The Puppeteer of Academy City

Chapter 95: Let's cook, Starry Night!

"Magic reform..." Ling Xingye wanted to complain subconsciously, but he immediately realized that Sister Yao was talking about "magic reform" in the literal sense—magical transformation. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

To be honest, this is something Ling Xingye never thought of.

"I remember, someone should have said that superpowers and magic cannot be mastered at the same time..." Ling Xingye said, the reason for using this rather vague statement is because he does not have this paragraph in his memory, but It was relayed by Hitomi Shiranui.

"Super power and magic are just a form of power, and there is no need to distinguish them in such detail." Baiyin Yaoman said nonchalantly, "And you don't need to master magic. It is the sprites who really use magic."

"Is it the so-called enchanted equipment?" Ling Xingye thought of the common settings of the game.

"Okay, okay, this is the end of the small puppet lecture hall, let's go cook." Bai Yinyao pushed the boy into the kitchen impatiently, "Sister, I didn't even eat breakfast, I've been hungry all morning!"

"Sister Yao, didn't you come to teach the knowledge of puppets?" Ling Xingye asked in surprise. Bai Yin Yao was the one who formally introduced him to the puppet master organization "Bai Yin". But that's the thing.

Ling Xingye always thought that this woman's coming to his house to "cook food" was just an excuse, out of a girl's reserve.

But Ling Xingye suddenly realized that Bai Yinyao, a straightforward and strong woman, has nothing to do with words like "reserved" and "shy".

Maybe it's really like what Bai Yinyao said at the beginning, she just came to have lunch and improve their relationship by the way.

"Sister Yao, are you busy? Can't even take care of breakfast?" Ling Xingye turned around and asked while cooking, "Where are the automatic puppets who sneaked into the garden city?"

Bai Yinyao was leaning against the kitchen door, "supervising" Ling Xingye's work. She seemed to be really hungry, so she grabbed a big tomato from the ingredients she bought and gnawed on it.

"Busy, but it has nothing to do with the automatic puppets..." Bai Yinyao said, "They have also become vigilant after losing three companions in succession, and there will be no movement in a short time. My sister is busy for another task."

"Another mission?" Ling Xingye was not too surprised. After all, even he who had just come into contact with the "Silver" organization could tell that Sister Yao's strength was really too strong. Automatic puppet, there is no need for a puppeteer of this level to take action...

In fact, Ling Xingye felt that those automatic puppets were more like a "guild membership assessment" specially reserved for him.

A powerhouse of Baiyin Yao's level must have come here in person, and there must be other more important purposes.

That is likely to be the secret mission of the "Silver" high-level, right?

Ling Xingye didn't expect the sister he had just met to tell him the secret, but in order to continue the conversation, he asked casually: "What is the mission?"

"Look for an alchemist named Oreos Isad."

Unexpectedly, Bai Yinyao didn't hide anything, and told him neatly.

But this reason always feels like a joke.

"Alchemist? In this Academy City?" What Ling Xingye suspected was not the fantasy occupation title of "Alchemist", but the fact that "Alchemist is in Academy City".

As we all know, Academy City is a world-famous science-themed city and the base camp of science-side forces. The world of magic and the wizarding world belong to different sides that are inherently hostile.

As for the alchemist, one can tell by the name that he is also a kind of "magician".

Now tell him that an alchemist appeared in Academy City, Ling Xingye's first reaction was "another enemy invaded".

"I always feel that Academy City, which claims to have the strictest immigration inspection in the world, is like a sieve..."

"I feel the same way! However, this time it may be because of the perfect and strict defense system in this city that the alchemist Oreos came here." Baiyin Yao said, "According to the information currently available, he It seems to have fallen out with the old club, the Roman Orthodox Church, so I hid here and used the forces of the science side to resist the pursuit of the Roman Orthodox Church."

"Isn't his situation very bad?" Ling Xingye said, "By the way, is it really useful to hide in Academy City? Sister Yao is also a member of the magical world, isn't she still entering the country normally? And there are those automatic puppets , and the puppet masters I met before...there are guys who come and leave whenever they want!"

If he could avoid being chased and killed by hiding in this Academy City, Ling Xingye wouldn't have worked so hard in the past three years...

"Well," Bai Yinyao thought for a while, and replied, "We have an agreement with the people in power in this city, so we can enter the country normally. As for those automatic puppets... I suspect that Yanshi has also reached an agreement with the city's high-level officials. Moreover, it is impossible for such a large city to be watertight. The main purpose of Oreos' hiding here is to avoid the endless pursuit and crowd tactics of the Roman Orthodox Church? After all, that is the world's largest religious force, There are two billion followers."

"'s really scary." Ling Xingye responded without any nervousness. He was busy cooking, but he just listened to Bai Yinyao's explanation as an anecdote, "That alchemist seems very powerful, and he deserves such great attention. An organization came to hunt them down, and Sister Yao was even sent out in person."

"It's really powerful... His alchemy attainments are very important to us!" Baiyin Yao shrugged again, "But the pursuit of the Roman Orthodox Church is probably just because they want to punish the betrayers. They are a religious group and don't take it very seriously. The fruit and knowledge of alchemy."

"After talking for a long time, Sister Yao, UU Reading, have you found the whereabouts of the alchemist?" Ling Xingye asked, he always felt that this woman was very idle.

"Of course, it's actually very easy to find a magician in this city." Bai Yinyao said, "The problem is that we can't see him! You know, he is under the threat of being 'hunted down' and hiding in a Inside this 'base camp of enemies on the scientific side'. Of course, the vigilance is very strong, and we are always on guard."

"Now Oreos has transformed the building he is in into his magic workshop, and he doesn't come out behind closed doors. So it's hard to see him in person."

Bai Yinyao came to Ling Xingye's side and ate the freshly fried dishes secretly.

"I asked Lu Cun to get in touch with the other party. Before we can formally meet, sister, I can take a good rest."

"Okay, don't steal it." Ling Xingye patted the woman's paw away, "Dinner will be served soon... Tsk, it's a bit early for lunch at this time, and I'm not hungry yet."

"I don't care, sister, I didn't eat breakfast, so I'm very hungry!" Bai Yinyao yelled, "Hurry up, hurry up, the cooking is very fast, I will have it within ten minutes!"

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