Chapter 42: Burden Of Expectations
Ashe covered his eyes from the bright blinding lights as he emerged from the ground in a golden covered room, from the seats to the floor was covered in gold, in the middle of the room sat the largest seat of them all, the throne of creation and to the side of the chair was the only non golden thing in the room a staff that seemed like any other wooden staff except it was as large as the chair it stood next to, which faced the other seats which climbed as far back as the eye could see, but the grandeur of this room grew mundane when you had an eternity to get used to it, what drew Ashe's attention were the three people huddled together in the first row of seats, with their attention drawn to something in front of them,
Ashe approached them, to find that what they were watching was a monitoring crystal, looking at the four boys taking a walk in the forest, "I swear you three need to find something else to do, it feels like all you do is watch them all day", Ashe said taking a seat next to them,
"you mean something like interfering in their lives", one of them answered,
"yes Shaset, I mean something like that", Ashe answered, propping up his feet as he prepared himself for a nap,
"welcome back brother, how was the mortal world", a soft spoken voice said,
"it was interesting, wasn't there for sightseeing though", Ashe said, looking at his sister through the corner of his eye,
"so you're not gonna say anything Ra", ashe said looking at the last of the group who had yet to greet him,
"yeah I have something to say but you aint gonna like it", she shouted as she got up from her seat,
"oh really what is…..", but before ash could finish his sentence, she hurled her giant axe at his face, with him barely dodging it,
"the fuck, are you crazy sis", Ash shouted, as two gauntlets appeared on his arms,
"well if its a fight you want then come on bring it", ash shouted,
But before he could do anything he heard a voice,
"Children cut this out immediately", a stern voice shouted, and out from the shadows walked a very elegant looking woman, her hair was a dark green, and flowed down her back gracefully, her eyes were golden, and felt as though they could pierce the skin, her skin was a smooth ebony color, and she wore a green dress that stopped just before her knees,
"oh great the fuck do you want mom", Ra shouted out,
"you know it pains me to see my children fight", she said, her eyes, turning soft and warm, flickering like a gentle fire lived in them, expressing her pain from watching them fight,
Ashe turned around dropping on one knee immediately,
"all respect to Mother Earth, Gaios Junorra", he echoed, the other two followed suit, bowing on their knees before their mother, However Ogura stood firm, summoning her axe back to her hands,
"I must say after all these millennia I'm not surprised, it is your nature to be high strung and defiant, like the beautiful sun I proclaimed you to be, but even the everlasting flame must know her place and bow before the might that is the Law of mother nature", Junorra said, taking a step towards her daughter,
"why should I all you do is stay in your domain, all day playing with your creations", Ra explained,
A pained smile came onto Junorra's soft expression, she made her way over to Ogura, running her hand along her cheek, before her expression turned ice cold, Ogura dropped to her knees coughing repeatedly, grasping for breath, as branches and vines grew from her mouth,
"see it took some time but eventually just like your siblings you all bow before me", Junorra said,
"that should teach you to watch your mouth, it won't kill you though, it'll just shut you up for a while", junorra continued,
"Now, Ashe, why were you in the mortal's domain earlier", She asked,
"I went for a walk", Ashe answered getting up from off of the ground,
"Let me be more specific, why were you interacting with that particular set of mortals, id you chose the one offered to you as your champion this time around, is he your only one, or, one of many", Junorra asked, she walked around Ashe, stopping in front of him, she held him by his chin, forcing him to look her in her eyes,
"I hate what Prosperun did to your lovely eyes, now we have those incessant children running around", Junorra said, taking her hand away from Ashe's face,
"I don't hear you saying anything when father goes and…..", Ash stopped mid way as his eye patch began to throb with searing pain, which soon after a golden liquid began to drip and run out of the eye patch,
"when your father does what", Junorra remarked,
"nothing Mother", Ash replied,
"good, I thought so", She said,
"now you four follow me to my room there's a lot we must do, before the others start with all the scheming and fighting", she said walking off,
back with the boys
The boys were now back in the forest, on the path to head back to the base, they walked in silence, all of them still thinking about what happened in the capital, though Levant and Polaris seemed to be the most upset, the silence seemed like it would continue all the way back to the base , that is until Levant broke it,
"Guys, why are we even here ?", Levant asked,
"huh what do you mean by that:, Aster answered, as he continued to walk in front of Levant without looking back at him,
"I mean why did we decide to help out these people who we owe nothing to ?", Levant asked, while still pondering his own answer to the question,
Aster let out a sigh and then stopped briefly, "I can't speak for the rest of you but I saw an opportunity to get away from all of the constant drama happening back home, it's the same old shit, all the time with those old heads", Aster said
"And here I thought you only ever thought about being an enforcer and beating me", Barak said, letting out a small chuckle,
"I love being an enforcer, it's everything else that comes with our positions in the clan that's so tiring, help us decide on this, go do that, set a stellar example, learn the politics well, it's all just noise to me", Aster explained,
"to be honest I'm in the same boat as him", Polaris said, looking away into the forest, he didn't want to worry the others with the look he could feel running across his face,
'like I'm tired of them abusing our blessings and bodies for their own gain, I makes me angry when I think about it", Polaris confessed,
"now that we're sharing, what about you Rak", aster asked, Barak continued walking only giving slight pause for a second, he took his left hand out of his pockets and placed it on his sword,
"besides curing my boredom, helping out yumi has provided me with something I always wanted to do, I finally get to test out all of my strength without care or consequence, on that god damned island that's our home all of us are usually careful and don't ramp up our powers to their maximum output but now we can, now I can, plus I owe that damned monster Aluric for the ass whopping he gave all of us", Barak said, while walking down the path,
All three of them agreed, though they did so in silence, having acknowledged that all their life they had to reign in their powers,
"well as far as I can tell, my reason for being here is that I finally get a chance to see the outside world, though that's all I've come up with for now, I still have to fully sort out my thoughts,", Levant said,
"well take your ti…..", Aster began to say but suddenly stopped, the scent of blood, that stench of rusted copper or iron
"what is it now", Levant asked as he peeped from behind aster, only to be met with what was a scene of pure and utter destruction,
Trees were broken and tossed a giant boulder off to the side had a chunk taken out of it, the sun peered through the now broken trees and you could see blood was splattered everywhere, something then caught Aster's eyes, a feint glistening off to the side near the giant boulder, he walked over and picked it up, it was a small piece of gold that shined brightly as the sun hit it,
"why is there gold here ?", Levant asked,
"beats me someone or something had a vicious fight here", Barak stated, as he walked through the now tattered part of the forest,
"and something dragged away a 'prize" , Polaris said pointing towards a secondary path made by drag marks that had drops of dried blood leading in that direction,
"well I had enough of an eventful day I don't want to know what is in that direction", Aster noted as he continued in the direction of the base ,
"i'm with you on that decision" barak stated,
After about another half hour of walking they had finally arrived back at the base, as they all jumped on top of the wall to reenter it.