The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Welcome To The Great Route

Who is Mr.0? If you ask any traveler, you will know that Crocodile, the sand crocodile, is one of the seven seas under the king.

Is such a powerful enemy scary? It must be a lie to say that she is not afraid. The difference in strength is very different. Weiwei is still very afraid, but as long as she thinks of her photo being held in her hand by the ultimate boss of the One Piece world, Yimu, she is no longer afraid of the sand crocodile, afraid of Mao Ah, let’s find out about the ultimate boss that has never been shot so far? Being targeted by such a character, who can be worse than me?

His fighting ability is very poor. Although he is a princess, he used to be too clean and young. His entire net worth is less than 500,000 Baileys. You must know that a newspaper in Pirate World costs 100 Baileys. , 500,000 sounds like a lot, but it is actually similar to the Japanese yen in the previous life, and its purchasing power is extremely low.

What about the other party? Im, as the ultimate leader of the World Government, rules over one hundred and seventy allied nations, and the mighty navy in the One Piece world is only a subordinate force of the World Government.

The five old stars who seem to be very good are completely servants in front of Yimu, and have no status at all.

How do you fight yourself? Get a head shot?

It can be said that he wants money and no money, and he wants no one, and the other party is so powerful that there are too many money and people to count.

It would be easier if he knew the opponent’s weaknesses, but Oda hadn’t explained the relationship between Princess Weiwei and Yimu, and the unlucky traveler came over.

She didn’t even know what her relationship with Im was, a mortal enemy? Ancestor? Not mother and daughter, right?

Weiwei brought back her thoughts that flew to the horizon, and she comforted the old minister: “Don’t worry, at least two years, at most three years, the conspiracy behind the scenes will definitely be exposed.”

She calculated the current time through her age. It is now 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar. A major event happened last year, that is, the red-haired Shanks became one of the four emperors. It was also during the same period that a man with the code name ms. Sunday’s women became mr.0’s partner, managing the day-to-day work of the baroque studio.

And this year, if nothing else, should be the year that Ace went to sea, at this time, there are still two to three years before Luffy goes to sea.

This is why Weiwei thinks that Baroque Studio can be solved in at least two years and at most three years. Even if she can’t beat Sand Crocodile, Luffy still has his own dry food to help, right?

Regarding her tone of “comrades, the eight-year war of resistance against Japan has begun”, the old courtier Ikalem has no doubts, and she is quite calm. There are so many funny people around her that she is not funny enough. Out of place, in order not to appear obtrusive, she occasionally makes herself look a little funny…


“Pirates, welcome to the great route!”

“Welcome to Whiskey Hill!”

“Long live the sea boy!”

Noisy cheers rang out over the town, and through the light mist, three pirate ships with skull and cross flags sailed into the pier in the south of the town.

The pier was full of “ordinary people” who came out to greet them. They were smiling and holding various flags. Seeing the vicious pirates was like seeing their relatives who had been missing for many years.

Although the world does not have the idiom “Tanshijuju”, the bounty hunters in Whiskey Mountain have expressed their love for the pirates with their actions, and that kind of heartfelt joy cannot be faked.

The pirates did not disembark immediately. They believed that their prestige had spread to this sea area called “The Great Route” through a series of burning, killing and looting, but this was the first time I saw this lively welcome ceremony. , Shouldn’t the first reaction of ordinary people to see pirates be fear?

Ikalem, the captain of the palace guard, was quite friendly. He led his subordinates to play and sing on the pier, which slightly dispelled the hostility of the pirates, and one after another, the pirates came down.

Mr.9 led the atmosphere team to set up the venue. He knew that the pirates were still wary. After all, there were very few people like Luffy this year.

The atmosphere group set up a huge bonfire party in the center of the town. Several hired jugglers performed shows such as walking on stilts and drilling fire rings. These people’s skills are definitely not as good as Bucky the Clown’s pirate group. But for now, this link is enough.

Wine, food, cheerful shows, the vigilance of the pirates is rapidly disintegrating.

Weiwei leads ms. Monday, leading a group of bounty hunters who look like children, but are actually dwarfs, and who look like old people, but are actually young white-headed bounty hunters who are responsible for the sales in the venue.

The stolen money is not spent? What a pirate then! Go home for an birthday, okay?

The pirates have a strong desire to shop. Money is useless in the sea. Only by going ashore and exchanging money for equipment, supplies and supplies in the town is it valuable. Soon, a group of pirates flocked to the east side of the square. shopping area.

This area concentrates most of the materials in Whiskey Mountain. In order to facilitate management and to tell the pirates that he is not a wanderer here, UU Reading shot a traveler who changed a place, and Wei Wei also hung up Signboard for the “Prince Store of Magical Items and Special Items”.

At this time, it was already evening, and the sound of the sea slamming on the reef was looming. Many bounty hunters lit torches, and the trading area was illuminated extremely brightly.

Against the background of the fire, you can see the containers, shelves and tables filled with all kinds of objects, ranging from brand new swords to worn out charts, compasses and muskets.

“Come here, take a look! You can’t buy it to lose, you can’t be fooled! Only 90,000, only 90,000!” A middle-aged woman was holding an advertisement written by Weiwei and was shouting in a loop.

The pirate leader wearing the captain’s hat asked in a vague manner: “Well, what is the short knife in the middle of that shelf?”

The geography of the world of One Piece is rather peculiar. The Great Route and the Red Earth Continent intersect, dividing the whole world into four sea areas, south, east, north and west. There is very little connection between sea areas and sea areas. .

She glanced back at the shelf, then slowed down her speech to ensure that the other party could hear and understand, and said, “That…that’s the weapon used by the world’s largest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk. .”

The pirate leader obviously didn’t believe it. The knife on the shelf was not as big as his palm.

Weiwei knew that he didn’t believe it, so she deliberately put it out to clear up her doubts.

She cleared her throat, and then asked the pirate leader: “Have you seen Hawkeye Joe Rachel Mihawk? Haven’t seen it? That’s easy… This is the one Hawkeye has been hiding. Secret hand, he once used this knife to wound the red hair of one of the four emperors, I bought this knife from the red hair group, this knife has a resounding name, it is called the Little Eagle Flying Knife!”

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