The Protagonist of the TS Posession Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 96

Episode 96 – The Forgotten Past (2)

There was a war that lasted so long that it was uncountable.

Many people died.

Many heroes have died.

Many warriors died.

Because the power of the demon king was overwhelming.

Dozens of lives lost their meaning just by meeting her eyes with that fragile-looking girl, and hundreds of lives were extinguished with one simple gesture of hers.

Being powerless, she cooled down, not even knowing why she was dying or what she was dying from.

A person with power met a meaningless death while dreaming of revenge in the agony of not being able to protect someone dear to him.

The generations of warriors blessed by the stars have been replaced countless times, but the demon king has never been replaced.

That’s why people had no choice but to put their hopes on Stia, who would become the strongest hero.

She had no choice but to believe that a warrior stronger than ever would be born, and that she would surely drive away chaos and bring peace.

Stia continued to work hard on her own body to live up to her expectations, and gathered her strong and reliable teammates.

A party of warriors, an expedition to chase the stars, suicide attempts, clowns of the goddess, etc.

I was also one of those people who were called by so many names.

The journey was difficult.

It may be natural since it was a story of a world completely different from the [Oeyoungdoe] I had read in the first place.

I almost died countless times, and killed countless times.

There were many meetings and many partings along the way.

And when the stars in my heart reached 5 before I knew it.

We faced the Demon King.

A young-looking girl with flowing black hair and pale skin that looked like she was already dead.

We were less than 15 minutes after she faced the girl.

I barely managed to escape after losing half of my comrades.

In front of overwhelming power, we despaired. Frustrated and angry.

Many people ran away, unable to forget the fear of the demon king.

There were even people who took their own lives.

But we did not give up.

Everyone who remained hoped to overcome their own limits.

That’s why I climbed the mythical tower.


The tower of the labyrinth, which is the motif of the labyrinth where I was once kidnapped, and the place where all the knowledge of the world lies.

After many twists and turns, we surpassed our limits and reached the top of Babel.

I got the opportunity to ask three questions about anything I want to know.

So we put our mouths together and asked.

What is the way to kill the Demon King?

God’s representative replied.

“That is impossible. Because the demon king is already dead.”

God’s representative asked me to ask the following question.

So we put our mouths together and asked.

If the Demon King is already dead, what on earth is that girl?

God’s representative replied.

“It’s just a poor girl who doesn’t die even after being cursed by an evil god and just acts according to the curse.”

God’s representative asked me to ask the following question.

We didn’t say anything for a while.

Probably because everyone was shocked by the reality of the demon king.

Meanwhile, the silver-haired girl who was shedding tears asked the representative of God.

“Then, how can I save the child?”

God’s representative replied.

If the curse on the girl is removed, the girl will meet her long-awaited death, and peace will come to the world.

After that answer, the representative of God disappeared.

No one spoke for a long, long time coming down the tower.

She must be at a loss as to what to say.

The hateful Demon King who took the lives of countless colleagues.

Because he got the answer that he was actually already dead, but he couldn’t close his eyes because of a curse and was just being manipulated.

Then, where should our hatred be directed?

The poor girl who killed her colleagues against her will?

Or the two gods who made the world this way, despite their original intentions?

The soggy emotions that turned black after losing precious people lost their proper direction and wandered in the same place.

When everyone was lost in thought and walking silently, someone opened their mouth.

Then what should we do now?

Then someone answered in a trembling voice.

He said he wanted to save that girl.

That was the same thought I had.

The fact that the hero’s generation has changed several times, but the demon king has never been replaced, means that the girl has suffered for at least hundreds of years.

Then someone said in a calm voice.

If the god’s agent is right, if only the evil god’s curse can be removed, everything will be resolved.

But no one knew how to get rid of it.

There were 6 of them, but before I knew it, only 2 remained and the wizards, led by the archmages, began to find a way.

Of course, the Demon King’s army did not sit still while finding a way.

Numerous monsters invaded the academy we made our headquarters for, and even those commonly called the Four Heavenly Kings came a lot.

In the process, I went through many breakups again.

And finally, the wizards found the magic with the highest probability.

The warrior party went to the demon king with all their might.

And, of course, the result was a failure.

All dead.

The whole world was dyed red.

I, who survived until the end, attacked the demon king with a feeling of desperation, and my back burst.

Then the girl looked at the dying me with sad eyes, then lifted the dying me up and embraced her tenderly.

And I thought, dying slowly, very slowly, in his arms.

If… Really, if I were given one more chance.

I promise to save everyone.

My dead friends, my teachers, and my comrades I met on the battlefield.

And he said he would save this poor girl as well.

Did I unknowingly spit out that promise?

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The girl answered as she embraced the dying me.

I’ll be waiting for you.

[The condition has been met.]

[You have obtained the title, ‘Short Swordsman’.]

[Your understanding of swordsmanship will increase significantly.]

[I recalled a memory from the past.]

[Part of the power of the past is inherited.]

[Stamina has increased!]

[Strength has increased!]

[Agility has increased!]

[Magic power has increased significantly!]

Magical power continued to well up from the star in the heart, and a little bit of magical energy fell from the star in the center to become another star.

Feeling the mighty energy that spreads evenly throughout the body.

I slowly opened my closed eyes.


“Hey, how did this happen!”

Park Chan-wook screamed and screamed with a white face.

All the idiots who came up to the top of CLADIS were put into illusion.

Those two would forever repeat the most horrible moments.

That’s why the two of them were dealing with the girl who stood up to CLADIS by cutting off her own arm, hoping that she would suffer longer.

Just in time, I was about to give the girl a shot with the light beam I had prepared a while ago.


Isn’t it that a sharp purple aura bursts out of the man’s drooping body?

Park Chan-wook hugged the pole that was put on top of CLADIS’s head to prevent his body from flying away.

The purple aura that exploded from the man’s body swept the surroundings with the most violence.

The floor was scraped off, and even if I hurriedly cast magic, I was torn to shreds by that magic.

“Hee, hee hee hee!”

Even while Park Chan-wook was frightened, the purple magic gradually increased the range of sweeping the surroundings.

The energy finally reached another man next to him.

The mana, which I thought would change the man’s body at any moment, kindly passed over his body.

Seeing that, Park Chan-wook’s complexion improved a little.

“Sah, is it okay for people?”

He slowly stretched out his hand toward the mana that was approaching right in front of him.



His whole wrist was cut off.

Park Chan-wook screamed and struggled in pain.

While he was doing that, CLADIS stopped moving for a second.


Taking advantage of that opportunity, the woman who had been hit directly by the red beam came running, spewing golden flames!

“Sir, f*ck! What, what, oh, oh, oh!”

Park Chan-wook was frightened and stopped the woman who was trying to control the CLADIS and rushed to where he was.

No, I tried to block it.

However, there was no way Park Chan-wook, who couldn’t concentrate properly due to the pain, could properly control it.


The woman flies at high speed, shattering all the pillars she rushes to block her.

“Hey hey hey!”

But maybe there was one last hidden move when Park Chan-wook lifted his foot to step on the center of his CLADIS head hard with his magical foot.


The raised foot was cut off.

“… Uh?”

He made a dazed noise and turned his head to the side.

“Oh, how to break the illusion!”

The man who had captured his magical powers was looking at him with purple, emotionless eyes.

“Lord, die!”

He stretched out his severed arm and fired a fireball at the man.


In an instant, a purple flash flashed and slashed the fireball as well as the head of the mad magician behind it.

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