The Pope Who Returned After Having Three Children

Chapter 82

I never knew teasing others could be this much fun.

With a bright smile, I moved my fingers. Even though it was ‘one-handed thumb typing’, it wasn’t particularly slow.

[(☆) Pope: Honestly, isn’t it amazing?]

Tap, tap, tap! I diligently typed faster than usual.

[(☆) Pope: You’re the one who started this mess and sent someone to mess with me, so why are you getting angry?]

I was immersed in provoking Kim Yi-jeong, the attention-seeker and mastermind.

I had thousands of supporters cheering me on.

– You’re such a loser.

– For real, what a psycho!

– Total loser.

– This is next-level cringe.

– Must have some mental issues.

– Why pick on someone blessed by the goddess?

I still had no clue about Kim Yi-jeong’s true identity.

I didn’t know what kind of power he wielded, how strong he was, or even if he was a returnee. All I had was the information from his resume and that he used the nickname ‘Lerorna’ in the tribe.

An unknown enemy whose identity and abilities were a mystery. Still, I was confident.

No matter how impressive he was, there was no way he could easily withstand the shock of being ridiculed by thousands.

For this reason, I fuelled the atmosphere of hatred in the chat even more.

[(☆) Pope: Everyone, please hold back. That guy is just a pathetic attention-seeker who gets angry seeing others happy.]

While I was holding a mocking festival with the viewers, a message in broken red letters appeared in the telepathy chatroom.

-(???) : Pope bitch, turn off the stream right now.

Here we go again.

Kim Yi-jeong, possibly flaring up because of the derogatory comments directed at him, revealed his bubbling inner state again.

He still didn’t seem scary; he felt like an angry elementary schooler.

Of course, he’s probably not actually young. It just meant his maturity was as childish as a brat.

After all, many immature people are drawn to the attention-seeking type.

-(???) : I’m serious. Turn it off.

But the party in question didn’t seem to realize he looked like an angry kid.

Presumably, he saw himself as a very fearsome being.

Even though people mocked and ignored him, he didn’t lose his own sense of self, like a diamond.

A very healthy mindset, but unfortunately, it might just feel like a delicious prey to those in the telepathy chatroom.

-(Pope): Seriously, I’m scared now.

I couldn’t resist the urge to tease anymore. Just a lowly greater demon?

Seriously, fighting with someone as strong as a demon lord? Not intimidated at all.

Even though I was a saint who won against a demon lord several times, a mere greater demon would never frighten me.

And the other two weren’t much different in that they weren’t scared either.

-(Guardian Dragon): I can’t take this anymore; I’m busy fighting! A greater demon? You’re messing with me here?

-(Worst): There used to be a super colossal frost giant among our bosses since the dawn of time. A mere greater demon isn’t impressive.

Expectedly, the returnees and one final boss did not find a greater demon particularly terrifying.

Did he finally realize it too? After a silence, he left one last message.

-(???) : Just wait and see.

With that, the greater demon no longer intruded into the chatroom. In the end, he ran away without gaining anything.

-(Pope): I feel so refreshed.

It was a hearty victory.

Still, the situation didn’t change. The Dark Elf was still there, and he would continue to stir things up until he was taken down.

Because of that, the frustration that built up in my chest had not yet been released properly.

After the recent Haoran incident, facing another unjust matter was bound to raise my temper.

Even a good-natured saint like me found it hard to suppress my anger in this situation.

“Oh Sun, to be honest, this is justified rage.”

If I kept piling up stress without releasing it, it would no doubt turn into pent-up anger, so I quickly moved the emotions in my chest to my fingers and typed on the keyboard swiftly.

[(☆) Pope: I’m really pissed off.]

[(☆) Pope: The Burning Association at least put in effort to create slander materials, but this guy is being way too lazy about it.]

Lately, being the most attention-grabbing person in Korea attracted a lot of flies.

First, it was the rogue immortal, now it’s the greater demon.

They’re too annoying to let be, and the flames of anger within me kept sparking me.

Yet, I had the dignity of a pope to maintain and couldn’t execute a merciless execution like with Haoran.

Besides, unlike before, I could not freely commit murder while drawing attention on a broadcast.

Thus, I decided on the best possible choice I could think of.

[(☆) Pope: I reckon you’re watching me now? You better prepare yourself.]

This time, I would handle things differently than when I played the role of Wise Erin on ‘Wise Erin TV’.

Back then, I acted decisively with the purpose of the evil judgment, but now my goal was a little different.

This time, the concept was ‘education’.

[(☆) Pope: Everyone, next broadcast, I’ll bring the culprit of this incident and we’ll have an educational program to fix their character.]

I wouldn’t kill him; it would be worse torture for a demon than death itself.

Since I now had an expert on this side with me, it was definitely worth trying.

[(☆) Pope: Of course, the teacher will be the Archbishop.]

[(☆) Pope: By the way, the Archbishop previously held the position of Inquisition Director. So, he’s really good at ‘education’. Everyone, please look forward to it.]

Having typed that, I quickly stopped my fingers to focus on the broadcast.

“Strong, Dark Elf!”

Unfortunately, due to me chatting and grabbing people’s attention, the battle on the 3rd floor was briefly sidelined.

But when I stopped typing, people began refocusing back to the screen. I too returned to watching the fierce battle between the Dark Elf and the Black Dragon.

In the meantime, the tide of battle had shifted towards the invaders.

“Hurry up and finish it!”

Four hideous monsters latched onto the Black Dragon.

A beast with six legs, a grotesque avian creature, a slippery skeletal seafood, and a hippo-like creature spewing toxic gas.

These ugly monsters attacked the dragon in diverse ways, biting, constricting, and injecting poison simultaneously.

It seemed chaotic at a glance, but in reality, they executed a well-organized and flawless assault under their master’s orders.

How can those seemingly mindless beasts fight so intelligently?

Their bond with their master, the Dark Elf, seemed strong. Their high rank probably allowed for good control.

This indicated that the invading Dark Elf was a much stronger fighter than anticipated.

Perhaps he was stronger than Zhang Yao and slightly weaker than the fully-formed Hekatrith? That level would put him among the upper tiers of superhumans.

I would find it hard to face him alone; my position was that of a healer and supporter.

However, that greater demon was controlling a Dark Elf of that caliber as his minion, implying that Kim Yi-jeong was an opponent surpassing Haoran.

‘Did I provoke too much…?’

I felt a slight worry, but quickly brushed it off.

I believed. The Goddess would take my hand and lead me to a bright future.

Even though there aren’t many members here in this world yet, so her influence on the ground had not sufficiently taken shape…

She wouldn’t allow me to stay in a lethal situation. I was sure of it.

So, I would trust the warm rays of the sun and do what I needed to do.

-(Pope): Hekatrith, it’s high time you lose.

I would lead this movie to a happy ending first. That was the best way to hit back at Kim Yi-jeong properly.

To do that, I needed to be the ultimate boss suited for an ideal conclusion.

In fact, I had already asked Young Dragon to transform me into a form befitting the top floor.

“Oh Sun, how do I look?”

With a gentle smile, I finally checked my appearance in the mirror.

Hair as if covered in ash and a worn gray nun’s outfit like I was pulled from the ashes.

Except for the curious pinkish eyes, everything about me was gray-hued.

As I looked in the mirror, one word popped into my mind.


Death by fire, ash.

This woman looked like a saint who embraced all the world’s misfortunes and despair and burned.

It was also the appearance of a certain evil god known as the ‘Black Sun’.

“Are you watching too?”

This was a kind of challenge directed at the Black Sun, who had been targeting me lately.

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