The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 44: Back To The Base

Barak stood tall on top of the wall of the rebel's base, he crossed his arms watching closely the training that was being held in the vast area of the base, a sparring match on top of a large atone area caught his eye, it was yumi wearing the piece of armor that Aster was holding earlier that day and Bard, who was currently careening towards the wall,

"I was expecting it to increase her strength somewhat, but she's tossing him around like they're the same size", Aster said, letting out a loud whistle , He looked next to him barak's leg was shaking with excitement,

"I guess you're still itching for a fight after what happened in the city", Aster said, "if you wanna go I up for the fight", Aster held his hand out summoning his hammer into it,

"nah, a fight between us would just disrupt their training", Barak said, leaning forward ever so slightly onto the edge,

"Ast did I just hear him correctly, did Rak just turn down a fight", Levant said, leaning forward from the position he was sitting in to look at barak,

"he's got a point we tend to go a bit overboard when any of us fight each other", Aster answered, 

Barak stood there smirking to himself, until he couldn't contain his excitement anymore, "I'll be back', Barak said, with an excited tone in his voice, free falling towards the ground inside the base,

"Whats got him so excited ?", Polaris asked, his face look dumbfounded seeing barak fall off of the wall with a smile on his face,

"do you just space out on purpose, or is everything in there just water with no brain", levant said, knocking the back of his fist against Polaris' head,

"relax Lev, we all know that Pol has nothing but water between the ears, when we aren't doing anything interesting to him, Aster said, taking a stand on top of the wall,

"sorry", Polaris said, letting off a little chuckle, "it's just that there are more people hear today than they were yesterday and one of them is giving off some crazy divine energy", Aster followed Polaris eyes to find he was looking at a young woman who was standing next to the entrance of the building, however Levant noticed that amon was now beneath them signaling for them to come down,

"hey guys, Amon is telling us to come down", Levant said, just before flinging himself off the wall and down into the training area,

"I wonder what he wants now", aster said to himself, out loud,

"lets go see", Polaris answered, also jumping off of the wall, Aster let out a sigh, before following the rest and jumping off of the wall and into the training area, once he landed he headed straight towards Amon, but, before he could get there, a streak of lightning flew right past him and into the wall, by now Barak was in a full on fight with both Bard and Yumi, Aster ignored Barak and continued over to Amon and the others,

"so what do you want now", Aster said, unable to mask the annoyance in his voice, which only grew with every bolt of lightning he could hear going off behind him,

"how did it go in the capital, enjoy the views and scenery ?", Amon asked,

"well I don't know much about that, but you brother is a prick though", Aster retorted,

"ahh so he's in good spirits I see", Amon answered, letting out a slight chuckle to himself,

"I'm glad you find us almost ending up in a fight amusing", Levant, chimed in,

"ohh now I'm interested, why would my brother bother fighting you in town", Amon asked, Stroking his white goatee,

"it wasn't your brother, it was four others, one had his scythe to my neck", Aster said, rubbing his neck slowly,

"ohh… you met Pix and the other pillars of the guild, smart choice not fighting them in the city, comparatively you four should be able to hold your own against the four of them, if they are fighting separately, but if they are fighting together with Aluric around, you four would have died today, especially if kiara is involved, she has here own faction of women who act as her spies they blend in and are every where in this goddamn country, probably how they found you all so quick", Amon said, getting deeper into thought the longer her stroked his goatee,

"oh nope, they found us because we went in there like a damn beacon", levant said, "we kept our divine energy output as high as possible, we wanted them to find us, as Aster put it we wanted to see who we were up against",

"you four might be as crazy as they are", Amon said, holding his hand to his face,

"hmm…..Seems like we really can't underestimate the ones we'll be fighting this time", Aster said, his memory quickly flashing back to his fight with Canaan only a couple months prior, A hand rested on his shoulder, he looked over it to see levant ,

"don't worry about it Aster, since you've got me here", levant said grinning from ear to ear with the other hand on his belt buckle,

"ohh and what's got you brimming with confidence all of a sudden ?", Aster asked Levant,

"it isn't confidence, just excitement, we've got a tough fight on the horizon and I can't help but get excited, makes me want to burn something", levant answered back, still grinning from ear to ear ,

"I can't tell if you have a hero complex or if you just have murderous tendencies", Aster said,

But his comment fell on deaf ears, levant had already started heading towards yumi, Bard and Barak, he was fully intent on joining their fight, but as he approached, Yumi pulled Barak away from attacking, propelling herself towards Bard, and with the added speed plus the boost in strength she got from the Armor, she landed a kick that sent him flying towards Levant,

Levant saw this huge mountain of a man flying towards him, he quickly turned to a side allowing bard to fly directly pass him and on wards towards Amon and the others,

"I know you wouldn't want to speak to us if it was just to find out how our little excursion went, what is it that you really want to talk about", Aster said, leaning up against the wall,

"oh yeah, what I was going to tell you is was pertaining to yumi...", Amon answered but was quickly cut off,

Bard came flying directly into him, this time Amon was unable to stop him, causing both of them to sink into the wall, leaving a sizable dent if you will,

Amon, pushed Bard off of him, though bard probably didn't realize because he was only about half conscious and absolutely dazed, but as Amon got up you could tell he was annoyed at what happened,

he let out a small sigh, regaining his composure, he slowly removed the dull yellow jacket he was wearing, leaving his bare back exposed, he drew his sword from its sheath, the dark purple hilt of it contrasting heavily with the bright silver of its steeled edges, all highlighting the wine red middle of the blade that ran straight from tip to hilt finishing at a diamond shaped stone of the same color embedded within the hilt,

it was a sword that caught the eye of everyone in the training area, but what drew everyone's attention was the moment he drew it, you could feel a darkness in the air, it gave off an ominous pressure that made it slightly harder to breathe, it felt as though the sword itself was drawing you in, it's darkness almost felt magnetizing,

"Okay, now, which one of you will be first ?", Amon asked,

You could feel the energy pouring off of him, it was so much and so intimidating, that Aster instinctively called for his War hammer, and readied himself for a battle,

Levant stopped in his tracks, looking over his shoulder at Amon, with his instincts being on the same track as Aster's, his hands subconsciously reached for his guns, while Polaris stood there frozen, his mind flashing back to when he first encountered Aluric, but unlike the other two he not was quick to reach for his weapon, he was about to attack when a surge of lightning flared off from the middle of the training area,

Barak had the biggest reaction to what Amon was doing, this wasn't because he was driven by instincts like the other three, this was purely driven by his Ego,

"oh you really are his brother ain't you, I almost couldn't tell the difference between you and him for a second", Barak, stated, his attention now fully on, Amon,

Amon sighed to himself yet again, "being overly excited is what's gonna cost you if you decide to fight me Barak", he stated, readying himself for an attack at any moment,

"oh but I wouldn't exactly call this excitement", barak said, and without a second thought he charged right towards Amon,




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