The Primordial Record

Chapter 1365: Trap

Rowan's dimensional soul may call what he was accomplishing to be spells but he was simply compelling the forces of creation and destruction to obey his Will. He was pulling powers that he had not fully understood but his dimensional soul was so potent that he was able to force those forces to obey him. With time he would come to fully understand what he was controlling, but for now, it was enough that he could summon higher dimensional influences by his willpower alone.

Rowan's eyes transformed, becoming twin voids swirling with galaxies of arcane runes, no longer using the eyes of the serpent, that predatory gaze was for his dimensional flesh.

Thenos slammed against his shield twice, causing great reverberations to resound all through this space, but the shield held, it would have surprised Rowan if it was broken because this shield was capable of withstanding the explosion of a thousand universes and he pumped enough Aether inside of it to fill up the energy stores of a thousand eighth dimensional immortals. Thenos would have to destroy the shield a thousand times in a single instant to break it.

A dozen of the faces in the head of Thenos, some of them animalistic, while others were roughly humanoid called out words of power in various exotic languages, and Rowan immediately sensed many grasping hands trying to dig into his mind and also tear apart the shield.

This mind attack was surprisingly strong and it was enough for Rowan to admire the methods displayed by these unknown abilities, some of them attacking portions of his mind that would reduce a normal immortal into a whimpering idiot in an instant. However, the nature of his dimensional soul that seemed disassociated from reality reduced the powers of these grasping hands by nearly half, and what reached him could barely shake his consciousness.

All of these powers trying to tear his mind apart came from a myriad of different sources, and Rowan could barely even recognize a small section of those.
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Shrugging off those attacks, his shield was already glowing and vibrating, its durability surprisingly nearing zero, and this was from Thenos using the powers of a dozen heads and not tens of thousands or even millions because he did not have the energy to fuel all those attacks, but it did not matter, this shield had brought Rowan all the time he needed to finish his spells.

Rowan had dabbled in all sorts of spells, from mundane bloodline spells to Celestial and even Abyssal spells, but his dimensional flesh had always been powerful enough that he disregarded them all when it came to combat. However, he was coming to realize that it was not just because the powers of those spells were not needed, but that they also did not fit his abilities as a dimension.

There were certain spells that were easier for him to comprehend as a dimension and certain forces that he could control because he was a dimension, and he was barely scratching the surface of his capabilities.

He was going to be creating a new branch of spell work and even for him, that sort of thing required experimentation, focusing on only two of these forces, Rowan pushed all thought aside and focused on the battle before him.

Rowan tapped the air in front of him with his index fingers and the multiple spells of creation behind him were drawn to that finger, they swirled around in a hypnotic pattern that pulsed and shifted, taking various forms and hues, the shimmering spells of creation suddenly snapped back and covered his body in a cloak that shimmered like starlight. Unlike his dimensional flesh, his soul was not as durable, and he needed to take care of defense first.

Thenos seemed to have fully given himself over to madness as he attacked the shield again using the same method that sought to simultaneously destabilize Rowan's mind and tear the shield asunder, and although he could not gain any purchase on Rowan's mind, the shield, on the other hand, shattered with a massive shockwave that was directed towards Thenos but he simply muscled through it.

The titan roared in exultation, shaking the surrounding space, and lunged at Rowan breaking through the concept of space and time, multiple heads activated at this moment causing the body of Rowan to freeze for an instant and the speed of his movements to reach incredible heights. He slammed against Rowan multiple heads had their jaws wide open as he sought to tear and consume Rowan, but his body simply flowed through him as if Rowan were a mirage.

However, as Thenos passed through Rowan, the cloak of creation that covered him became draped over the titan, and before Thenos could tear it open, Rowan spoke a single unknown word, that reality struggled to interpret and so the sound that emerged from him came out like the bang that was made when a universe was born.

The creation cloak transformed into destruction.

Chains of frozen starlight tightened over the titan as liquid shadows and lightning serpents that burned simultaneously hot and cold flowed over the surface of the titan, but that was simply a primer for the true destructive blows underneath as Rowan tapped from the destruction ravaging his dimensional body and channeled it into Thenos.

The screams of the titan were mind-numbing as his body, which was the size of the moon, shrank to a few thousand feet, Rowan's attack nearly erasing nearly a hundred percent of his entire mass.

Thenos crawled out of the maelstrom of destruction, his body ravaged, his flesh entirely charred, yet he was healing, his size slowly returning, tearing apart the remnants of the spells surrounding his body. The titan cried out, multiple faces growing from his head that seemed to be calling forth energy from nothingness itself.

Feeling a pull on the void that was surrounding Thenos, Rowan smiled and allowed a passage into the nothingness for the titan to devour, but Rowan only allowed Thenos to devour energy from the nothingness for an instant before he closed off the connection, sealing back his fortress.

However, this was enough time for Thenos to recover a sizable part of his strength.

With the biggest weakness of the titan being his lack of energy, if Rowan had left the space open for Thenos to draw energy from the nothingness for too long, then the titan would have become suspicious.

Although the talent to draw energy from the Nothingness was incredibly rare, Rowan had seen only one immortal who was capable of that feat and that was Staff, but he knew that Thenos might be capable of doing such a thing because of the amount of talent he would have stolen while inside the Great Desert.

This fortress was of course shielded against the Nothingness, and the only reason Rowan had allowed Thenos to draw in any amount of energy at all was because of… this.

The titan suddenly screamed, clasping his head with both hands. Previously, every time Thenos cried out in pain, there was always an element of falsehood to it, as if he was just repeating something that everyone was expected to do because he did not understand what pain was, at least not in the way that most beings in reality experienced pain.

Thenos dug his fingers into his head as he screamed in a million voices, "What is this? What did you do to me?"

Rowan stared at the infant, his eyes cold but there was also pity inside of them, "Thenos, I made you complete."

Bringing up his two hands, Rowan brought forth the power of creation in one, and the power of destruction in the other and he began bringing them both together, and at the point of contact where they would meet, he would channel the resultant of these two forces becoming as one towards Thenos, this would create… a singularity.

The titan would not survive this, not even Rowan would be able to survive this for long, and despite being wracked with pain beyond measure, a new sensation that left him helpless, Thenos knew his end was coming, and his struggles intensified, but it was futile.

There was no light of victory in the eyes of Rowan, he knew that fundamentally this child was not at fault, but his fate had become warped by forces that did not allow him to make a choice, and those forces included Rowan too.

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