The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 143 – Storm

[301 AC]

Daenerys understood that there was only one existence Obsidian felt so close to instinctively that he would consider it his father, as this being had given life to her bonded companion and his siblings.

Seeing a dark silhouette appearing in the distance, the young dragonrider sprinted towards it with a speed that could only come from magic, her heart being filled with deep longing, while her blood sang with joy and urged her to draw closer.

When Daenerys was only a short distance away, she recognized Phenex by his charming features and simple clothing. His eyes blazing with a tender spirit, as he stood there in the rain. His simply black clothing was drenched, causing them to stick to his body and showing off the outline of his well-muscled physique.

The young dragonrider didn't slow her steps though but simply jumped into his embrace, her slender arms wrapping themselves around her lover's neck, while her legs did the same to his waist.

Without hesitation or any words of greeting, Daenerys pressed her lips against Phenex', her tongue forcing its way between his lips the first chance she got, as she seemed desperate to be even closer to him, trying to connect with her love in any way possible.

Phenex didn't leave her wanting, feeling the deep longing in Daenerys' heart, his arms taking hold of her lithe form and drawing her deeper into his embrace.

One of his hands was wrapped around her waist, his hand having wandered lower and firmly grasping her well-shaped behind, causing a low moan to escape the young dragonrider's lips and echo in his mouth, while his other hand had grasped the long braid of white-silver hair.

Hungrily, Daenerys drew his taste into her mouth, as their tongues caressed each other in deep affection, while the heavy rain around them made it seem as if they were cut off from the rest of the world for this moment.

Finally breaking their kiss, as she desperately drew in the rain-soaked air into her lungs, her forehead pressed against Phenex', while her eyes glittered with tears.

I missed you so much.”, Daenerys whispered mournfully, her whole figure tensing and trembling in painful longing.

Phenex didn't reply, as he looked at her with his blazing eyes, his black locks drenched and some strand sticking to his face, instead, his lips recaptured her. This time though he was much more forceful and rougher, plundering her mouth with his tongue and devouring her taste as if starving.

Daenerys easily gave in to his passion, her hands buried in his wet locks and her fingers tenderly brushing over his neck and lower jaw, while she felt Phenex move through the cold rain with her still in his embrace.

Somewhere a distant draconic cry rang out, but Daenerys had already submitted to Phenex' dominant kiss and was completely focused on the sensations transmitted to her through his touch and warmth.

Before long, the young dragonrider felt Phenex suddenly bend down as her back made contact with the flat surface of a large boulder, his hands holding her sides down in an obvious signal for her to give in and lay down, which she did.

Breaking their kiss, Phenex' lips and tongue wandered over her cheeks and jaw down her graceful neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses, licks, and soft bites on her rain-soaked skin, causing a string of moans and sighs to leave her lips, while she felt his hands working open the clasps on the front of her leather flightsuit, that also doubled as her armor.

It didn't take long for him to open them and reveal the white silken undershirt that she wore beneath her armor. It was only a thin piece of clothing, as the inside of her flightsuit was lined with soft fur to keep her warm.

The silken shirt, which was tied in the front, tightly hugged her figure and due to the stormy weather was already completely soaked, revealing more than it hid, as her fair breast and rosy nipples were clearly visible through the thin material, along with most of her abdomen and belly button.

Phenex began untying the dozen or so knots, starting from the top, as his lips continued to wander over her wet skin, which didn't take long, and before she knew it his hands and fingers wandered over sides and to her breast, softly massaging her soft and sensitive flesh.

The cold rain washing over her skin stood in stark contrast to his almost scalding touch, which caused her to be extra sensitive to every caress of her lover's hands and lips. Her hands were still buried in his dark wet locks, pulling him closer constantly, as quiet moans and whispers left her lips.

It wasn't long before Phenex' hands reached the waistband of her tight leather pants and had the buttons opened and knots untied, before slowly pulling them down her lithe legs after taking off her knee-high leather boots and tossing them to the side.

Resting on her elbows, her upper body completely bare, from her fair shoulders to her beautiful mounds down to her shallow belly button and small waist, the braid in her hair having vanished, causing strands of it to cling to her face, neck, and shoulders.

Her legs, hanging over the edge of the large boulder, were still closed with only a small piece of white silken underwear covering her sex, which was held in place by a fine string that was tied around her waist.

With the heavy rain still falling from the darkened sky and washing over her bare figure, Daenerys looked more like an incredibly fair-skinned nature spirit, her beauty simply indescribable while she looked at him with brilliant violet eyes, love and longing shining in them.

Phenex' eyes followed a single drop of rain that had landed on her forehead and ran down the bridge of her nose, right between her gorgeous eyes, before dripping down and falling on her slightly swollen, rosy lips.

Desire running rampant, his blood nearly boiled over, as his fiery eyes started glowing brightly, while he simply took hold of the linen fabric of his clothing and ripped it from his form. Exposing his sculpted physique not only to the raging storm but also to Daenerys, who instinctively raised one of her legs and extended it towards him, while his name left her lips.

Phenex … ”

It was hardly a whisper, almost inaudible with the sound of falling rain all around them, but it didn't escape his senses. The words spoken in such a soft tone carried with it such deep longing that Phenex couldn't hesitate any longer.

Approaching his lover in all his naked glory, he bend over her and shielded her from the storm, while Daenerys wrapped her legs around his waist. His lips fell on hers once again, his magic and heat pouring into her form through this connection of their bodies.

Moaning in response, her hands reached down in between their bodies as she took hold of his manhood, her slender fingers hardly able to wrap around his hot shaft, while she guided him to the entrance of her sex, her other hand having already pulled aside her near-transparent, silken underwear.

Phenex didn't hesitate to do as she wished, as his hips pushed forward, burying his entire length inside Daenerys' incredibly tight and wet sex, connecting their bodies intimately in one deep, but slow stroke, causing both of them to moan out quietly, as they broke their kiss for a moment.

Looking down at Daenerys' rain-soaked features, deep violet eyes glittering with even deeper love and astonishing vulnerability, her chest falling and rising so enticingly with each breath that disappeared between her pillowy lips, while her hands rubbed gently over the corded muscles of his abdomen and sides.

Wild and untamed possessiveness erupted in Phenex' heart at this sight, along with overwhelming tenderness, and an instinctive need to protect her that made his heart ache. His fiery eyes slowly returned to a bright purple colour, still filled with intense desire but also something much more gentle.

"I missed you too, my love.", he whispered, cradling her left cheek with one of his hands and pressing his lips against hers softly.

Phenex could see the vulnerable look in Daenerys' eyes vanish as overwhelming innocent joy took its place, her arms wrapping themselves around his chest and pulling him closer to her, while her hips pushed up against his in an attempt to connect them even more deeply.

I love you.”, the young silver-haired beauty whispered with a quiet moan, before connecting their lips in a deep, passionate kiss.

Gentle passion overtaking him, Phenex' eyes turned into blazing orbs once against, as his hands wandered over the smooth skin of Daenerys' thighs, before settling on her bottom, lifting her gently to ensure that the rough surface of the boulder wouldn't hurt her for the next part.

Withdrawing his hard length from inside his lover by pulling back his hips, Phenex pushed forwards again, penetrating the young woman's wet depths deeply, while her own hips pushed back against his.

It didn't take long for them to fall into a slow rhythm, as the two lover's expressed their love and longing for each other in the most intimate way while whispering words of affection in each other's ears, which were carried away by the storm raging around them just a moment later.

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