The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 39 The Unknowable Light Sphere

When the light ball came into contact with the twilight, an extremely bright light burst out instantly, and then disappeared. There were balls of light bursting out one after another in the square. People were not surprised, but looked at these lucky ones enviously.

Sir, you have been blessed by the Son of the Ocean. May He bless you. You can feel it carefully. I heard that blessings can fulfill people's wishes to a certain extent.

Perry said with a little envy and respect that the Tsmari people believed that the blessed ones were the patrons of the children of the sea, and they were respected people.

Ace nodded, he had already sensed it mentally.

There is no difference in the body, the light ball seems to be integrated into the twilight, the colorful light ball is attached to the runes of the magic short sword, similar to the soul runes and secondary runes, the positions overlap but the space seems to be different.

Ace's perception seems to be covered with a layer of fog, unable to see the structure of the colorful light sphere clearly.

With a slight touch of mental power, the structure of the light ball suddenly jumped up, trying to climb up to Ace along the mental power.

Ace hastily cut off the connection, his face turned pale, and his mental strength was suddenly cut off, feeling uncomfortable at all.

Before studying the specific influence of this ball of light, he dared not let this thing that has a relationship with the gods get on his body, and the light ball of unknown body might bring about irreversible effects.

For example, let him believe in the Son of the Ocean devoutly from now on, and he would shudder all over his body just thinking about it, he can't be blocked by this kind of thing.

Following the jubilation and pushing of the crowd, Ace arrived in front of the statue, and together with the other five blessed ones, received the special celebration of the Tsmari people. The crowd held a handful of fish scales in each hand and sprinkled them on them.

The Tsmari people believe that fish is a gift from the son of the sea, and the scales of the fish represent the blessing of the son of the sea. With fish scales on his head, Ace pretended to laugh, secretly remembering the blessed who came forward together.

At midnight, Ace returned to the hotel with Perry, covered in fish scales and fishy smell.

This is a silver thaler, thank you for taking me to experience the magical Tsmali bonfire festival. Ace threw a silver thaler to Perry.

Perry caught it with both hands, and said happily: I hope that every day of your stay in Tsmalli will be like tonight. I am staying in this hotel. I know all the places in Tsmalli. You can come to me at any time.

Ace waved his hand, found the hotel owner, asked the owner to prepare a bucket of hot water and deliver it to his room, and went back upstairs.

After taking a bath, Ace put on a black robe, smelling the faint fishy smell on his body, and carefully studied Shimmer.

Every scientific researcher may have an uncontrollable curiosity, just like gourmet food first, no glutton can resist it.

There was no obvious change in the structure in the twilight. Ace tried to communicate with the rune array in it, and the blade became scorching and hot, and it could be used normally without any problem.

He sensed the ball of light little by little, but there was no reaction. When he touched it lightly with his mental power, the ball of light stuck to it instantly, causing him to tear this part of his mental power.

This time he simply took the initiative to separate a small part of his mental power and put it into the ball of light.

The sphere of light flashed, but it didn't touch this part of the mental power. After several attempts, Ace thought that this ball of light was only interested in conscious spiritual power, and he dared not experiment with it himself, so he could only quietly find other blessed ones to observe.

Perry, tell me about the Blessed One. Ace handed Perry a silver thaler, the magic law activated, the enchanted creature activated, and the phantom pounced on Perry.

Perry looked at Yin Thaler who was handed over, and suddenly felt extremely kind and trusting to Ace. Could this be the unique charm of Yin Thaler?

Of course, the blessed ones are legends in Tsmali. No matter what they are, as long as they are blessed, they will get unimaginable good luck. According to the summary of rumors in the market, as long as the blessed ones strongly want to complete Things are likely to be completed or partially completed.”

Thirty years ago, there was a very stupid man named Mo Er, whose greatest wish was to become wise.

When he was blessed, he really became very smart, and later became the administrative officer of Tsmali.

However, there are also strange rumors. The blessed ones suddenly disappeared when they were old. It is said that they were bestowed by Montpontos and went to His kingdom to enjoy eternal life.

Perry was charmed by Ace, limited to Perry's status, although what he said was not necessarily true, it was much more believable.

Ace bought a murloc mask, changed into local costumes, and charmed a few people. He summed up several points: first, one must be blessed by the sphere of light; second, one must have a strong desire; and third, one must be able to achieve or partially achieve it.

Is there really such a free lunch in the world? Can a wish come true without paying any price? Ace thinks that the possibility is very small and cannot be ruled out. It needs to be studied.

Yesterday, he remembered the characteristics of the blessed who were celebrating with him yesterday, and activated the secondary magic ultrasonic perception, turning the world into black and white.

Ace himself became the source of the ultrasonic emission, and the ultrasonic waves with spiritual power oscillated in the spherical space with a radius of 500 meters around him, and the surrounding scenes were completely vivid.

Ace sensed a third of Tsmalli City, and found a dozen blessed ones. They are so unique, the world of ultrasound perception is black and white, they are completely in color, it is too easy to identify.

Ace discovered that only items that have been infested with magic power for a long time also have color in perception, so it can be determined that the blessed person has a strong magic power gathering effect.

He followed one of the blessed ones, a heavy swordsman who looked extremely sturdy. Instead of directly enchanting the Blessed One himself, Ace chose to charm his family because he was not sure whether the charm would be successful.

The heavy swordsman's name is Tiger, and he used to be a hard-working man with poor martial arts skills. Since he was gifted by the Son of Haiyang three years ago, his martial arts skills have become more and more exquisite, and his physique has also become strong and fierce.

According to Ace's tracking and observation from a distance these days, Tiger's strength has exceeded the limit of ordinary people, similar to an uninspired person.

Tiger was in the yard of his home, and there was a stone hammer to exercise his strength. He suddenly threw the stone hammer, Bang! and hit the ground. Then he rushed, pulled out the epee stuck in the courtyard, and guarded the surroundings vigilantly. After a while, he put down the epee.

I always feel that someone is watching, is it the reason why I haven't slept well these days? Tiger said to himself.

Ace withdrew the secondary spell ultrasonic perception. He felt the accumulation of magic power in Tiger's body that was different from that of mortals. Tiger had been polluted by magic power. To some extent, he had surpassed the limit of mortals and had extraordinary intuition. In other words, the spirit has a certain hazy perception.

Ace's ultrasonic waves are mixed with his own spiritual power and the magic power attracted by nature, which can easily arouse Tiger's vigilance. He controls the frequency and scope of observation, and the ultrasonic waves try not to directly contact Tiger.

After waiting like this for several days, people from the office came to Tiger, and then he left the city with a few partners.

Tiger is a well-known murloc hunter in Tsmalli. Whenever a small group of murlocs attacks, they will come to his aid, and then exchange the murloc ears for bounties in the commune.

Ace hangs quietly behind, watching them kill more than a dozen murlocs who came ashore to rob. The strength of ordinary murlocs is no different from that of humans, even slightly inferior due to the uncomfortable environment and short stature.

Ace quietly activated the phantom gaze, and Tiger and the others felt as if a pair of gloomy eyes flashed in front of them, and then they found that more and more murlocs climbed ashore. They looked at each other and ran away, only hating their father Mom didn't have two more legs.

Ace looked at the few people who were running away with satisfaction, and by the way, picked up two murloc corpses from left to right, and followed them from a distance. Arriving at the sparsely populated reefs, Ace triggered a secondary spell, stun, and stunned several people.

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