Chapter 16: Fury & Ice
Levant and barak had started to pursue yumi and her kidnapper and they were gaining ground fast, they were now almost right behind them,
The unknown figure looked back realizing that the two of them had almost caught up,
"I really don't want to use any more energy to summon more help, those giants have me wiped out already", the unknown person said to themselves out loud,
"You really shouldn't be saying stuff like that out loud you know", yumi said,
"by the way is 'he' around or did 'he' think you were enough", yumi inquired,
"i don't know why you're asking cause I'm not telling", her captor answered,
"so he thought that you were enough", yumi said,
"You are going to regret that later", she replied, yumi let out a small sigh ,
she looked out in front of her, she realized that someone was following close behind her, she had also realized that her kidnapper had just thrown her over their shoulder, her hands nor feet were restrained,
'Okay their close enough and I've seen a bit more of what they can Do taking down members of the giant race, A race said to be blessed by the goddess of war', yumi thought to herself,
Yumi pushed off of her kidnapper and flipped over him, stopping on a tree branch, levant and barak realizing what happened flew past her in order to catch the unknown person, but as soon as they were about to catch them, a blue light flashed right before their eyes,
"Grand ciemp����s, go forth", the unknown person shouted,
A giant centipede appeared out of nowhere, it dwarfed the forest and even the giants seemed small in comparison, the massive insects body, writhed and coiled it's way through the forest, portions of it rising above the trees and then back to the ground, the share length of it taking up a massive amount of the forest, it's outer shelled glistened in the moonlight, as the person who summoned it grinned at his work, the centipede snarled, looking around for it's prey,
Aster and Polaris stopped dead in their track and stood in the trees looking on in shock, especially polaris,
"Is that a f.....fu....fucking centipede", Polaris shouted, his face went pale for a minute then his eyes glistened with fury,
Something aster knew for a while was, Polaris and Levant hated Centipedes and reptiles,
but just as enraged polaris was, aster was becoming even more giddy with excitement,
"FUCK saving her, I'm gonna go kill it, it has to die", Polaris shouted,
He drew his sword and jumped up into the sky, creating a platform of ice, to stand on,
Levant looked back up into the sky behind him and saw polaris,
"Barak, look, this is bout to be very fucking funny", levant said pointing upwards at polaris,
"Hmm...shoot a fire ball at polaris that should direct its attention at him", barak said to levant,
"You know he's gonna want to kill us after he kills that thing right, more accurately, he's gonna kill me", levant said,
"And so, it's worth it to see his face", barak replied, levant turned around and fired a fireball at polaris,
Polaris was speeding towards the giant insect that he felt a deep loathing towards, but soon he realized that a bright light was illuminating from below him and it was only getting brighter by the second, he threw up a wall of ice to block it causing it to be deflected, though just barely,
this however caught the attention of the giant centipede that was looming over the forest, it's full focus now aimed at Polaris, it let out a viscous howl at Polaris, but, by now Polaris was even more pissed off,
"don't just stand there get rid off all of them", the kidnapper shouted,
The centipede's long flat hardened body began vibrating, it's black exoskeleton heating up becoming a bright red, it reeled back opening it's large mouth, in an instant the energy gathered within it's body exploded forth in Polaris' direction,
before it could hit him a wall of earth shot up in front of him stopping the ferocious attack in it's tracks, with Aster on top of it,
"you need to stop taking the fact that I got your back for granted, Aster shouted,
The wall of earth disappeared and aster dropped back down to the ground,
"this is why I don't like Centipede's, and I'm gonna enjoy this", Polaris said grinning to himself,
He crouched down and pulled back his hand pointing his sword directly at the centipede, IMPALE:ARTIC HEART, an icy blue light flew straight through the Centipedes, leaving a giant hole, and causing the body of the centipede to start freezing, effectively killing it,
"no no no, not so fast", the kidnapper, said, cutting open his hand with a knife,
"Heal up, and kill those bastards", he said, as his blood touched the ground, a bright blue light illuminated the area, as the ice around the gaping hole in the centipede thawed away, and the hole began to close, the giant centipede, regained the red glow in its eyes, as it began to come back to life,
"AHH FUCK", Polaris shouted out, starring down the large insect,
"lets see if a second one will put you down for good", Polaris said,
He once again crouched down,
"IMPALE:ARTIC HEART", Polaris said, as the icy blue light shot forth towards the centipede, Polaris, collided with something hard and sturdy, as he opened his eyes he was now facing down the hard exoskeleton of the centipede, the armored exoskeleton began to crack from the force of Polaris' attack,
The black exoskeleton of the centipede began to heat up once more, turning a bright red, the centipede swung its body around, releasing the built up energy once more, firing the blast directly at Polaris,
Polaris smiled to himself, the blast engulfing where he was,
"Now lets see if third times the charm", Polaris said, appearing under the centipedes head,
"IMPALE:ARTIC HEART", Polaris shouted, shooting upwards towards the centipede and appearing on the other side, this time leaving behind a large spike ice pillar embedded within the centipedes head, as he gracefully landed on the tip of the ice spike, turning it back into water, leaving behind a large hole,
Polaris once again created a platform of ice to stand on, his eyes searching for Levant, when he felt a strong wave of pressure hit him, his eyes opened and he realized he was flung into the air , spinning and falling without any control,
"what happened", Polaris said to himself confused,
"you didn't finish the job", Aster said, grabbing Polaris by the back of his coat,
"hold on", Aster said, the two of them crashing through multiple trees in the forest,
"oww, that should've killed it", Polaris said,
"well take a look, it isn't dead", Aster said pointing towards the giant insect, as the large hole that Polaris left was once again healing,
"well, I just have to make more than one hole this time", Polaris said, as he went to grab his sword, but felt nothing, he looked down, but his vision tilted on a side, his body falling weak,
"whoa, hey, you good Pol", Aster said, grabbing Polaris by his arm before he fell to the ground,
"yeah, I'm", Polaris was saying, he began coughing, rapidly and repeatedly, soon blood came trickling down his lips, Aster, took a look at him again, his veins were red, as if they were burning from the inside, the red veins spread across his arms and part of his face slowly pulsating,
"Pol, this isn't good", Aster said, examining Polaris closer,
"what, I feel a little weak, but I can still fight", Polaris said, his eyes trained on the large insect in front of him that was frantically thrashing around, he could see Barak and Levant's powers flaring off in the distance fighting it,
" you say that, but, your veins look as though Lev is burning them from the inside out, my guess is, since it was one of the stingers from that centipede that hit you, that they are coated with some kind of poison or toxin, for when it hunts", Aster said, lightning struck the hard shell of the centipede, knocking it's head down to the forest's floor, as it shook off the attack, it's eyes fixated on Aster and Polaris, it's black exoskeleton, becoming red hot once more, releasing a beam of energy,
"Aster, Aster watch out", Polaris shouted, Aster turned around just barely catching the attack, slamming his hands down on the ground, a large wall of earth rose up, as the beam made contact, the sudden explosion sending him and Polaris flying backwards,
Aster opened his eyes, pushing himself up off of the ground, he looked around to see on both sides of him the forest was scorched, reduced to ashes,
"this centipede is really starting to piss me off", Polaris said, wobbling to his feet,
"just when you think you've seen it all, we run into a giant centipede, with a healing factor, poison and basically levants powers, I'm so killing this thing", Polaris said, as he rambled on, Aster had began to put things together in his head,
"Pol, I understand now, Rak and Lev have been attacking that thing and barely making a dent, yet you managed to poke a hole in it twice", Aster said,
"yeah…. maybe I'm….. just that g….good", Polaris said, grabbing his arm, the pain searing through it like a fire that was burning it's way through wood,
"Or maybe, ice or lowered temperatures are it's weakness, look, this is a long shot, but, I want you to freeze your surroundings as fast as possible once I launch you at that thing", Aster said,
"what, what do you mean, launch me", Polaris said,
"just do it, I'll explain once that thing is dead", Aster said, Polaris let out a deep sigh, as he stood up strong on his feet,
"fine, I'm ready let's do this", Polaris said,
Aster, stomped his foot on the ground, raising a pillar under his feet, as it grew taller and taller, until he could see well above the forest, he jumped off, hitting the ground as hard as possible on impact, a second pillar shot out from below Polaris' feet, launching him at the centipede,
Barak and levant, looked around hearing the sound of aster hitting the ground,
"Rak let's move, I guarantee Aster is doing something insane", Levant said, as they cleared the area around their opponent,
"Take this, ARTIC HEART: FLASH FREEZE", Polaris shouted out, the impact of him hitting the insect, reverberated throughout the forest, as the head of the centipede fell to the ground frozen and dead,
" to deal with that glorified matchstick, that sent that fireball at me", Polaris said, standing atop the headless corpse of the insect.