The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 85: +Buttler’s Punishment+

I groan in annoyance, trying to wriggle out of the Heroine's arms helplessly. Lemme go! I refuse to sit here and be bullied!

Despite my flailing, I'm still trapped in the Heroine's arms being fed repeatedly. My mouth finally closes to ensure no more, going on strike from the onslaught of targeted harassment.

"Awwhhh, is the kitty full?" Killa says, a snide grin on her face. If we weren't in the demon lands I would be throwing a knife at you right now!

I turn my head away, ignoring everyone, keeping my eyes and mouth shut, pretending like they don't exist. Right, so... Llorithen. I'm going to rail you so hard the moment I'm released, I swear.

You can't hide behind the Heroine forever you scumbag! I'm gonna kick your ass and then eat it for good measure!

+Pffft... Ahem.+

I do my best to ignore the Heroine who strokes my head and tail comfortingly, I'm not your pet, so go away!

"At least since you're apart of my harem now, I get to do whateeeever I want to you." My eyes jolt open, glaring at her with puffed out cheeks.

"You did not win! They just stopped us! That does not count as a victory!" I huff at her, my ears pressing firmly to my head, not wanting to be trapped in this psycho's harem if she's gonna be treating me like this especially.

"The rules were 'whoever drinks faster wins.', I drank faster, I win." What? Was that the rule? I furrow my brow to try and recall, glancing at everyone else who after a brief moment of staring nods in agreement.

You... You... Aaagh, I'm such an idiot, why didn't I make the rules more clear?! I demand a recount!

"I deman-" My lips are silenced by a finger, forcing me to puff up my cheeks once again.

"No recounts." I decide to just cross my arms and legs and pout atop her lap, unhappiness radiating from me as I try to figure out how to escape this awful kitty treatment at the very least.

"... I'll accept it on one condition!" I say, huffing and puffing my chest out, looking at her with as much steadfastness I can muster.

"I meaaaan... I don't really need to agree to it, but I'll hear out your condition first." Yeah, well if you don't agree to it then I'm never gonna say I'm part of your harem!

I stick out my tongue at her in annoyance before prodding at the idol in her pocket. "Let me go and leave this form! Then I'll accept it!"

"Eh, I don't wanna?" She says curtly, hugging me tighter, nearly strangling me with her vice-grip.

"I'll... I'll figure out how to give you a dick?" I say, practically choked by her grasp as I try to pry at her body, hoping to escape the awkward position I've been stuck in, suddenly flying forward and smacking my head on the table as I'm let go.

"Oh, hell yea- you uh, you good?" Thankfully, it's wood so the table broke and not my head, not that my head would have broken much anyway. I quickly look back to her and hold my hand out expectantly for the idol.

She takes my hand and kisses it, looking me deep in the eyes, causing my cheeks to darken immensely. Aagh! "Just gimme the darn carving!"

"Oh, that's what you wanted, alright~." She hands it to me, though doesn't let go even after I attempt to grab it, looking at me still.

"I better see a cock between my legs eventually... If not I'm gonna pin you to the floor until I force you to turn into a dog girl and then plow you with a strap-on while you bark for me." I shiver tensely, running away as she lets go of the idol, scampering off briefly before returning.

"Llorithen, you're coming with me! Or else!" I said I was gonna get my revenge on you! Tha-

"What did I say about indoor voices?" The Heroine says, causing me to shrink back. I stick my tongue out at her and run away as Llorithen begins following me 'obediently', or as obediently as he tries to be given his recent performance.

I force him to guide me to my room before dragging him in by the cuffs of his sleeves, my size limiting how much leverage I can enforce but my strength definitely going unchanged nonetheless.

I toss him onto the bed with a grumbling noise as he looks at me with a blank and questioning expression, like he's wondering what he did wrong, perhaps?

"You know exactly what you've done wrong the past couple days. You've earned far more punishment than I can ever give in this short period... So I'll just have to do my best not to break you."

My high pitched voice and low stature doesn't really lend much to intimidation, nor does the fact I'm currently trying to press the large idol into myself past my underwear despite it, groaning in frustration as I look for a good angle in this body, not having much experience with it.

"Madam, whatever do you mean? I have done my utmost to serve you just as I have all these years." Sure you have, I elect to ignore those words with a roll of my eyes after I've finished stuffing myself full, hopping up and dragging him by the wrists to the back of my bed, grabbing some cuffs from my nightstand to wrap around his wrists and clasp to a hook on one of the posts of my bed.

"Honestly I wanted to get you to guide me to the dungeon, but I bet even if I asked you, you wouldn't have done it, so this will just have to do!" I was gonna do stuff like flogging and all that, maybe some wooden horse stuff, but...

"Of course I would have, Madam, why ever do you think I would have done such a cruel thing as to mislead you?" Yes, yes. I ignore the smug smile lingering behind those lips as I drag his other wrist to the edge, cuffing that one much the same, leaving him hanging up, though not quite spread eagle yet.

I stand up on the bed walking over to stand over him, getting a good look at him, dark bagged eyes, sallow complexion, pointed ears reflecting his elven heritage all along some handsome if not slightly feminine features as is more common to have of his race.

I grab his cravat and tear it off, sending it fluttering across the room with an unsatisfying throw, my nails digging into the buttons of his undershirt tearing both it and his coat open at the same time, revealing a bare and lightly muscled chest devoid of hair and seemingly more well groomed than the rest of himself at least, or at least his face.

"Madam, that... The price of those is not something my budget can afford, please refrain from damaging it anymore, I would-." You would what? I tear his upper garments off him completely, looking down at him with a cold gaze.

"This is your punishment, remember? Perhaps next time you should be willing to understand who you serve under, Greed cannot protect you so long as you are in my domain, do you truly believe he would personally intervene for a poor little emo femboy elf?" I decide to take a phrase from the heroine, 'emo', I don't exactly know what it is, but it probably stings!

I take a seat right on his chest, pressing the idol deeper into myself, the size of it bulging my stomach slightly as I groan from the full sensation. "I am here to use you... Not the other way around, do you understand me?"

I grab his chin and pull his gaze towards me, he had averted it at some point but it's not something I can stand for.

"Madam, I apologize, but you're a bit too flat for my liking." I stare at him for several moments, completely baffled by the 180 in attitude suddenly, and also completely caught off guard by the comment.

"... Are you trying to piss me off?" I grab his cheeks and squeeze, forcing his mouth open slightly as I look down at him, tearing off the underwear the Heroine had put on me at some point, shoving them into his mouth, tearing off a strip of his coat to tie around the back of his head as well, leaving him well and truly gagged.

He nods to my words despite the gag, a smirk playing at the edges of his lips even while they're mostly covered by the little makeshift gag I had made.

"... You've been trying to make me punish you. That's what you've wanted, huh?" I say, my voice taking a dangerous tone as I dig my nails into his neck, staring down into his eyes.

He nods once more, a soft laugh escaping him, the well-to-do-butler act finally having been put off after so long. I let out a deep and annoyed sigh as I run my nails along his neck, causing goosebumps to run across his skin.

I grab his hair and jerk his neck forward, forcing him to watch as I ride the idol on his chest, sliding up and down on it in long strokes as I begin to raise and lower my body, glaring at him as I do so.

"What brought this on, then? My apparently slutty little butler? My slutler?" I snicker softly at my joke as I stroke the long wooden shaft further and further along into myself, my breaths growing heavier as I go, pleasures building in the pit of my stomach as the tip of it batters me deep inside, deeper than it should, my height far shorter than I normally make myself.

He just stares at me with his bagged eyes for a while, either not responding due to the gag, or just because he doesn't want to. Not that it matters much to me. You've earned it, you get it. I don't care your motives, I'm going to make you regret it.

I glance back, catching a tent in the fabrics behind me, tempting me to reach back and tease it a bit, but this is a punishment, and I want it to be torture, absolute torture for you, my slutler.

"What, did you want a punishment because you wanted your 'Madam's' pussy?" I shove his head back, barely weak enough to avoid injuring him. He shakes his head in response, his breath growing heavy as I tempt him.

"Oh, my poor poor Llorithen... Was it your Madam's cock you were looking for?" I say with a sneering grin, my hands wrapping around his throat again as I wait for him to say something, licking my teeth as I pant heavily, my body heating up intensely from the inside out with this lewd ride.

His entire body tenses with that accusation, leaving me grinning and laughing. "Oh, dear, you could have just asked me, you know? Would have given you it any time. I would have pounded that cute butt of yours into dust if you asked me... But you didn't? You decided to go against me instead, so what, you still expect me to give you my precious cock?" I tilt my head, squeezing down on his throat, though not too firmly.

My anger is honestly pretty high for him disobeying me so much, but it's certainly not enough to seriously maim him or kill him... Just a little encouraging is in order.

I chew on my lip and pant, groaning each time I bottom out now, the intense thrusts now sending shivers up my spine as I ride myself to the very edge atop his frail frame, he lets out a couple of faint muffled groans, trying to speak past the gag, but I don't remove it, just letting him fruitlessly express himself. Whatever he wants to say, it isn't worth hearing.

"Get ready, horny little slutler... You're gonna be begging for mercy by the time I'm done." I slam down once more onto the shaft, gasping and shuddering atop him as he stares at me, forced to watch as I cum, my body beginning to slowly change atop him, ready to give him hell for what he gave me.

+Lewd, I wanna be punished too!+

(... You haven't even seen what the punishment is yet.)

+I want you to ride until you cum on my chest too!+


+I want you to cum over, and over and over, and over, and...+

(Okay, stop, that isn't even a punishment for you, that's a punishment for me!)

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