The Path of the First Villain's Counterattack

Chapter 156 Traveler 8

When Weapon Space heard this, it was silent for a while, and then said to Huangfu Xiyou: "When the master is in danger, Weapon Space will also step forward to save the master.

But such an opportunity is used in a pinch.

I also hope that the owner will not take random risks! "

With the guarantee of weapon space, Huangfu Xiyou immediately felt relieved: "Since you have said so, why should I worry about it?"

After finishing speaking, Huangfu Xiyou raised his legs again and raised his head to look at the monarch.

Seeing Huangfu Xiyou's arrogant and pretentious look, the monarch frowned, and said nothing more.

Then let Huangfu Xiyou retreat!
When Huangfu Xiyou came out of the palace unscathed, the whole person couldn't help being surprised for a while.

Unexpectedly, the monarch didn't give him any punishment, but called him to talk to him, and then let him come back!

No way?
Is the monarch so lenient to his request?
When he was face to face with the monarch just now, the behavior he showed was very disrespectful to the monarch!
Could it be that the monarch just let him go and didn't pursue anything!

After realizing this, Huangfu Xiyou couldn't help thinking again.

After all, what he did was not that big, and the monarch doesn't pursue it, isn't that reasonable?
The monarch is always busy with state affairs, and he has no extra energy to deal with family and state affairs.

The monarch has no time to take care of these things.

So, isn't it normal for the monarch not to pursue it?
I didn't expect the king to be quite easy to talk to.

After returning to the mansion, Huangfu Xiyou couldn't help but think of the 300 big boards that the eldest prince gave him last time.

Just because he went to visit the brothels, and then he was beaten by the eldest prince.

Reminiscent of the performance of the monarch today, Huangfu Xiyou couldn't help but wonder, in fact, did the monarch mean nothing at that time?
It was the eldest prince himself who asked the monarch to send someone to him, and then, the eldest prince came to him in such a mighty way with his people, gave him 300 boards, and taught him a lesson?

Thinking of this, Huangfu Xiyou couldn't help but nodded slightly.

That's right, it should be like this!

Huangfu Xiyou's heart was stuffy.

He knew that the eldest prince must have disliked him a long time ago!
That's why I took such an opportunity to punish him!
He knew that the First Prince had no good intentions for him!

The other brothers all hope that their younger brothers and sisters will live a particularly good life!

And the First Prince deliberately punished him, trying to punish him to death!
Could it be because he is the second prince and also the heir to the throne.

So, does the First Prince want to punish him deliberately so that he loses his qualification to inherit the throne?

Huangfu Xiyou immediately felt that the eldest prince is really bad!

How can a big brother treat his younger brother like this?
When Huangfu Xiyou left, the monarch immediately recruited the eldest prince into the palace.

When the eldest prince heard the news, he rushed over without stopping.

He had already heard the news that the monarch had summoned Huangfu Xiyou.

Presumably the monarch also has a decision in his heart.

He has to hurry over and ask what the monarch means?
It is best to get the approval of the monarch.

In this way, he can drive Huangfu Xiyou, that damned ghost, out of his brother's body!
In this way, the second prince can come back!
The eldest prince came soon, and came in front of the monarch, looking at the monarch, the eldest prince, who was getting thinner and thinner due to being busy with state affairs.It was inevitable that the father would be touched a little in his heart. There were only two boys, he and the second prince, and the rest were girls.

Therefore, the task of shouldering the heavy responsibility of the country must fall on him and the second prince, but now the second prince has such a thing.Put it on who, who will not be sad?
"Father!" The eldest prince came in front of the monarch and saluted respectfully.

"Prince, you are here, let me tell you what you think about this matter!" the monarch said lightly.

The national army's eyes fell on the First Prince.With some expectations, the First Prince has been practicing outside for so many years.When faced with things, he didn't know how the First Prince made his choices.

The eldest prince immediately said that now that the second prince is possessed by a ghost of unknown origin, the most important thing now is to find a way to drive that ghost away.

If possible, it is best to let this lonely ghost disappear forever in this world, lest he come back to harm other people, and then retrieve the second prince's soul, this is the idea of ​​the eldest prince.

"Since you also know that it is a lonely ghost, how can we fight against it with our mere mortal body?" the monarch asked.

The eldest prince doesn't have any good solution at the moment, he can only say.Let him go back and think about it.

The monarch nodded lightly, and then told the eldest prince that he should go to the national teacher to have a look and ask the national teacher's opinion.

After the eldest prince came out from the monarch's side, he really ran to the national teacher without stopping.palace.

The national teacher is a young and beautiful man with beautiful long white hair. He is mysterious and unpredictable on weekdays, coming and going without a trace.

If you want to see the national teacher on weekdays, you can only try your luck.No one knows how old the national teacher is this year. They only know that the national teacher has existed since the establishment of the dynasty, and the national teacher.With an ageless face, no matter how old you are, the national teacher will always be the basis for your current appearance.

The eldest prince still clearly remembers what the national teacher was like when he was young, and what the national teacher was like when he grew up, his appearance has hardly changed at all.

And he heard that the national teacher is conservatively estimated to be 300 years old!He is really a long-lived person chosen by God!
Arriving at the palace of the national teacher, the door that was originally closed was slowly opened at this time.

National teacher.There is only the national teacher in the palace, and there are no other servants.

The eldest prince on a horse came and came to the door.Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but stop.

The gate of the palace was wide open, which also showed that the national teacher knew that he was here this time. Thinking of this, the eldest prince secretly sighed in his heart, the national teacher is really mysterious!
The eldest prince got off his horse immediately, and walked into the palace of the national teacher.

All the way in, the eldest prince was also constantly looking at the surrounding environment.

All the way to the innermost and largest palace, when you walk in, the white inside seems to be like an altar, and all kinds of symbols are painted around the altar, which looks mysterious and weird!
And there is a person standing on the high altar.

The eldest prince looked up, and saw that figure had long snow-white hair and was wearing light-colored clothes.

The eldest prince thought, the person in front of him must be the national teacher!
"National teacher!" The eldest prince saluted respectfully and said.

Only then did the national teacher turn around slowly and look at the eldest prince under the altar. His eyes were peaceful and indifferent, and there was death in his eyes, as if the silence and loneliness that had been dead for many years.

When the national teacher's eyes fell on the First Prince, the First Prince only felt that the person in front of him was not a living person, but a walking flesh.As a result, a trace of fear gradually grew in the First Prince's heart.

However, he thought that he still had something to do with the national teacher, so he forcibly suppressed the little uncomfortable feeling in his heart.

"National teacher, I am here this time..." The eldest prince took a long time to say.

However, before the prince could finish speaking, the national teacher interrupted him: "I see, Your Highness!"

The eldest prince paused at the spot, raised his eyes, and looked at the national teacher with a little surprise. He was curious what the national teacher knew?Obviously he hasn't said anything yet!
Could it be that Cheng Guoshi is really a god-man?
Afterwards, the national teacher took out a mirror from behind. The periphery of the mirror was a transparent color, and there was a round mirror in the middle.

And the scene reflected in the mirror was not the national teacher himself, but the picture of Huangfu Xiyou!
Afterwards, the national teacher just said lightly: "Go back and tell the monarch to let him hold the Hundred Flowers Banquet on the day of the Hundred Flowers Festival, and invite everyone to the banquet normally."

The national teacher said lightly.

The eldest prince listened, although he had many doubts in his heart, he still suppressed it, nodded and left following the order of the national teacher.

After the eldest prince left, the national teacher's hand lightly brushed the surface of the mirror.

A white light flashed on the mirror, which seemed to contain a powerful force.

The scene reflected on the mirror immediately changed from Huangfu Xiyou to Ye Yuebai!

"This world hasn't been repaired yet, why are you here to join in the fun? Now it's over, you won't be able to use your skills! Stupid stuff!" the teacher said lightly.

His eyes fell on Ye Yuebai's face with extreme indifference.

The national teacher's eyes are very cold, without any emotion that should belong to a human being.

On the other side, the system seemed to have sensed something, and quickly called Ye Yuebai in his mind: "Host, did you feel that something was wrong just now? I feel like we are being watched!"

"Is there? Didn't you say that this is a world of martial arts? Where can anyone watch? We don't have cameras like modern society!" Ye Yuebai said disapprovingly.

Although it was just a feeling, the system felt that it was right.

It's just that I still don't know how to explain it to Ye Yuebai.

Then the system could only sigh softly, and then said, "Maybe it's my illusion!"

"Let me just say, there must be some bugs in your system, go check it later! Don't mess me up in time!" Ye Yuebai said lightly.

Didn't take this matter to heart at all.

But the system sighed softly in the system space.

He even sensed that the developer of the system was here!

And most importantly, he was ridiculed by the developers.

He seemed to hear the developer laughing at him as a fool - what a fool!

Oh, what a sad story!

Huangfu Xiyou was in the mansion, eating and drinking all kinds of things, and usually went outside for a stroll after eating and drinking.Take a look at the surrounding scenery.

Huangfu Xiyou walked on the streets of the capital, with that gaze.I kept browsing the women around me.

Huangfu Xiyou is looking forward to meeting some alluring beauty on the streets of the capital every day, and then he has been lingering on the streets for a long time, and what's more, the eyes look so wretched .

The originally very handsome face now has some silly and evil aura added to it!It caused the women around to run away immediately, and even warned his sisters that if they saw a man who was always staring at women on the road, never approach him, turn around and run away!
Before, there was Ye Yuebai in the capital, this dude, he usually walks on the street and likes to flirt with beautiful women, but now there is a second bird-beast, could it be that the capital is rich in birds-beasts? ?

Since the second prince and the eldest prince had gone to the Dongxiao faction several years ago, people in the capital naturally couldn't recognize Huangfu Xiyou as the second prince, and they thought Huangfu Xiyou was what.Prodigal son.

It's just that after looking at beautiful women on the street for several days in a row, they returned without success in the end.Huangfu Xiyou sighed softly. In this ancient world where maintenance is not usually paid much attention to, such pure natural beauties are really rare, except for wealthy families like Lin Yuer who have that kind of money. And capital can make women dress up beautifully, and other ordinary families are basically unkempt, oops, ugly to death!
When Huangfu Xiyou passed by a brothel, he subconsciously looked inside, at that moment, he was really shocked, there were all kinds of beauties in the brothel!

Huangfu Xiyou wanted to go in, but he suddenly remembered the warnings from the First Prince and the Monarch, as a member of the royal family, naturally one cannot come to such a place!

However, he really wanted to go in and experience it and broaden his horizons. What should we do?
Then Huangfu Xiyou thought of a wonderful method.

He disguised himself and deliberately painted himself an ugly makeup.return.He made his body black and black, and disguised himself to sneak in, so naturally no one would recognize him!
After putting on a disguise like this, Huangfu Xiyou really went into the brothel!

On the other side, the national teacher came to the side of the monarch.A mirror was suspended in front of the two of them. The decoration around the mirror was transparent, and the picture displayed in the middle was actually the picture of Huangfu Xiyou and Huangfu Xiyou in disguise when he walked into the brothel and hugged him left and right.

In fact, royal children.It is not allowed to enter the brothel, this rule was proposed by the national teacher at the time.

The monarch, at that time, was also very puzzled, why did he suddenly mention such a thing?conditions, but at that time the national teacher gave the monarch a bewildered smile without any explanation, and then left.

The monarch was full of doubts, and stood there in a daze. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand what the national teacher meant, but the monarch thought that since the national teacher had such an arrangement, he just had to trust the national teacher. up.

The national teacher said that the royal children are not allowed to enter the brothel, so he will issue this order not to allow them to enter the brothel!Although the monarch does not understand, but.Follow the words of the national teacher, you are right!Now when the monarch looks back, he realizes that the master's strategy is really superb. So early on, he had expected that there would be a ghost possessed by the second prince, and that ghost Wild ghosts also especially like to visit green houses!
The most important thing is that the second prince doesn't like to go to brothels!Strictly abide by one's duty and will not do things that damage the royal face.

Wouldn't it be possible to know who belonged to the traverser after such a comparison?
When thinking of this, Na Guojun had a look of emotion on his face, he admired the national teacher very much in his heart, but the national teacher had a face of indifference.Hehe, it's so funny.This plot was arranged by him.How could he not know which person he would cross over to?
On Huangfu Xiyou's side, there was no restriction of status, and no one was constantly urging her around. After Huangfu Xiyou entered, she really did.After a lot of indulgence, it was already the second morning when I came out.

Huangfu Xiyou had a relaxed expression on his face, he leisurely returned to the mansion with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth.

"Master. Now is the perfect time. Don't you prepare in advance so that you can recharge your batteries?" At this time, the voice of the weapon space suddenly rang in Huangfu Xiyou's mind.

Huangfu Xiyou.Then he said that he didn't need it at all: "What do you think I need to prepare? Could it be that I need to prepare to accept this supreme throne? Or is it that I am ready to sit in the harem and have three thousand beauties?
And don't worry, I know that the eldest prince must be a little dissatisfied with me now, but he certainly doesn't know my identity as a time traveler, and I think that the eldest prince is deliberately targeting me, you see, He beat someone to beat me first, and then brought it back or something. I guess, the eldest prince must have ulterior motives. He wants to seek power and usurp the throne. The first thing he wants to do is get rid of me, because I am with him Candidates for the throne! "

Listening to Huangfu Xiyou's mindless remarks, the system space was speechless: "Master, some things are not as simple as you imagined! Although we are facing ancient people this time, you must not take it lightly!"

"What are you afraid of, anyway, you will protect me well when the time comes!" Huangfu Xiyou still had a foolish look.

Seeing that his persuasion was fruitless, the weapon space will also sigh softly in his heart, full of helplessness

When did he have such a helpless moment in a weapon space?
Ever since he had self-awareness, he had never encountered such a thing at all. All his previous masters had ambitious ambitions, and the man in front of him was a king with a strong mouth. His mouth was ambitious, but in reality On the contrary, he indulged himself and allowed himself to continue to degenerate!
But even if Huangfu Xiyou was ambitious, he still didn't have any fighting spirit.Anyway, in the end, they couldn't escape the same fate as those previous masters, and they would all become his nourishment in the end!
Huangfu Xiyou has been with him ever since.This ending was already doomed from the day of the binding.

Those weapons in his weapon space are just to attract more and more people willing to bind with him!

If he could, he could even conjure up beauties in the weapon space!

Let's see if the masters are willing!

The eyes of the weapon space looked indifferently, looking at the few thousand luck points remaining on Huangfu Xiyou's head.The nourishment he needs is this luck value, and at the same time, he can even take it.Huangfu Xiyou was devoured.

It's not that it hasn't done such a thing, its previous masters were also swallowed by him, making them completely disappear in this world, and even their souls couldn't escape!
He needs the luck value of Huangfu Xiyou.Absorb the luck from Huangfu Xiyou's body for his own use, and then he can slowly become stronger and stronger!

Afterwards, the gaze that fell on Huangfu Xiyou from the weapon space was filled with an unidentified light and an unseen undercurrent.

Poor Huangfu Xiyou still doesn't know that he is about to face a catastrophe, the monarch and the eldest prince are watching him covetously, and even his weapon space that survives is also thinking about how to deal with it.Huangfu Xiyou was eaten away, and on the other side, Ye Yuebai also wanted to compete for luck points.

When Ye Yuebai learned about Huangfu Xiyou's weapon space from the system.Ye Yuebai couldn't help but froze for a moment when he wanted to absorb the luck value.

Since when is it just a little golden finger, and you want to share a share with him?
"Host, the mind of this weapon space is impure. In the future, when Huangfu Xiyou has no use value, he will suck Huangfu Xiyou dry, and then escape from this world to bind and bind a new master!"

The system said slowly.

Ye Yuebai rubbed his chin, it seems that he wants to take away all the luck points from Huangfu Xiyou before the weapon space sucks all the luck points away!

When Huangfu Xiyou was still thinking about where to go, he suddenly received an invitation letter from the palace, inviting Huangfu Xiyou to attend the Hundred Flowers Banquet in the palace in a few days!
Looking at the handwriting on it, Huangfu Xiyou searched the memory of the second prince in his mind. In the memory of the second prince when he was a child, a Hundred Flowers Banquet would be held at this time of year every year, and at the Hundred Flowers Banquet from the very beginning, mutual appreciation and creation of various Poetry, and then slowly held later, it became a grand blind date banquet, because all the people who came were talented and wealthy, and they had a poetic spirit.

Among them are the current champions of liberal arts and martial arts. It can be said that this is a top-notch exchange event between men and women!

Thinking of this, Huangfu Xiyou.Evoking a wicked smile, oops, looking at beautiful women, he is the best at this.In the past, when he was in the present world, he was a penniless D-slut, from a poor family, relying on his good looks, and then he hooked up with all kinds of beauties!
At that time, he was really high-spirited!
Walking on the road with several beauties in his arms, hugging left and right, the envious eyes of the people around him made him burst with vanity!

After dating a few girlfriends later, I feel that women are like that!
Although he broke up with his several girlfriends, Huangfu Xiyou found that he was getting better and better!
When I see a beautiful woman, I can't control it, I can't help but want to go up to the beautiful woman, and then, I want to win her heart, this is a bad habit brought over from the current world!

Moreover, Huangfu Xiyou didn't intend to get rid of this problem. Now that the monarch is going to hold a banquet, isn't this an excellent time to appreciate beauties?
In this way, when he sees beauties at the Hundred Flowers Banquet, he can look at beauties openly, and even his own identity as the Second Prince's Highness, once revealed, there may be many beauties who come forward to strike up a conversation and want to get closer to him !

Thinking of this, Huangfu Xiyou couldn't help but nodded lightly. After traveling here for so long, his identity as the Second Prince finally came in handy!

So from this day on, Huangfu Xiyou was looking forward to the moment when he participated in the Hundred Flowers Banquet.

Ye Yuebai who came to the capital first stayed in the palace, an inn near the palace.

However, Ye Yuebai received an invitation letter from the palace on the second day of his stay, and the person who sent the invitation letter turned out to be the First Prince.

How did I, the first prince who had just arrived, know that he lived in this inn?

Facing Ye Yuebai's doubts, the eldest prince smiled, and said, it was actually because the national teacher guessed that Ye Yuebai was here, so he asked him to come over to deliver the invitation letter, and the national teacher also asked him to come here earlier Come here, if it's later, Ye Yuebai will leave the inn and not be here anymore!So the First Prince came early and sent an invitation letter to Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai nodded, he did.Well, I'm going out in a while.

Fortunately, the eldest prince came early.

Ye Yuebai accepted the invitation letter.My mind is at a loss, what's going on, is it possible that there are really people in this ancient world who can remotely monitor others?
Ye Yuebai suddenly remembered that the system had said before that someone seemed to be watching them, and he scoffed when he heard this, but now he thought about it.It’s really a little frightening!
If he wasn't under surveillance, why would the eldest prince know his location exactly?
Ye Yuebai suppressed the doubts in his heart, and wanted to join forces with the system to investigate this matter when he turned around, otherwise, if he didn't figure out his heart, it would be difficult to calm down for a day!
The eldest prince smiled and said to Ye Yuebai: "Two days later, the Imperial Palace will hold a Hundred Flowers Banquet. The National Teacher specially asked me to send you an invitation letter. I also hope that Brother Ye will be able to attend the banquet at that time. I will definitely be there at that time." Waiting for you at the banquet!"

Ye Yuebai nodded and agreed, and then asked: "Prince, how do you know I'm here?"

"Didn't I explain it just now? It's all thanks to the national teacher!" the prince said happily.He is not surprised at all, because the national teacher is like this.He is elusive, mysterious, and basically he can predict many things like a god, as if the whole world is under the control of the national teacher. The general national teacher is the man he admired since he was a child!Naturally it is very powerful!
After the eldest prince left, Ye Yuebai hurried.Contacted the system: "System, I feel that there is something wrong with this national teacher, please quickly check for me what is the origin of this national teacher?"

Ye Yuebai's heart even sank to the bottom, he.Do you feel that your identity as a time traveler has also been exposed under the eyes of this national teacher?
On the other side, the system had just summoned the virtual screen, and when it was about to check the national teacher, the virtual screen suddenly exploded with a bang, and then went out.

"The host is not working, this national teacher is really mysterious, this virtual screen was blown up directly!" The system said seriously.

Ye Yuebai couldn't help frowning: "The virtual screen is blown up, if it blows up, can it be repaired?"

"Don't worry, it's just a virtual screen, just pinch another one, but I'm curious who this Goss is! He can even blow up the virtual screen! Host, it's time to participate in the Hundred Flowers Banquet, can you You have to pay close attention to this national teacher!" The system said with a serious face.

Immediately afterwards, the system suddenly remembered the one it was under surveillance not long ago.Although it was only a momentary feeling at this moment, he was still keenly captured by the system, and his first impression was that the person monitoring him was the system developer. How could it be possible? The system developer would never see such a small person. From the world!
With doubts in his heart, the system decided to go to the Hundred Flowers Banquet with Ye Yuebai to have a look at the national teacher.Exactly what it looks like, if you look at the details of the national teacher, you can know whether the national teacher is a human or a ghost!

Soon came the Hundred Flowers Feast, Ye Yuebai.According to the time on the invitation letter, I went to the imperial palace, and civilians are not allowed to enter casually, but when Ye Yuebai showed the invitation letter for the Hundred Flowers Banquet, the guards at the gate immediately let Ye Yuebai in respectfully, because were able.The person who received the invitation must be someone with a reputation!I can't afford to offend him!

Ye Yuebai entered the banquet.Sit down at the arranged seat.But Ye Yuebai did not expect that there was a man with white hair sitting next to him.

Among all the black-haired people, this touch of white is extremely conspicuous!

Ye Yuebai raised his head and looked around, seeing boys and girls appearing one after another.The men sat in a row and the women sat in a row.All of them had joyful smiles on their faces, and the one sitting on the high seat was next to the monarch.The fluttering man Yimei has long snow-white hair and an astonishing face!It caused the hearts of the beauties present to thump. Since they participated in the Hundred Flowers Banquet for so long, they have never been able to see the national teacher on the stage. They did not expect that this year they would have the honor to meet the national teacher. They were very happy in their hearts. Show your best side, I hope the national teacher can see it!However, the national teacher's eyes seemed to be blind, staring at the front indifferently, not looking at anyone!

Ye Yuebai turned his head to look at the white-haired man beside him and guessed, the white-haired man who stands out from the crowd, must be the national teacher!
Ye Yuebai's eyes also fell on the face of the national teacher.

At this time, the national teacher.He raised his head and looked straight at Ye Yuebai.

He and Ye Yuebai looked at each other in mid-air.Soon, the system screamed in Ye Yuebai's mind, which shocked Ye Yuebai a lot!Goosebumps popped out all over my body.

"Oh, what are you doing, I suddenly screamed!" Ye Yuebai's face was sullen.

"Oh, no... it's nothing, I read it wrong, I'm sorry!" the system stammered, and clicked to close its mouth, but at the same time: he also quietly glanced at the national teacher on the other side.

The system keeps thinking.Cursing, why did the system developer come here?He thought it was an illusion before, but he didn't expect it to be true!
Then the system took a deep breath to comfort itself. After all, I have done nothing wrong so far. Even if the developer comes over, I can't do anything to him. At most, the final result will be to remake it!

Alas, it's not like he hasn't seen such a thing before!
When Huangfu Xiyou walked in from the gate of the palace carelessly.The national teacher's eyes fell on Huangfu Xiyou for three seconds, and then moved away.

Huangfu Xiyou came in.Walking towards his position, at the same time he secretly observed the beauties on the field from the corner of his eyes to see which one was more beautiful!

This is incredible, there are 10 beauties on the field, and 9 of them are very good-looking, my God, Huangfu Xiyou feels like his saliva is about to flow out when he looks at it!

Of course, no matter how good-looking these beauties are, they are not as good-looking as Lin Yuer. Now that she suddenly thinks of Lin Yuer, Huangfu Xiyou still can't help but feel emotional.He can get any kind of woman, why does Lin Yu'er always reject him time and time again?Become the one he misses all the time!
Sitting on the seat, Huangfu Xiyou straightened his back.Put on a steady look.The beauties around saw their hearts pounding.And on the other side,

The seating arrangement is subtle.

The monarch is sitting on the main seat, next to him is the national teacher, next to the national teacher is Ye Yuebai, next to Ye Yuebai is the eldest prince, next to the first prince.Second Prince?
The monarch is also quite surprised, the national teacher actually arranged a little-known commoner by his side, what is this equivalent to?Everyone knows it.It is equivalent to the national teacher who thinks highly of this young man.

It can only be said that he is a stranger, and then he is taken care of by the national teacher for no reason and inexplicable, that is really a big difference!
Soon the banquet began, and the audience first enjoyed the song and dance performance. After watching it for a while, Ye Yuebai lost interest in this ancient song and dance.They are not as good-looking as modern ones, probably because I have watched too many songs and dances in the modern world. When I return to reality, I find that they are not as amazing as I imagined, and then.I feel almost meaningless, lack of interest!
Ye Yuebai lowered his head, picked up the fruit wine in front of him, and wanted to drink it all down, but at this time, the national teacher next to him suddenly handed over the wine glass, expressing that he wanted to clink glasses with Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai was overwhelmed with flattery, and had a drink with the national teacher in an apprehensive mood.

At the same time, Ye Yuebai was still muttering in his heart, what is going on with this national teacher?

The two of them were still strangers, so the national teacher gave him an invitation letter, and even took the initiative to clink glasses with him!

It's like when walking on the road, suddenly met someone to send warmth, and then gave him a big warm and hug, and then Ye Yuebai just stood there in a daze, not understanding what happened just now!
Ye Yuebai didn't even think about it even after the person walked away!

Then Ye Yuebai put his heart back into his stomach gently, since he didn't know what the national teacher was going to do, then wait and see what the national teacher will tell him later!
After having a drink with Ye Yuebai, the national teacher's eyes still fell on Ye Yuebai's body, his eyes were still so calm, like a pool of stagnant water.

But the national teacher secretly slandered, Ye Yuebai in front of him looked harmless to humans and animals, and looked like he was being slaughtered, but he didn't know what it was like to perform the task.

But it shouldn't be too far behind!

He had read Ye Yuebai's information.Ye Yuebai.The first few worlds have been completed quite well, and the most important thing is that Ye Yuebai is the tasker he personally appointed!
Seeing that the people he has cultivated by himself have made some achievements, the national teacher must be happy in his heart.

But the monarch sitting on the main seat has a worried face, he looks on the surface.He has a serious look, but his eyes just glance at Huangfu Xiyou next to him whose eyes are almost popping out from time to time. Oh my god, that way of talking and behaving like a mouse-eye is not his most beloved second son at all. !

Sooner or later, this lonely ghost will be pulled out from his second son and crushed to death!
Then the monarch glanced at the national teacher next to him. At this time, the national teacher was clinking glasses with a brat who didn't know where he came from. Sent by the prince.

do not know either.What is it about people that shines so that the national teacher has taken a fancy to them!

After all these years, the national teacher.Basically, it is not like this to a person!

As for that young man...

The monarch looked more and more familiar, and after thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly remembered, alas, isn't this the prime minister's son?I heard that I went to Dongxiao School to learn martial arts, why did I suddenly appear here now?

It's been so long since I heard about Ye Yuebai that the monarch almost forgot about it, and this Hundred Flowers Banquet invites only the children of dignitaries, those who are old or married will not.come over.Participating in the Hundred Flowers Banquet, so the prime minister did not come, if the prime minister came.After all, father and son should recognize each other, right?
The national teacher's performance this time was beyond his expectations.

After the Hundred Flowers Banquet was over, the Monarch specially approached the Imperial Teacher and asked, "I don't know, I am inviting an ordinary person this time. What is the intention of the Imperial Advisor to invite Mr. Ye Yuebai this time?"

"Ye Yuebai is the key this time. Only he can drive away the ghosts in the second prince's body!" The national teacher said lightly.

Although the monarch sounds a little confused, but what the national teacher says is what he says!
The national teacher said that Ye Yuebai can do it, so Ye Yuebai will definitely be able to do it. 100% trust in the national teacher, there is nothing to doubt!

It's just that he didn't know that Ye Yuebai actually had the ability to exorcise ghosts, so asking Ye Yuebai to go to Dongxiao School to learn martial arts, isn't it a bit too condescending?Ye Yuebai should go to the Heavenly Master's Mansion to learn how to draw talismans!

Seeing that the national teacher has nothing to worry about, and there is nothing to worry about, the monarch is also relieved at the same time.Since the national teacher said it was fine, it must be fine!
And he can sit back and relax!

Ye Yuebai found that ever since he came back from the palace, the system has been in an uncertain state, cheerful for a while, silent for a while, and talking to himself for a while.

I don't know what stimulated the system to become like this, and Ye Yuebai didn't bother to answer him if he didn't ask any questions.

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