The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 1493: China Universe

It was the Nether Clan, and the existence surrounding the ten states of the China Empire, it was never expected that the China Empire could burst out such a terrifying combat ability.

Such fighting power is an existence they had never thought of in the past.

Who can imagine that the existence of the indigenous creatures in this chaotic universe actually possesses such a terrifying combat power.

It is fundamentally different from the information they have gained.

However, it is true that the Chinese Empire has erupted with terrorist power.

The bombardment of Hunyuan Town’s cannon completely shattered their idea of ​​invading this chaotic universe.

Of course, not everyone will die under the bombardment of Hunyuan Town Realm cannons, and some will survive.

It's just that these live mouths are unconscious, seriously injured and dying, and may die almost at any time.

In the void, in the darkness, there are all kinds of void trash floating in the air, constantly wandering.

The swift battleship suddenly rushed out of the borders of the Chinese Empire and sprinted into the dark void.

The size of these warships is similar to the size of reconnaissance warships, but their speed is very fast, and they have spread all over the battlefield in a flash.

At the same time, in the void, the survivors who were severely injured in a coma were captured by the mechanical claws ejected from the swift battleship, stuffed into the prison attached to the battleship, and returned to the territory of the Chinese Empire. in.

When the Swift battleship returned to the territory of the China Empire, the captured prisoners were all detained in a unified manner and placed in a cage.

I don't know how long it has passed before Ba Yifei woke up leisurely. When the vision in front of him recovered, he realized that he had already appeared in a strange place.

When he got up from the bed, Ba Yifei was rubbing his head, his expression was a little confused, and he didn't know where he was.

When his vision gradually recovered, he probably saw that he was in a strange room.

Among them, the three sides are constructed of unknown metal, and the formation seems to be buried inside, with the fluctuation of the formation.

On the other side, facing a corridor, one after another strange metal fences trapped him in it.

"I am..." Ba Yifei rubbed his head, his dark purple hair hanging down, the blue lines on his pale skin began to shimmer, and he wanted to absorb the spiritual energy of the world and restore his own spirit.

However, when the skin on his body began to brighten, he was suddenly surprised to find that the soul qi in his body showed no signs of recovery at all.

and many more!

At this moment, he suddenly reacted. In the prison he was in, there was no aura of heaven and earth fluctuating, aura, nothing.

Without aura, how can he recover?

At this time, Ba Yifei was relieved, and he seemed to be captured.

He is the blue-patterned tribe of the Nether Clan, and he is also the general of the Chaos Universe, the central territory of this northern attack.

He came back to his senses, and in his own memory, he vaguely remembered that before he fell into a coma, he saw the opponent's huge offensive and overwhelming explosion.

In the end, he fainted completely, and now he was in such a place after waking up, which was obviously the prison.

Ba Yifei took a deep breath, raised his mind, grabbed it towards the metal bar of the fence, and began to explode his physical strength, trying to pull it away.

However, the cage fence of this prison was constructed of no material, it couldn't be pulled apart at all, and it was completely intact.

Next, Ba Yifei attacked the wall of the prison, making a loud bang, but it was useless and could not cause any damage to the wall of the prison.

"Okay, don't waste your efforts, guys from the Netherworld, this place is unbreakable, we don't have spirit energy, we can't go out through V." Suddenly, there was a voice in the cell opposite.

Ba Yifei looked at the opposite cell, saw that it was a figure he knew, and suddenly sneered: "People from Yaoyan Universe, they look very face-to-face."

"It doesn't matter whether we face it or not. Anyway, we are all prisoners. We should think about how to survive." Wei Wulin sneered, and continued to sit on the bed, leaning against the wall.

At this time, Ba Yifei also came to the fence of the cage. He sat and looked to the right. He took a close look at the situation in all directions and found that the cage in this place seemed to be very large, and many of them were ghosts from the chaotic universe, and The Yaoyan people of the Yaoyan universe.

After all, the only victory in the original competition was that there were no more than eight cosmic forces that invaded this new chaotic universe.

The forces of the eight universes will enter the arena to hold the competition. Those who win the competition will send a large army to guard the boundary in the center of the universe and guard this place.

If you are lucky, they, the army guarding the central territory, will be able to get the moon first, and take a lot of advantage.

However, where is cheap is so good.

They saw that the enchantment seal of the central land boundary was broken, and they thought that they had taken a big advantage and could finally attack their borders.

But who can think of it, the tragic facts have completely failed them.


Suddenly, there was the sound of footsteps on the corridor of the prison.

Soon after, on the top of the corridor, he suddenly saw it, and in front of him was a young human man, a member of the chaotic universe.

It was just that he could feel the pressure on himself from this young human race man in front of him was very terrifying.

Obviously, he is also in the realm of Hunyuan Saint, but why does this man in front of him give him such a huge oppression.

As if it were the Lord of their universe.

Wait, the Lord of the Universe is the same?

Could it be that……

"Are you the master of this chaotic universe?" Suddenly, Ba Yifei reacted, looking at Lin Qian in front of him, and exclaimed.

Lin Qian looked at Ba Yifei in front of him. Except for the Four-Eyed Spirit Race and the Eight Eyed God Race, he hadn't seen other Nether Races for a long time.

To be precise, they are the ghosts, just like the Huaxia people of the Huaxia Empire.

Lin Qian stood in front of Ba Yifei and looked at him with interest.

"The blue pattern tribe, one of the eight nobles in the Netherworld Universe, it looks like you should be able to get a lot of news from your place." Lin Qian asked Ba Yifei in front of him to take a breath.

What's the matter, how can the natives of this universe know about the eight nobles?

"Surprised?" Lin Qian chuckled lightly when he saw the other side's appearance. "I can only say that I have a good teammate who told me a lot of news. It's a pity that it will take a long time to meet him. ."

"It's impossible, how can you get the news?" Ba Yifei didn't understand that the eight nobles and their tribes only reached this point 10,000 years ago.

How did this cosmic native who had just broken the barrier know?

"You Nether Universe, when you attacked the other Chaos Universe, it was very miserable by a friend of mine." Speaking of this, Lin Qian was also emotional, "It seems that it is a person who is more capable of gold than my past. Character."

"He called Fang Ru."

"What, how could you possibly be able to contact that horrible big man." When he heard the name of that person, Ba Yifei was terrified.

Lin Qian shrugged and chuckled: "Don't talk about this, let's talk about it. You are in our Huaxia Universe, what the stars are going to do."

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