The Protagonist of the TS Posession Is Obsessed With Me

Chapter 146

Chapter 146 – Disappearance

What is a sword?

Some people say that the life of a swordsman is contained in the trajectory and method of swinging a sword.

Even if it is the same swordsmanship, the disposition will change depending on the person wielding it.

People who conserve their bodies as much as possible will use their swords defensively and prolong the battle.

On the other hand, a person who doesn’t mind getting hurt will use his swordsmanship to attack even if his body becomes rags.

Even people with similar dispositions will have slightly different swordsmanship styles.

I don’t want to say which one is better and stronger.

Depending on the swordsmanship, there will be differences in which one will be more advantageous, but in the end, each individual’s sword follows his own.

It is not easy to change one’s swordsmanship style, and in the end, the correct answer is to wield it in a way that suits you.

However, sometimes there are problems.

In the end, a person who could only imitate others and failed to establish his own swordsmanship.

The future of such people is usually decided.

Living a mediocre life by only imitating others until the end, then ending with mediocre skills.

Of course, there are people who work endlessly and eventually succeed in establishing their own swordsmanship….

Unfortunately, Scarlett wasn’t that talented.

In the end, a person who only imitates others.

Even in a situation where a battle is in progress, I fight by imagining, “If he was that person, he would have reacted this way at this time,” Rather than “I have to fight like this here.”

Because of this, let alone responding late, he fights in a way that doesn’t suit him, so he can’t even show his original skills.

Actually, it wasn’t just her fault that she became like this.

The biggest reason is that she was too influenced by her teacher, Leticia.

Leticia was one of the best prosecutors in Korea.

She had her as her mentor, and just by imitating her like that, her Scarlett grew rapidly.

Moreover, Scarlett had the talent to easily absorb what she had learned.

So she thought it was enough.

She was often told by Leticia that she had to learn her own sword and that only then would she gain true power, but she said that was too difficult for Scarlett.

She was able to outperform others just by imitating her, so she didn’t even have the will to walk her new path.

But even Scarlett, who she was like, has been getting impatient ever since she came to the academy.

Friends who are so strong that she can’t even compare to her own, and her own talent shines so brightly that she looks shabby.

Certainly, Han Si-woo was similar to himself at first, but he was far ahead of him before he knew it.

In fact, her skill level was enough to hit the standard even if she was put into the field right away….

At the same time, she was the weakest member of A and S classes.

Even though she kept reminding herself that it would be better to do the dragon’s tail in class A rather than go to class B at first and do the snake’s head, she couldn’t help but feel more and more nervous.

At the same time, something within Scarlett was changing.

She wanted to maintain her current status by maintaining her current skills, but she longed for her skills to excel even more.

It is not a negative phenomenon. Why would her will to grow be a problem? It’s not envying others, and it’s not making mistakes.

But just because she goes in a good direction doesn’t always mean good things.

If you suddenly do something you wouldn’t normally do, you end up doing it wrong.

Scarlett overreacted and tried to make her own sword. However, it was not easy for her to erase each movement that had been engraved on her body like her habit for many years.

Because of that, she made up her mind to forget the sword she had ever wielded.

Because of that, she even forgot how she normally swung her sword!

Of course, it was a bit exaggerated, but… Why isn’t there such a thing?

For example, let’s say you put together a cube. Matching cubes is a way to memorize formulas over time and substitute the appropriate formulas in various situations.

Beginners think of the formula and put the cube together slowly, but experts turn the cube and guess it before they even think of the formula.

Because the hand has already memorized all the formulas.

And do you know what happens after many years in this state?

Even if you can spin and match cubes at high speed, the formula doesn’t come to mind right away.

If you try to think of the formula slowly, you will make a mistake, and if you turn it back in anger because you are annoyed, you will get it right in no time.

Even if you try to teach a friend about the cube, you can’t remember the formula, so you can tell him slowly, then take the cube out to remember it, spin it a few times, and then tell him.

Scarlett is now in such a situation.


She has already learned it, and she wants to start all over again, forgetting the skills she has learned over the years.

She tries to make her own by isolating the techniques she has learned so far, one by one.

But… The problem is that I can’t remember.

If you actually move your body, you can do it. But, as before, it was just an imitation of Leticia’s sword.

That’s why I tried to do it with the feeling of starting from scratch….

“Eh… ?”

Nothing! I couldn’t remember!

“This, like this… ?”

Try swinging it like this.

“No… Then like this… ?”

I tried swinging it like that….

“Ah! What the hell!”

Only clumsy swordsmanship like a beginner wields.

If you just close your eyes and swing it however you want, it will swing as well as usual, but…. Doesn’t that prevent her from growing as she wants?

You should refrain from fighting like this, even if forced.

Of course, if she was her usual self, she wouldn’t have been so impatient. Since she was still an academy cadet, time was overflowing.

If you take your time and practice step by step, you will be able to do it someday, even if it takes a long time.

The problem is… This is not a practice, but a real game.

Hui Yii Ik!

Sharp tentacles rush at high speed.


Surprised and twisted with amazing reflexes, Scarlett swung her sword and cut off the tentacles.

Not far away, Kania and a caring man are also fighting.

Against a ‘swarm’ of tentacles, from where the hell they came from.

But Scarlett thought it was all right.

Actually, fighting is the best way to improve your skills. No matter how much I could practice combat-like practice using artifacts, it was completely different from actual combat, in which my life was at stake.

There is a belief that practicing through artifacts will never die in the end, no matter how real they look.

Han Si-woo also achieved tremendous growth while going through countless real battles.

Although the tentacles are numerous, none of them pose a threat.

This means that it is a sufficient opponent to gain experience in combat while maintaining a moderate level of tension.

However, isn’t reality always something that goes according to one’s will?

And in the current situation, that didn’t just mean Scarlett’s improvement in skills, which was rare.

“Koo oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!”

An object that seemed dangerous at first glance appeared. Many of them too.

Appearance is similar to other tentacle monsters.

Starting with humans, the body of various animals… To be precise, it has legs, and instead of a head or body, only red tentacles grow on top of them.

It’s just that those guys usually appeared in a big way.

Usually even the large tentacles will collapse and die after a few attacks from Carnia and Kania.

“Still, I have to catch at least one… !”

As if the two of them understood Scarlett’s feelings, they didn’t touch the tentacles around her.

Thanks to that, Scarlett was able to try various things.

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Of course, I had no idea what ‘her own sword’ was, but it wasn’t that there was no progress at all.

On the other hand, Kania and Caring Man had different thoughts.

Question about these tentacles.

Where did these guys come from, and why did they suddenly rush at them?

Or, are the tentacles related to the missing villagers?

Nothing can be known right away, but it’s better to think about it constantly.

That way, when clear evidence emerges, we will be able to respond accordingly.

Moreover, now that Kania had found out through ‘The Smell of Hanshiwu’ that he was in the place they had just passed by, she no longer had to worry about him.

If you get rid of the guys rushing right now, it’s time to think about whether to go back to meet Siwoo Han and tell the others about the tentacles, or find out about the tentacles on your own.

Considering the fighting power of the tentacles, it wouldn’t hurt to find out by yourself, but….

“Because if you are not careful, you can go hooked.”

But that doesn’t mean it takes a bit to just go back.

If they have anything to do with the disappearance… Because it might be an urgent situation.

Because Kania was also an academy student aspiring to become a hero.

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