The Primordial Wizard

Chapter 17 New Ideas

Ace already has an idea, he no longer intends to continue to learn from Tylos, and he also has ideas for improving the current medical skills combined with his previous experience in the hospital.

Ace then thanked Telos for half a month of teaching, and told him that he had learned a lot and planned to settle down for a while, anyway, he would not come in the future.

Tellos didn't say much, if it wasn't for Peter's face, he would definitely not accept this type of student.

Peter's villa, inside the study.

What, you don't study medicine with Tylos anymore? Do you know how hard it took me to get this kind of form, this kind of opportunity? Peter's goatee raised up angrily, and he slapped his loose white robe Hearing, it was the first time he growled like this at Peter, who was always gentle with Ace.

Teacher, I have studied it seriously for more than half a month, and I think that the medical skills of Tylos are not in line with my philosophy. I already understand the existing medical skills and have some ideas of my own. Ace's face remained unchanged, holding Peter's saliva Xingzi replied calmly.

First, the main idea of ​​Telos is to rule out lesions, which is not bad. But it is too simple and rude, if the hand hurts, the hand is cut off, and the foot is cut off, what should I do if I have a headache? Keep its body intact as much as possible, and treat different types of diseases. Distinguished treatment, patient-oriented, is the correct concept.

The second is to be objective and neutral. Practicing medicine is a medical technique based on objective and neutral research, and it cannot be treated with a priori and conjecture. It would be better to throw a stone at a tree and see how many birds it can hit. How to treat people without knowing enough about the human body?

The corpse must be dissected, and a large amount of clinical data shall prevail, and a detailed understanding of the human body can be used to achieve symptomatic treatment.

The third is to establish several systems. The first visit responsibility system, resident physician system and clinical teaching system, medical and surgical classification, and all-round and full-course disinfection systems allow patients to truly feel at ease.

Fourth, there are too few existing formulas of medicinal materials, and the research on medicinal materials is not in-depth. It is my goal to collect, research and analyze the effects of various medicinal materials, the symptomatic formulations of various pharmaceuticals, and write a complete guide to medication and dispensing.

Peter quietly listened to Ace's point of view, his goatee slowly smoothed down, and he thought for a long time, You said a lot of ideas, very creative, maybe you are right. If you can put your own ideas a little If you carry it out for ten years, maybe you will bring new medicine to people.”

But your road will be difficult. Peers are excluded and patients don't trust. These will restrict you. Are you ready?

Teacher, as you said, the road is difficult. I have an immature idea. Since there are too many difficulties in the early stage, I can paint in my own experimental field first.

Experiment? Is this a coined word with the root of operation and the suffix of verification?

Yes, this is a new word I coined. The definition is some kind of operation or activity to verify a certain point of view or hypothesis. You know I bought a manor in Buku Town, and I want to buy four hundred slaves to Enrich the manor.

But you are not a citizen now, only nobles and citizens are eligible to keep slaves.

Yes, I want to buy it as a teacher, and I hope to sign an agreement with you. You will lease the 400 slaves to me for three years, and I will pay you 5% of the total purchase price of the 400 slaves. After three years, when I get citizenship, you will automatically transfer these four hundred slaves to me free of charge.

It's okay to help you, and I will gladly accept the reward, but what does this have to do with the experimental field?

The city-state is composed of a group of people and a society. Although slaves are objects in the legal sense, they are also a group of people and a society. They can work, eat, get sick, and die. The manor they form can be Validate a lot of my ideas, not just medicine. And Transcendence, Ace added in his mind.

Peter has always thought that Ace was very creative, and even the dictionary did not shock him as much as it does today. Using a small society to test ideas, generous and genius ideas,

I'll try to help as much as I can, and I hope you find a new path.

After returning home, Ace wrote the three words New Medicine on parchment, which will be his guiding ideology for practicing medicine. The main ideas are the above four, which he will gradually improve in the next few years.

Ace planned to go to Buku Town tomorrow. He couldn't wait to study and dissect the corroded jackals, and the city-state's noisy environment was very unfavorable for meditation.

Ace entrusted Romon to purchase 300 young slaves and 100 young slaves to enrich the manor. The city-state has newly conquered a group of barbarian tribes, and now the slave market has sufficient supplies and affordable prices, so it is a good time to stock up.

This world is a slavery society, and I have three years to become a citizen. Nobles and citizens have the right to keep slaves, and slaves are the private property of the master, which gives him the conditions to become a whole and be self-sufficient after three years.

He can buy wasteland in large quantities, buy slaves, and build a closed authoritarian society with himself as the apex of the pyramid in his own manor.

Of course, the heroes don't care about this. Extraordinary power can suppress everything, no matter how self-contained, without extraordinary power, you have to get down and obey.

It was dawn, and Ace packed up his things in the future, and pulled a few cages containing rotten jackals with two large flat carriages. He, Marina and two veterans got into the carriage and were about to leave the city gate.

Wait a minute, wait a moment! Some anxious breathless shouts came, Ace heard a little familiar, and stopped the carriage.

I saw Morton running wildly all the way, almost dying to chase after him.

Aai Aisi, you listen to me...

Stop talking first, calm down and speak again.

Morton panted heavily, and he recovered after a while, I almost ran to my death. Hurry up and pack up your things and follow me to Mr. Peter's house. The king is going to entertain you today.

What? What's the matter, please explain clearly first. Ace was taken aback, for no reason, why did the king entertain him.

While walking, I said, you let this convoy go back first, it won't be able to leave today.

On the way, Morton told Ace that it turned out that every year on the birthday of the goddess of elegance, the royal family would entertain all the nobles of the city-state, some meritorious citizens and outstanding people from all walks of life. Ace was invited by the Department of Culture and Education because of compiling a dictionary. He was just approved yesterday and told Peter early this morning.

All Morton hurried over and stopped Ace from returning to Buku Town.

This is a rare honor. I heard that I thought you were too young, and the Counselor did not approve it. It was His Royal Highness Tarun Medea who read your dictionary and appreciated it, and was able to invite you to participate. You are probably The youngest guest. Morton said enviously.

By the way, do you have all your badges?

No, it's at home.

Then I have to go to your house, and I must take all the honors with me.

When they arrived at Peter's place, the sun had already risen. Peter prepared a black robe for Ace, You are not a citizen yet, so you can only wear the black robe representing public office. Let's not waste time, hurry up and go to the palace.

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