The Prophecy Of The Four Kings

Chapter 2: A Fateful Encounter

People often speak of the castle, at the end of the vast desert that suddenly appeared three years ago, and because it suddenly appeared shortly after the desert appeared most don't dare to cross the desert and approach the castle. But today someone appeared and decided to start crossing the desert, the town's people at the edge of the town watched on as if he was a madman of some sort, as this hooded stranger began to cross the desert,

At the town's center, in a opened roof rustic cafè, that had thick vines running down to the floor from the roof, there sat a strange fellow, wearing white leather boots, with a white pants and white hoodie on, he was fair skinned, not to dark but not pale either, his hair was high in the middle with the sides cut off but his eyes, his eyes were cold and jagged like knives made of ice and steel as if they felt nothing. He had a sword with him, it was about average length, the sheath was white and ran until it hit the guard, which was white and in the shape of a cross,

The commotion had reached his ears, as he soon got up , the whispering about someone crossing the mysterious desert started and he headed out of the cafe the vines began to darken as all of the moisture was sucked out of them and flowed towards the stranger clad in white, he exited the cafe and turned towards the direction of the desert.

Back with the hooded stranger,

he was wearing a black hoodie that stopped by his waist, a black shirt on the inside with a black long cargo pants with the bottom of them tucked into his black leather boots and a green cloth wrapped around his waist, he was built quite large and looked to be packing a lot of muscle on him, he was also dark skinned and he carried a large war hammer on his shoulders. He continued walking up the sand dune as you could tell he was attempting to cross The vast and mysterious desert.

The stranger clad in all white walked up to a well and looked down inside of he smiled and said to himself "this will do". He jumped down inside the well, shortly after all the town's people felt a rumbling, the well ERUPTED with water and the stranger clad in white standing upon it, the water then started moving towards the desert at a surprising speed.

The hooded hammer wielding fellow was leisurely walking across the desert whistling a tune as if he didn't have care in the world, when he felt the ground start to shake, he looked puzzle and whispered to himself "well this one isn't me so..." and then the stranger clad in white shot pass him on a pillar of water.

"You shithead" the hammer wielding fellow shouted, as he stood there holding his head in awe.

"Its not my fault you decided to walk, aster", the stranger said with a condescending, smug look on his face

Aster put both his hands to the ground and it began to shake, and as the shaking got more and more violent, the earth under his feet shot out launching him past the white clad stranger

"Whose slow now dick face" aster shouted as he passed the person in all white,

"You really feel me, the great fucking Polaris, is gonna be outdone by you, you ape" Polaris said looking very agitated, as he turned up the speed the pillar of water was moving at.

Polaris was now next to Aster, "i had a feeling it was you that had everyone making a commotion in town earlier", Polaris said to aster slightly annoyed at that fact,

"damn you still are bad at ignoring that feeling when one of us is close by", Aster said not even batting an eye at Polaris,

"that's besides the point, why are you going to see him ?, if you don't mid me asking", Polaris shouted,

"it's not like I want to go see him, this time I don't have a choice", Aster answered, as he landed out of the air and then launched himself again




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