The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 1476: Hands-on

After returning to the immortal realm, Lin Qian went to find Ye Xin first.

When Ye Xin saw Lin Qian who appeared in front of him, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Her husband has disappeared for so long, if it weren't for a certain connection, she would probably have to worry about whether there was an accident in the other party.

Seeing Lin Qian appeared in front of him safely, Ye Xin couldn't even control his emotions.

As the saying goes, a little bit is better than a newlywed, when the two meet again, it is natural to have a good exchange and kindness.

Finally, after the two were lying on the bed, Lin Qian also slowly described his experience during this period to his wife.

Ye Xin listened quietly. When she heard these stories, she also showed shocked eyes. Obviously, she did not expect that in the ancient times, it was so terrible.

The fate of people at that time was so difficult and very miserable.

"They are really real heroes!" Suddenly, Ye Xin opened his mouth with great emotion and said to Lin Qian beside him.

On Lin Qian's side, he also nodded in deep conviction, only that it was exactly the case.

The real hero.

To be honest, he never expected that he would encounter such an experience and receive such assistance.

What's more, his real gain is to become the real master, with the ability to cultivate civilization and compete positively with other chaotic universes.

Regarding this, Lin Qian was also extremely satisfied, but there was also a certain amount of pressure in his heart.

After experiencing the illusory situation jointly constructed by the will of the chaotic universe and those remnants of the soul, he also knew the true combat power of the Nether Race.

The opponent's Hunyuan realm combat power is very much, and huge, and there are many Hunyuan Saints.

And here...

Suddenly Lin Qian came back to his senses, and there seemed to be a lot on his side.

The current existence of the fantasy star seems to be able to truly come to this world.

As the real controller, the realm of Hunyuan Saint, the peak combat power of the Chinese Empire, and all the combat power, he can easily appear in this world.

However, the premise is that the seal is opened, allowing the fantasy star to be freed from the space in the subterranean mezzanine of the immortal realm, otherwise.

And the consequence of this is that the defense is completely ineffective, and Lin Qian and the others will collide head-on with other chaotic universe civilizations.

The time is still immature, there is no need to get everyone's deity out.

In the upper realm of the immortal, there is himself a person who has already swept the enemy. Among the immortal clan, there is no existence of Hunyuan Saint.

Half-step Hunyuan Saints may appear at most, but that's nothing.

He is the master, and he ran out to fight with him, it was no different from looking for death.

After returning to the immortal realm, Lin Qian took the lead in busying a few days to understand the current operation of the China Empire.

At least, during Lin Qian's absence, things in Kyushu developed very smoothly, and his son did a very good job, much better than he expected.

Knowing these circumstances, Lin Qian was also completely relieved.

The next thing is to summon the predecessors of the ancient times from the fantasy stars, and let some of them who are suitable to be mentors enter the Kyushu, become mentors, and teach the people of the Chinese Empire.

However, the first thing these predecessors from the ancient times have to do is study.

For this purpose, Lin Qian also asked the instructors from various elite colleges in the Huaxia Empire to come and teach the knowledge of the Huaxia Empire, so that the predecessors of the ancient era could understand early on what kind of student they would face.

The environment of the Huaxia Empire must also be described carefully, so that the predecessors of the ancient times should understand that the environment in which the students of the Huaxia Empire grew up is very different from the ancient times. When they are taught, they naturally need to be improved. The way.

For example, how to use the virtual environment to simulate the situation for guidance, as well as the training of various Horcruxes.

Horcrux book, what kind of thing is it?

Speaking of it, this time the people of the ancient times who participated in becoming the mentor included Luo Han and the early Yuan Dynasty.

They were all dumbfounded, looking at each other.

After the course, Luo Han and the early Yuan Dynasty had already come directly to Lin Qian.

The two of them are very familiar with Lin Qian.

"How is it, how do you feel?" Seeing the two people who came to him, Lin Qian asked curiously, wanting to see how this old friend with different feelings feels, "Can you accept and learn? ?"

"Your empire is too strong, right? Is this kid's living environment so terrible since he was young?" Luo Han looked at Lin Qian in horror and asked.

Lin Qian looked at each other, amused and asked, "What's the matter?"

"No, this kind of thinking is simply unheard of in our time." Luo Han shook his head and said with emotion, "I didn't expect that after the initial investment, the latter could bring such amazing returns, and the already strong order."

In Luo Han's heart, he was already deeply shocked by the Huaxia Empire. He really didn't expect that the Huaxia Empire under Lin Qian's current heavens and realms would be so powerful.

Average realm, Dao realm, this was something they couldn't even imagine in the ancient times.

And such a flourishing age actually happened in front of his own eyes.

Luo Han and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty had only one feeling at this moment. Fortunately for his remnant soul, he insisted on encountering Lin Qian. In this state, he could see the miracle of the future prosperity.

If Luo Han and the early Yuan Dynasty seemed to have a controller like Lin Qian to defeat other predators of the chaotic universe like the Nether Clan, there was a chance.

So now, there is already a 50% possibility.

Luo Han and the beginning of Yuan Dynasty eagerly discussed their own ideas with Lin Qian. With such good conditions, they could cultivate a very outstanding existence.

The biggest gap between them and other chaotic universes in their cultivation and civilization is the gap between the younger generation, and they are unable to succeed.

At the same time, there is still a gap in high-end combat power, and they don't exist in the realm of Hunyuan Saints.

But now, these two gaps have been filled.

They are looking forward to the future very much, what kind of situation it will be when they really go to war with the Nether Race.

However, Lin Qian, who had been chatting with them, suddenly changed his expression.

Luo Han and the early Yuan Dynasty saw Lin Qian's complexion change, and asked inexplicably: "What's wrong, what's the matter?"

"The power of the Overlord Immortal Clan wants to take action on the territory of our Chinese Empire."

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