

"I don't care about that infernal brat." Snape interrupted.

"Severus!" Dumbledore said in a pleading tone. "Please listen to me."

"I would Dumbledore but the time has come for you to die."

"Severus! Change of plans," Dumbledore blurted out, believing that perhaps there was a death eater hiding somewhere and Snape was simply putting on a show for him. "stop the plan, I can't die yet, there's so much I need to stop! Harry is..."

"Your plan may have changed Dumbledore but mine has not," Snape cut him off. "I will kill you and earn the dark lord's favour."

"Severus?" Breathed Dumbledore, looking like he was begging for this to all be a dream of some sort.

"You're weak now Dumbledore, barely able to stand and about to die, I'm not about to risk my positions on a dead man."

"But Severus...I...I trusted you!" Dumbledore cried, tears dripping from his eyes.

"Even Black and Potter were smart enough to realize that was a bad idea, so if you were foolish enough to trust me one hundred percent then you will gain no sympathy from me." Snape said coldly before raising his wand.

"Wait Severus! Harry is..."

"Avada Kedavra." Snape said softly, a green light shot from his wand and struck Dumbledore in the chest, he fell back, his lifeless body fell out of the tower. Snape sniffed and was about to leave when suddenly he felt his limbs snap together as he fell to the floor, a full body bind had been placed on him.

"Snape," A familiar voice said just as Harry came into view. "you killed Dumbledore." He said in a soft voice with an undertone of anger. "You're going to pay for that." Harry said before he raised his foot and stomped on Snape's face.


Harry's eyes slowly opened, he blinked several times in an attempt to reduce the sleepiness he was experiencing, he was well aware of the two bodies in bed with him. Tonk's was on his left, her hair pink and spread out, her head leaning on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his and her leg draped over his own. Fleur was on his other side, looking perfect as usual, her head was resting on his chest with her body pressed into his side and her leg draped over his other leg.

Harry sighed happily, making no move to get up, this moment was patronus worthy for him, he kind of hoped it would never end. His life had changed so much in the last few years, he was just glad it was for the better. When he was with the Dursley's he had no idea what would happen to him, he figured he would have probably broken in someway or form and then would have more than likely tried something extreme, and if he didn't then that would mean he would have had to endure all that suffering until he could finally leave.

When he came to Hogwarts he had hope, hope which had only lasted a short while until he realized that it was just another place where he had to try his best to be someone else, be the Harry Potter that everyone wanted. He was glad that he had finally stopped pretending in his fourth year, if he hadn't then he probably would not be in bed with these two beautiful women, he probably wouldn't have Sirius and he would have more than likely have been dead by now.

Of course the question now is what to do for the future, Harry knew there were several options available for him. He could defeat Voldemort then do what Dumbledore had done and take every big position he could, but would he want to do that? What if that made him like Dumbledore? Power corrupts after all, yes Harry had done some bad things but he wasn't really at the 'sacrifice innocent children level'. Also he didn't really know where he wanted to focus his efforts, he could focus on the ministry as Lord Potter and Lord Black and work on changing the laws, or he could got to Hogwarts as a teacher and work on changing the people. Though he supposed he could do both, he could work as a teacher and attend Wizengamot meetings or have a proxy assigned for when he couldn't.

Either way, that's a problem for the late future. He had more pressing concerns, namely Snape. After he had caught Snape he had shoved a potion down his throat that would basically damage his mental shields beyond repair, that was especially funny seeing as he had made Voldemort order Snape to make it in the first place. Harry had then read the mind of the unconscious grease bag, he was glad to see that there wasn't much in Snape's mind that could be used to harm him.

It was fortunate that Dumbledore had not told Snape about the horcruxes, if he had then Harry would have had to mind wipe Snape to prevent the man from telling everyone that Harry had been a horcrux. Harry figured that Snape would probably have just done that just to drag Harry down to hell with him. Once that was done Harry had waited for the aurors to arrive to take Snape away, tomorrow would be Snape's trial. Harry was still thinking about if he was going to send Sirius there as his proxy or show up himself, hopefully Snape would get the dementor's kiss or get pushed through the veil, if he didn't then Harry would make sure the man was killed. He was far too dangerous to be left alive, if Harry spared him then he had no doubt that the greaseball would probably try and escape Azkaban, if he did then he might go after Tonks, Fleur, Sirius or anyone else who he suspected that Harry would care for.

No, Harry needed to clean up first, then he could focus on the future.


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