The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 849: Now

Saying goodbye to President Aoli, strolling on the streets of Dasai City, listening to the clinking glasses on both sides and the wrestling wrestling competition, I can't help but feel a touch of familiarity.

The last time we moved, if it wasn't for the purpose of staying away from Ai Rui City, perhaps we have moved to this warm and bold town.

Walking, unconsciously, found that he had come to the opposite side of the Heroic Guild.

Across the street, staring at the house of the Heroic Guild, I always feel a little lonely.

In the once heroic guild, there will always be two guards at the gate, while sneaking lazily, while sneaking at the beautiful girls in the past. When an adventurer wants to enter the gate, they will be like chicken blood. , Staring, baring teeth, grinning, with a vicious expression, questioning the adventurer's intentions for this trip, after he understands his intentions, he will be in the process of asking for money. If the money is less, it must not be Yes, they will let the adventurers go after they have collected almost the money.

The adventurers who guard the gate are very average in strength, and can even be expressed as slightly worse, and their manners and behaviors are also trivial and despicable, but it has to be said that it is because of these people that they are reflected. Out of the reputation of the Heroic Guild.

Nowadays, apart from the big sign, it can't find the feeling of being crowded back then.

It was afternoon, and it was not yet dusk. Through the window, I saw some strange faces of men and women walking around, maybe newcomers from the Adventurer Academy.

I don't know what the heroic guild will look like when Jin Siqi takes over.

Thinking of this, I faintly tired and fell asleep when I returned home.

When I opened my eyes, it was already the next morning.

After washing, he took out his pocket watch, and it was almost half past seven.

It was still early, and I arrived at the reserved shop without any hurry. I asked the boss for a private room, ordered a barbecue, and ordered a drink. While grilling the meat, I waited for Jin Siqi's arrival.

The agreed time is eight o'clock, but I don't know when she will come.

At about 7:50, Jin Siqi came with two new adventurers, and my barbecue breakfast had just started.

I raised my chin, motioned her to sit down, and asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

"I've eaten" Jin Siqi's tone was light. The two adventurers behind her swallowed at the same time when they saw the barbecue. It seemed that there was no time for breakfast.

I put a piece of freshly roasted meat into my mouth and chewed slowly: "Well, it's so delicious. Would you like to eat some too?"

"No," Jin Siqi said lightly: "Thank you for your kindness."

I smiled carelessly, and said, "Did you bring the contract?"

Jin Siqi gave a look, and a small attendant next to her took out a wad of paper from her bag.

After taking this stack of papers, I read the words on it bit by bit. The content of the contract is very detailed and clear, and the scope of generalization is very wide. It is not an exaggeration to even use everything. I suddenly felt that Jin Siqi was not suitable Being a president is more suitable as a secretary, helping to write tedious documents and contracts.

When I read the requirements, I can't help but frown: Provide 200,000 gold coins every month? Is she a bit too much for the amount of money I need to provide?

I sneered and read on. Afterwards, the requirements were reasonable. Most of them wanted me not to impose unethical requirements on her, as well as insulting physical and spiritual requirements. I agree with and can accept these. After all, I The only place that needs her is her ability, not her body.

I closed the document and put it aside. I said to Jin Siqi: "These conditions and requirements of yours, I have read, except for one, they can basically be met."

"Which one?" Jin Siqi asked.

"It's the one that provides you with two hundred thousand gold coins every month."

"Two hundred thousand gold coins per month. This is considered in accordance with the specifications of large guilds" Jin Siqi explained: "Without the support of these gold coins, the Valiant Guild would not have become a small and famous large guild in a short time!"

"You said you want the heroic guild to become a large guild?" I smiled: "Are you sure, a guild that has just barely reached a medium-sized guild can leap into a small and famous large guild with money?"

"Why not?" Jin Siqi said: "The equipment is the strongest, the weapon is the sharpest, and the salary is the highest. After all these conditions are met, the guild, whether it is a newcomer or an old man, will have qualitative combat power. Not only that, but their fighting enthusiasm will also increase. If this continues, it will not take long for many powerful adventurers to join us. With the joining of these people, the strength of the Heroic Guild will be even greater. Further improvement, as long as it continues, it will not be long before it will become famous in Hefeng Continent!"

"What then?" I asked.

"Then?" Jin Siqi was taken aback, and said, "As the actual leader of the Heroic Guild, aren't you proud of it?"

"Proud?" I shook my head: "No, not at all."

"Don't you have even the slightest sense of honor?" Jin Siqi asked in surprise.

"I have a sense of honor, but it's not what you said." After eating a piece of freshly roasted meat, I said indifferently: "What I want is not made up of a group of people who give money and leave without money. The empty shell guild is a co-prosperity formed by a group of loyal, friendly, protective, and progressive guys. With all due respect, those adventurers who come by smelling money, I really don’t have a good impression of them. ."

"Without money, there is nothing!" Jin Siqi said: "Do you understand this? Look at the current guilds, especially the large guilds. Which one does not have huge funds to support?"

"You are right. Those large guilds do have huge funds to support their operations. However, the reason they can receive huge financial support is because they have enough strength to protect those who provide them with financial support. At this point, can the Heroic Guild do it?"

"You are strong and don't need protection..." Jin Siqi quibbled.

"Since you have said that I am strong and do not need protection, then why should I provide so much funds to the Heroic Guild?"

"Because you need it" Jin Siqi said: "You hope it can provide you with its power one day!"

"Maybe" I sighed: "Maybe in the future, as you said, it can provide me with the power I need, but not now, nor near, so let me once again refuse the 200,000 gold coins a month Please, I don’t want to put money into those illusory futures. All I want to see is now, do you understand? Now!"

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