Chapter 6: Chapter 6
"We made it!" Luffy beamed, jumping on dry land.
"About damn time, I was going to die if I stayed in sea a bit longer." I stretch.
Yeah, I need to find a way to block the sun, I burn way too easily.
"I'm hungry Clair." Luffy complains.
"Okay, we can go to the market street to eat a bit." I point out.
We find a nice restaurant in there and ask for some plates.
Inside the restaurant Luffy and Koby begun talking.
"Are you crazy?!" Koby asks. "You can't be considering him to join your crew!"
Oh, they're talking about Zoro being recruited, makes sense.
Huh, looking around I can see that people here are overly tense, like they're expecting something to attack them at any moment.
Morgan really fucked these people up huh.
"I'm not sure yet." Luffy said, ignoring the fact that Koby is at verge of a nervous breakdown. "Besides, Clair thinks he is strong so maybe he would be a good crewmate."
"Good crewmate?!" Koby almost screams. "The guy is a monster! Who knows how many people he killed at the sea! Thankfully he is now a prisoner."
"Yeah, a prisoner of the Marines." I point out. "It's better to see it with our own eyes before making assumptions."
Luffy took a mouthful from a nearby plate.
"Hmmm. This is really good!" He beams before asking the waitress for more.
I take a small bite from my own plate.
Huh, bit weird. I really have to get used to other foods, with Makimo I only ate the basics but that is not a possibility anymore.
"Hey, should we go see that Zoro guy?" Luffy asks me after finishing another plate.
As I was about to answer the entire restaurant cowered.
It's weird, they jumped and cowered when they heard Zoro's name, I know why but seeing in real life is really weird.
"Maybe we shouldn't say his name around here." Koby whispers to Luffy and I.
He then tried to change the subject. "I saw a poster that said Captain Morgan is at this base."
"Eek!" The people around us screamed and jumped even stronger than before.
They are cowering in fear. Yeah, what the fuck did Morgan do to these poor people?
"Shishishi." Luffy laughs as we leave the restaurant. "This place is really weird!"
"Everyone is so jumpy!" Koby comments. "I'm getting a bad feeling about this. I can understand why they get nervous when they hear Roronoa Zoro's name…He might escape at any moment! But why did they get nervous hearing the captain's name?"
"It's because the guy is a bastard." I couldn't help but scowl, I usually don't care but terrorizing a whole town for status? I just hate Morgan's entire existence. "He's the worst type of marine. There is a reason why you should question what the government does and says."
"Wait, how do you even know that?" Koby asks.
As we reach the gates of the Marine base Luffy just jump to the top of the wall before beaming, "Hey, there he is!"
Koby started freaking out once I begin joining Luffy up on the wall.
I decide to take a better look at the teenager in front of me, yeah teenager, it's easy to forget Zoro is not much older than me, and despite that here he is tied to a post for fighting back against a tyrant.
Damn, he is all screwed up, he has blood all over his face, and his face is a bit gaunt. I suppose it makes sense; he has been tied up on that post for at least 2 weeks after all.
That's some inhuman vitality, I doubt either Luffy or I could do that.
I can see now why Luffy wouldn't leave without him, such determination is hard to come across.
"Hey, if we untie him could he just leave?" Luffy inquires.
"D-don't be stupid! He would probably just kill us!" Koby shrieks.
I couldn't help but snort.
And Luffy just smiles. "Nah, we're too strong for that." He says nonchalantly.
"Hey," a voice calls out to us from the other side of the yard, "get lost. You're being an eyesore."
Koby falls from the wall in shock, but I ignore him and muse, "Damn, that position must suck." Luffy laughs at that.
Then a ladder slams at the wall beside us. A small girl climbs it up, shushing us on her way, and drops down before going to where Zoro is.
Oh, I had forgot about this little girl, Rika if I remember correctly.
"Oh, no!" Koby shrieks…again. "We have to stop her! She'll be killed!"
Rika tried to give Zoro her rice balls, but he kept refusing and trying to get her to leave.
And then…what's his name?Ah, Helmeppo! He walks in, with two marines flanking his sides. "Now, now. No one likes a bully."
Ouch, his voice hurt my ears.
"Huh, who's the weird guy?" Luffy asks.
"Thanks goodness, he must be with the marines." Koby sighs in relief. "The girl will be safe now."
"You would think so, wouldn't you? She is in far more danger than before." I correct, watching the scene play out.
Helmeppo stole Rika's rice balls, ate one just to spit it out and then stomped on the other. Sanji would be really useful here huh.
"T-that is…horrible." Koby mutters from the side.
Sorry that you have to see that Koby, but it's for the better.
"His dad?" Luffy asked once Helmeppo pulls out the notice.
"He's… Captain Morgan's son?" Koby mumbles from besides me
"And an asshole." I say after grunting. And he proves my point by ordering his subordinate to toss the little girl over the wall, which he reluctantly does.
"Luffy." I warn him.
As her body goes flying past us, Luffy jumps up and catches her in the air, and safely puts her on the ground.
While Koby kneeled down by Rika making sure she was okay, Luffy starts making his way over the wall, I follow him.
Helmeppo and the marines have left the yard by the time we arrive at Zoro's post.
Luffy walks over to Zoro.
"You still here?" Zoro asks. "Better not let Captain Morgan catch you."
I just watch, its better if I don't intervene at this point.
The two have some talk about their dreams, about Zoro's deal with Helmeppo and about his will power. Luffy seems to have found what he wanted and turned to leave.
"Wait," Zoro said.
Luffy pauses.
"Could you pick that up for me?" Zoro gestures to the Rice ball with his head.
I gaze down at the ruined Rice ball as Luffy scops it up in his hands. "It's mostly mud, you sure?" Wow, even Luffy is disgusted by the thing.
"Yes! Now hand it over!" He barks, opening his mouth wide for the rice. Luffy just shove it in his mouth. We listen to him hack and cough through the ruined food before he settles. "It was good. Thanks for the food."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate that, Roronoa Zoro."
Luffy then starts leaving the yard.
"You know that brat wont keep his side of the deal, right?" I ask him. He looks up to me.
"You are a man of your word, but he is not." I continue. "He isn't planning on letting you leave here alive, even if you make to the end of the month"
Zoro was quiet for a moment.
"Shut up and get lost," he tells me eventually.
"Well, I had to at least try." I turned to leave.
"Can you tell her that I ate it all?" He asks with a weak voice.
"Don't worry, I will."
I go to where Luffy is.
"What do you think?" He asked simply.
It's clear he already decided Zoro will join the crew and just want to know what I think before we break him out of there, good to know he takes my opinion into consideration.
"Wait a bit." I look at the wall. "He'll be with us at the end of the day, one way or another."
He just smiles.
And so do I, one out of four.
Servant Profile
Schweinorg D. Clair
Class: Foreigner
Rarity: 2 Stars
Strength: E
Endurance: E+
Agility: D+
Mana: B
Luck: E
Noble Phantasm: C+
Existence Outside the Domain EX
Human Observation C
Independent Action EX
Presence Concealment A
Magecraft E+
Rune Magic D
Jewel Magecraft E+
Reinforcement C
Clairvoyance C+
Monkey D. Luffy
Class: Berserker
Rarity: 2 Star
Strength: E+++
Endurance: A+
Agility: D++
Mana: E
Luck: EX
Noble Phantasm: ???
Madness Enhancement EX
Battle Continuation A
Charisma(Dream) EX
Drums of Liberation EX (Locked)
Human Observation (Heart) B
Class: (Rider?)
Rarity: 0 Stars
Strength: -
Endurance: -
Agility: -
Mana: ?
Luck: E-
Noble Phantasm: -
Riding D
Iron-Willed Faith C+
Roronoa Zoro
Class: Saber
Rarity: 1 Stars
Strength: E
Endurance: A
Agility: D+
Mana: E
Luck: B?
Noble Phantasm: Three Thousand World (D)
Magic Resistance E
Battle Continuation B
Mana Burst B+ (?)
Promised Blade EX
The program I use to write my draft before editing corrupted my files, making me lose this chapter and the next. And these last few weeks sucked for me, so I couldn't rewrite them like I planned, which is why this chapter is so short, next chapter will finish this whole mess thankfully, but it was really annoying to rewrite everything.
I changed programs and found the new one to be more reliable, so this problem won't be happening again. I plan to continue posting like usual, every Sunday.