The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Make Things Civilized

Weiwei wanted to rot the meat in the pot, but she couldn’t let them go directly to the Baroque studio, so she asked the two giants, “You don’t want to ruin Dongli’s duel, right?”

“Yes! A duel is sacred, and no one has the right to interfere until the winner is determined.”

“The winner must be Big Brother Dongli!”

“You are talking nonsense! It’s obviously Brother Broki who is more powerful!”

Weiwei was afraid that they would fight on the spot. She has a deep understanding of the problem of these giants fighting at every turn. If it is in the small garden, she can fight casually. This is Judicial Island! She said no matter what, and finally let the two giants give up their quarrel, Dongli is the eldest brother, and Broki is also the eldest brother! It is up to them to decide who is the eldest among the eldest brothers.

“You know giants very well, you are indeed a friend of the giants!” The name of a giant’s friend was deducted by the giant Cassie on Weiwei’s head.

The enthusiasm of the giants for duels is incomprehensible to outsiders. The newly released giant friend learned that the two giants in front of them would not go to the small garden to face each other, she was relieved, it was easy! She thinks that her lie, which has a small flaw, can continue.

Whether the Giant’s Friend is Jaina or Vivi, it doesn’t really matter.

“Anyway, you left the Giant Village, and you don’t want to go back for a while, right? You used to be pirates, but the wanted order was revoked when you were the guards of Judiciary Island. You are now free.”

As Weiwei spoke, the two giants nodded.

“You guys are eager to fight, but you don’t really want to be a pirate right now, right?”

The two giants nodded again. As the guards of Judiciary Island, although they were sleeping most of the time, they had basically met the Admiral, General, Lieutenant General, and Major General.

When I was in the Giant Village before, I was ignorant and fearless, and I don’t think that way anymore. If nothing else, the three admirals of the navy are as small as ants in the eyes of giants, but it is this kind of little ant. Beating the two of them is like playing. It is false to say that they are not afraid of being a pirate. They are not as urgent as before for the profession of pirates. thirsty.

Weiwei said: “Since you don’t want to go back to the village, you don’t want to interfere with the battle between Dongli and Broki, and you don’t want to be a gatekeeper to the World Government, then go be a bounty hunter, I know a place, in the first half of the great route. , There is a place called Alabasta. In recent months, there have been many pirates gathered there, and you can join the battle as bounty hunters.”

As long as two giants show up in Alabasta, they will definitely enter the Baroque studio’s sight. Miss Nicole Robin is very fond of giants. Her chances of recruiting two giants are as high as 80%, and then… …. She can’t say what happened after that, but she knows that the Baroque studio will be more lively!

In order to make things more civilized and formal, Weiwei began to teach the two giants to write resignation letters.

“I read a lot, I’ll teach you… just write.

Dear leaders of Judiciary Island, hello, for personal reasons, after deep and calm thinking, I solemnly propose to the world government to resign… Finally, I wish you all good health and all the best, my best regards, here Write your name and date.

The resignation letter just now was in the Common language version. In order to be more serious, you should also write a resignation letter in Giant language… I just heard Dongli and Broki say it twice, and I have to say , The rhetoric is still quite gorgeous, you just write it like this, stupid dog! Pig! You idiots, retarded, imbecile maggots… **** you! I don’t serve you anymore! Sincerely, come, and write your names and dates here at the end, just like the previous one. ”

Weiwei taught the two giants how to write resignation letters, each of them wrote two copies, and she didn’t care about the follow-up. Seeing that it was almost time for her to come out, she immediately left the second gate and prepared to return to the waiting room to wait for Randoluff to sell it. Ordnance case trial.

As she walked, she stopped.

He looked vigilantly at the young woman leaning against the tree beside him.

The woman wears a red long-sleeved waistcoat with a waistcoat on the upper body… Below is a red short skirt and red boots. What attracts more attention than a red dress is the bold dressing style of young women.

Weiwei had seen a person who wore a shirt without buttons before, deliberately showing off his chest and abs, and that person was called Smog.

But Smoker is a man, and this one is a woman!

Can women dress like this too? The movement is a little bigger, and if you turn around or something, I am afraid that some pleasant things will happen, right?

The young woman was not at all embarrassed, let alone embarrassed. She was wearing sunglasses and a cigarette in her mouth, looking like a big sister of the evil forces.

“Hey, how did you find the traces of the green ghost and the red ghost? Do you know that in order to recruit these two big gatekeepers, I spent two months Now all the wasted.”

The young woman spoke rudely, and when she was excited, she could even see some spheres shaking violently.

Weiwei ignored her at all. Why did I tell you the trick to someone I fooled by my ability, she walked in on her own.

The young woman grabbed her wrist: “You have to give me an explanation, who are you, and what are you recruiting giants to do?”

She didn’t want to have anything to do with the other party at all, but at such a close distance, the young woman’s red waistcoat was too dazzling, and Wei Wei couldn’t help but glance at her out of the corner of her eye. ‘s concerns.

Aren’t you catching a cold?

“It’s nothing to do with you, I don’t know you.”

“No, you looked at me wrong just now, you must know me.”

“let go!”

There was a layer of pitch-black energy on Weiwei’s wrist. She mobilized her armed arrogance to break free from the opponent. The young woman grabbed her wrist and covered her with a layer of black arrogance at almost the same time as her.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and their reactions were similar in the next second. They looked around at the same time and found that no one was paying attention to them, so they turned to look at each other.

Weiwei lowered her voice: “This is Judiciary Island, I don’t want to cause trouble, let go of your hand.”

The woman in the red waistcoat spit out a smoke ring: “Okay, goodbye.”

Fifteen minutes later, Weiwei, who had returned to the waiting room after a large circle, understood the meaning of “goodbye” for the woman in the red waistcoat as soon as she entered the door. My dear, in such a few minutes, she had mingled with the troupe. Now, a few men who usually surround Weiwei, help her to unscrew the bottle cap, and help her buy snacks for ducks, swarm around the young woman like a swarm, not to mention the gallant energy.

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