The Peerless Emperor

Chapter 1437: Hub space

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, he was full of disbelief, staring at Zhuge Ming in front of him, always feeling disbelief.

The formation mage who can repair the formation of his family, in this central world star, who is not a rare existence, how could it appear in front of him.

Moreover, it is still such a coincidence that Zhuge Ming is in front of him?

Absolutely impossible!

This was a subconscious thought in the early Yuan Dynasty.

But seeing Lin Qian's swearing expression, he still tended to believe the other person in his heart. If this matter was true, then he was going to turn around.

I will also get more help in this trial.

When he was planted, he was miserably cheated. His grandfather loved him so much. He was also furious and cut off his supply. If not, he would not have been such a cultivation base.

If it were not for this trial to begin, he would not be able to return.

Moreover, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, I also hoped in my heart that my family's great formation could be repaired successfully. After all, the family's great formation had always been incomplete, and it was unreasonable.

"Really, can the repair be successful?" Finally, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he swallowed and looked at Zhuge Ming cautiously, feeling very nervous.

Zhugeming nodded and looked in front of him at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty: "Naturally, your so-called family formation is not so advanced."

The words sounded as if they were very arrogant and didn't take the Yuan family's formation in their eyes.

But Zhugeming's words were very solemn and solemn, just telling the truth, and did not mean to belittle the other party.

Because the formation of this ancient era is naturally inferior to the current era.

After all, many things are constantly improving, although there are many places where there are faults in cultivation and civilization.

But in terms of defensive formations, Lin Qian and the others must be very powerful in the current era.

Otherwise, it will not lead to a battlefield for such a long time, but the formation virus of the Huaxia Empire is a different kind of situation and cannot be compared.

Seeing Zhugeming's promised words, he couldn't help but believe it at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and now he has no other way besides trusting the other party.

No way, for him, it can only be so.

However, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, something suddenly came to mind. He had given Zhuge Ming a book of formations, and the other party asked for himself and asked him. He understood what.

It seems that the opponent is not pretending, but really understands the formation of the portal, but is an array mage capable of building a portal.

If you think about it this way, things are very reasonable.

"This is great!" An excited smile appeared on Yuan Chu's face.

If this is the case, Yuan Li's complaint would not only have no effect, but would swell the opponent's face severely.

When he thinks that the other party will show a look of consternation and disbelief at that time, he is very happy.

Even now, he no longer had the panic when the other party left, but rather looked forward to it. He was summoned by the old man to brighten the other's dog's eyes.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhuge, I will trouble you next." The early Yuan Dynasty smiled immediately, came forward, kneaded Zhugeming's shoulders, and loosened his bones.

Seeing this silly look at the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, Lin Qian also shook his head amused.

The eldest young master of the Yuan family in front of him, although his status is not low, his cultivation level is good, and his talents are good, but his brain seems very slow and his nerves are big.

If not, Yuancheng would not let a housekeeper dominate and keep himself in the dark.

Lin Qian can also understand why the other party can plant success.

Judging from the reaction of this guy, it couldn't be more normal to be framed without noticing it.

It didn't take long for a person to come by far away. Looking closely, it was the Yuan family, just a collateral child, serving as a servant in this sect.

Even though they are servants, they are also the children of many collateral families, and they are dreaming of a job. In the clan palace, these servants who come from the collateral family also have many opportunities.

"Master, the master asked you to take your friends and go to the forbidden area in the backyard."

Hearing the words of this collateral child, his eyes lit up at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and he knew something was coming.

If it were at the beginning, his face now must be ashamed, but now he is looking forward to it.

Zhuge Ming, he is still not sure whether he can repair the formation, but he has 90% confidence.

He believed that Lin Qian had such a qualified character, he would definitely not use this kind of thing to fool himself.

Afterwards, he led Lin Qian and the others towards the forbidden ground in the backyard.

Many places in the Yuan Family Zong Mansion have various forbidden areas, and the forbidden area in the backyard is one of them.

And this forbidden area is the hub of the entire family formation.

At the beginning, in the early Yuan Dynasty, he was tempted to come to this formation hub space, but when he arrived at this place, he found that the remaining formation masters in the formation hub space were already dead. net.

Most of the soul crystals that the **** of the formation gave to the operation of the formation had already disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, his grandfather and others appeared in the space of the formation hub and caught him upright.

Not long ago, he lost a gambling battle with others and owed a large sum of soul crystals.

Therefore, his grandfather took it for granted that his unfilial grandson, in order to repay the soul crystals he owed, attacked the formation hub space and robbed all the soul crystals in it.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, it was really a dumb person who was suffering from eating huanglian and couldn't tell. After being angered by his grandfather, he was expelled to Yuancheng.

Later, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he also discovered that the collateral child who had deceived him had no trace, so he naturally understood what he had come.

The object of his greatest suspicion was Yuanli, but he could not produce any evidence.

Fortunately, I met Lin Qian. As long as the formation can be repaired successfully, even if he has made great achievements, when his grandfather calms down, he will regain the resources of the clan.

At that time, you will be more confident when you enter the trial.

After a short while, Lin Qian and others came to the forbidden area in the backyard, where the formation hub space was located.

The formation hub is also the formation hub of the Yuan family's large formation, and it is the first-class forbidden area in the clan.

However, it is only one of the hubs, such a large array, naturally there is not only one hub.

And this is not one of the most central hubs, just a place to attack the soul crystal.

Entering this formation hub space, Zhuge Ming immediately saw a large piece of the foundation stone, which was engraved with various formation patterns, shining with a faint light.

However, there are cracks all over this cornerstone.

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