The Pirate Princess Becomes King

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Sword Saint

“Looks like I guessed right. There are indeed exploration achievements here… But where is this pet reward?” Wei Wei and Kalu stood there, one duck and one person, and looked around for a long time. , There is absolutely no sign of pet dogs appearing out of thin air in the air, let alone dogs, not even a single dog hair.

“Don’t we have to go and collect it ourselves?” she asked Karoo.

“Quack? Quack!” Duck seemed to think for a moment, and then nodded, it could vaguely sense the position of his younger brother.

“It’s so troublesome…” Wei Wei covered her forehead, looking weak, this dog named Xiu Xiu seems to be quite far from Rogge Town.

Although it is far away, she is very happy to have one more pet.

Although they have only lived together for more than a month, Weiwei and Duck Karoo have a very good relationship. At the beginning of the journey, she was actually a little scared. During that time, Karu was always with her, and this dumb duck was still herself. She didn’t dare to let Karu conduct long-term custody, just worried that if she didn’t pay attention and was killed by some pirates or sea kings, she could cry out in the middle of the night.

To be cruel, now that you have a new pet, you don’t need to be so careful.

Places such as the small garden can be mentioned in the schedule. Even if the new pet dies…that is, she will not be too sad.

“Quack! Quack!” Duck has been encouraging her to go out to sea alone. Weiwei thought over and over again, with her current strength, it should be safe to go to those novice areas, right?

“Well, let’s prepare some supplies and leave immediately.”

There is no messy geomagnetism in the Great Airway. In the East China Sea, compass and other navigational equipment can be used. Weiwei herself has the knowledge level of navigation lv3 (55/100), relying on ducks to guide the way to find the town where the puppy Xiu Xiu is located. Disaster.

As soon as she said it, she said to mr.9, and she took a merchant ship to Goa Kingdom and set off to look for the puppy Xiu Xiu.

Before she set off, she went for a walk near the execution platform, looked around, and found that the security on the square was much tighter. The soldiers in charge of patrolling were sharp-eyed and loaded with live ammunition. Anyone who came within ten meters of the execution platform would be arrested. They watched for a long time.

Through the intelligence network of bounty hunters, she found that there was an extra wanted notice in Rogue Town.

This wanted notice is more of a warning, as they are looking for pet duck Karoo…

Carew ran very fast at that time, but after all, it was not the speed of light. There were several witnesses, and a few people put together the scenes in memory, and they could roughly describe a shape.

Weiwei had long expected this. The hats, goggles, clothes and decorations she bought for Karu were all props to conceal her identity. Under the pen of the naval painter, Karu became a sheep head, antlers, Strange creature with bright feathers and a big fluffy tail.

The navy didn’t know what it was. Some eyewitnesses said it was a reindeer, while others said it was a civet cat. The navy didn’t plan to catch such a thing, so Karoo was charged with disrupting the order and offering a reward. 50 Bailey! That’s not enough money to buy a newspaper!

Regarding the collapse of many townspeople in the square, the Navy’s official explanation is food poisoning, and there is no mention of domineering. Dao Dao, the daughter of the great route, tried to ask the Empress, but they ignored him at all, and the matter seemed to be over.

Weiwei is very satisfied that she has not exposed herself and can continue to live on!

All the best, let’s go!

Just as she was about to board the ship, two bounty hunters from afar brought her “bad news”.

“I’m Johnny.”

“I’m Joseph.”

The two bounty hunters stood in front of Weiwei like door gods, each of them carrying a big knife, just by looking at them touching their chins, they would think they were peerless masters.

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Lem from your company unfortunately fell into the water and was attacked by sea beasts and died.”

“Yeah, Mr. Lem from your society has helped us a lot. It’s a pity that he died.”

The two sang together, and after speaking, they posed as masters.

Unlucky Lem dead? Eaten by sea beasts? gab! He was hacked to death by Sauron because he spoke too arrogantly!

Weiwei’s ability to “listen to all things” is difficult for humans to take effect. Humans’ minds are too complicated, and what they read are chaotic and incoherent sentences, but one or two points of general emotion can be seen. Guys pretending to be cool get nervous, what does that mean? It means they are guilty.

Pointing to the man wearing sunglasses and covering half of his face with his left hand, Weiwei asked, “Are you Johnny?”


She pointed to the man in a long trench coat and shorts, covering half of his face with his right hand, and asked, “Then you are Joseph.”

The other party also replied coolly: “Exactly.”

Weiwei said “tsk tsk”, looking at the forceful skills of the two of them, UU reading didn’t know what they thought they were “Knife God and Sword Saint”.

After thinking about the butterfly effect that she caused, combined with the uneasy mood and some speculations of the two at this time, she tentatively asked: “Then you were recruited by Mr. Lem, so you came to join the Baroque studio?”


“That’s right.”

You guys are here to cover for Zoro, so you broke into the enemy’s interior to spy on information, right? Or is it that Sauron doesn’t care, the two of them came to be undercover for the sake of loyalty?

Everyone is undercover, so why is it hard to be an undercover undercover?

She slowly pulled out “Huazhou”, the tip of the knife pointed to the ground: “Okay, come, learn two moves, let me see your skills.”

The conscience of heaven and earth, she really didn’t exert any strength, and she didn’t use the domineering arrogance. “Huazhou” put pressure on the back of Joseph’s big sword, and then avoided Johnny’s chop with a wrong step, taking advantage of the opponent’s old tricks. An elbow hit him in the stomach, and finally “Huazhou” knocked down Joseph with the handle of a knife.

Looking at the two who were gnashing their teeth and preparing to get up and fight again, she was speechless for a while. The level of the two of them was not as good as those of the pirates she kept in the Whiskey Mountain prison.

Physical fitness, reaction speed, strength, and skills are all at the level of ordinary people, which is a lot worse than the original Weiwei. The only thing that is commendable is her courage, but courage cannot be eaten as food. , There is only one Luffy who can still have the courage to shout “Guo Mo Guo Moruo” when he encounters a strong enemy this year.

Weiwei praised a few words perfunctorily: “Well, it’s not bad, your foundation is very solid, and your tricks are no problem. What you lack now is experience…probably…that, Luo Was Ronoa Zoro also recruited by Mr. Lem? Who else?”

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