The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 134 – Tales and Terrors

[301 AC – Winterfell]

There is something else, Your Grace.”, the Crow stated, a conflicted look in his eyes.

Hearing the man's words, the young King gestured for the man to continue which he did hesitantly.

A few moons ago two dead rangers from the First Ranger's party, your uncle's party, were found, just weeks after his horse returned to the castle. They were brought back to the castle and were supposed to be laid to rest and burnt the very next day, but … “

A deeply fearful look in his eyes, the messenger from the Night's Watch paused for a few moments as if to gather his courage, before he continued: "But during the night the two rose from the dead and killed several of their former brothers. One of them even assaulted the Lord Commander in his chambers and nearly took his life."

Dead men rising from their graves? What kind of tales are you spinning, Crow?”, Roose Bolton spoke up in ridicule, though before any other Lord could follow his example, the Young King raised his hand in a gesture of silence, which caused the murmurs and whispers in the hall to die down almost immediately.

Robb distinctly remembered the young ranger that had fled the Watch a few years back, who had been beheaded by his father for his cowardice. Till the moment of his death, the man had sworn that he saw living dead and White Walkers.

Even his uncle Benjen had told the Young Wolf that it wasn't the wildlings that caused him nightmares when it came to the things that he had seen and encountered on the other side of the Wall. He had never been specific though, as he had stated that only a man that had truly stepped into the freezing lands beyond the Wall could ever truly understand the terrors that lurked there.

Though if the man's words were true and the dead had really risen from their graves, then such a thing could only be unnatural, which most likely meant the involvement of some very dark magic.

Subconsciously, Robb's gaze fell onto the High Priest sitting at a table not far from him.

Turning towards the Night's Watch member, the Young Wolf announced: "It is indeed hard to believe the words you speak, but since I was young my uncle has told me that the wildlings are the least fearful of the terrors lurking beyond the Wall."

"If what you speak is the truth, then that can only mean that some kind of dark force is at work here.", Robb continued, as his gaze settled on Thoros again, "As the most knowledgeable in magic amongst those present, what do you think about this, High Priest?"

"He speaks the truth.", Thoros replied calmly, no hesitation in his voice, "The Lord has long since known that the enemy of all living is gathering in the lands beyond the Wall. This report also shouldn't surprise you, who pray to the Old Gods, as the truth of the matter has been passed down in your tales and stories."

You mean to say that the stories we tell to scare little children are true?”, Dacey Mormont, a woman of big stature and heir of Bear islands, questioned with a frown.

"I mean to say that the First Men didn't build a 700 feet high, 300 feet wide, and 300 miles long wall and nineteen castles to keep the wildlings out.", the Undying Priest replied in a low voice, his words echoing through the hall and causing many of the gathered Lords to fall deep into thought.

What exactly is it that we are facing, High Priest?”, the young King asked Thoros directly.

The priest gave the surrounding Lords, heirs, and representatives a calm look, before turning towards the Young Wolf and replying: "You are facing an army of undead wights, thousands upon tens of thousands of them, maybe more. All led by roughly a dozen Others, White Walkers. It is them who are raising the dead, and they cannot be slain by fire and steel like the wights."

How can you know all that, priest?”, the Lord of House Bolton questioned with a suspicious tone.

Nothing can be hidden from the Lord's vision, not even the darkness lurking in the frozen lands.”, Thoros answered calmly, “I am just his messenger.”

No one else dared to question the Red Priest after this statement, as all those present knew that the members of the Red Temple did not react kindly to others doubting the words of their god.

[King's Landing]

Gaze directed at the North, Phenex knew that the time to take care of the White Walkers once and for all was slowly getting closer and closer. At the same time though he also knew that the Northern army, even with reinforcements from the Riverlands would not be able to stop the White Walkers' advance.

Without Valyrian steel weaponry it was impossible for someone to kill a White Walker, as even normal dragonfire couldn't do so. Though Sapphire's fire might be able to do it due to the sheer might his draconic daughter possessed, thanks to his continued nurturing over the last few years.

He had shared his own flame with her regularly, which had led to significant differences in her fire in comparison to a normal dragon's fire. Still, the Others were very dangerous existences and even dragons were not immune to their dark magic.

It was therefore simply impossible for Robb to lead his men to victory against such an opponent without the Red Temple's help, which was something he knew Thoros would inform the young King about.

At this point, it also wasn't feasible for Phenex to not act in support of the King in the North, as that would have made his earlier efforts to establish a favorable impression on the Young Wolf moot.

Not to mention the fact that Jaehaerys would never let his brother just get himself killed.

The young dragonrider's growing affection for Sansa Stark also had him willing to participate in this coming battle.

The only question that remained in Phenex' mind now was in what capacity he himself should get involved in the War of Dawn.

Suddenly two slender arms wrapped themselves around his waist from behind, as Arianne rested her head against his strong back and whispered lovingly: “I have been looking for you, my love.”

"You have?", Phenex asked as a slight smile settled on his lips, his hands laying themselves over Arianne's as he did so, all thoughts about the White Walkers and the coming battle forgotten for the moment.

"Yes, I have something to ask of you.", the Dornish Princess replied quietly, a bit of hesitation in her tone.

Turning around to face his lover, one of Phenex' own hands came to rest on Arianne's lower back as he pulled her closer, while the other brushed back a strand of her dark hair, before gently cradling her cheek and directing her gaze upwards.

Lowering his head, Phenex left a light kiss on her soft lips, as he voiced out gently: “You can ask me anything, Arianne.”

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