The Path of the First Villain's Counterattack

Chapter 146: Urban Immortal Cultivation 7

Lin Chen couldn't help questioning: "Looking at what you said, I feel like you are telling me a story?
Doesn't the current law stipulate that if a person is drunk, unconscious, or coerced and unwilling to sign an agreement, it will not take effect?
If this kind of thing really happened, as long as he proved that he was not clear-headed when he signed the agreement, wouldn't he be able to get the money back?
Are you kidding me? "

"Oh, boy, you are so ignorant!
This happened more than ten years ago, and the law you mentioned was only issued in the last few years!

When he made this rule, the case was already a foregone conclusion!
And that pair of dogs and men are also dead!

Even if you really want to reverse the case for that ex-husband now.It's very simple, just like you said, just prove that he signed the agreement when he was unconscious!
But now, those two people are dead, and there is no proof of death, what are you going to do! "

Hearing this, Lin Chen couldn't help but shut his mouth.

Nothing to say!

It's just that Lin Chen felt a particularly sad feeling in his heart at this moment.

How should I put it, there is a feeling of disillusionment.

In his impression, his parents are very loving.

Although sometimes noisy, but the two sides still love each other deeply.

However, in real life, his mother had an affair in marriage, so she walked with his father.

And she was pregnant with his illegitimate child.

After his mother married his father, life didn't get better.

He was even often bullied and suppressed by his father.

And his father cheated on another woman in marriage!

Moreover, he has always believed that the money from his parents was obtained through formal channels and through their hard work.

Unexpectedly, they actually set up a trap for the mother's ex-husband, and then secretly transferred all the ex-husband's money!

This simply shattered his three views!
When the truth turned out to be like this, Lin Chen couldn't help but fell silent.

As if being hit head-on, knocked back to reality.

What imagined homicide does not exist at all!

His thoughts were in a mess, and he didn't even listen to what the neighbors around him said!
After a while, the neighbor next to Lin Chen patted Lin Chen on the shoulder and asked him, "Young man, have you written down what we just said?"

Only then did Lin Chen recover, with an embarrassed smile on his face, he said, "Oh, I forgot, where did I just say that? Let's continue!"

"That's basically what happened to them before they died!

However, when they had an accident, we didn't know exactly what was going on.

Just suddenly heard that they committed suicide!

Not even the inspector could find out why.

The Inspector initially suspected that it was a dispute between the two that caused such an accident! "

Lin Chen nodded slightly, a little absent-minded.

The result was completely different from what he had imagined.

At the beginning, his relatives said that it was a deliberate murder.

And he actually believed the words of those relatives too!
I feel that my parents must have been intentionally killed!

Otherwise, the two of them are good, how could they suddenly do such a thing?

However, listening to these things that the neighbors talked about today, Lin Chen couldn't help but fell into deep doubts.

What I had believed in for so many years suddenly collapsed at this moment!

There is a feeling that the whole world has been turned upside down.

The things Lin Chen collected from the neighbors in the neighborhood are almost the same.

When he was about to go back, an old man next to him suddenly said: "Hey, didn't a family move to our community a few years ago?
I remember that the male owner of that family seems to be the inspector who once participated in your case.

The family retired a few years ago, and now they are at home with their grandchildren.

If you have any questions, you can go to the other side and ask! "

"What inspector? What's your surname?" Hearing this, Lin Chen seemed to see hope.

He stared closely at the old man who was talking.

The light in his eyes was so bright that it was hard to ignore.

Afterwards, the old man pointed to the side and said to Lin Chen: "It's the building next to it, you go to the third floor, the first house on the left will be there.

The person who lives in that family is the inspector who participated in this case. His surname is Li. You can call him Inspector Li!

For the rest, if you have any questions, you can ask him! "

After the old man finished speaking, he patted Lin Chen on the shoulder and told him to go quickly.

Lin Chen thanked several neighbors, packed up his things, and walked towards the inspector's house.

When he got there, Lin Chen only saw a gray-haired old man with his grandson.

Although the old man was over sixty years old, he looked energetic.

The face is the vicissitudes of the years.

The old man's eyes are extremely determined, which is simply not something that ordinary people can have.

Lin Chen is very sure that this must be Inspector Li!

Lin Chen stepped forward, knocked on the door very politely, and asked, "Excuse me, is this the home of Inspector Li?"

Inspector Li raised his head to look at the young man at the door.

He sized Lin Chen up, and then said, "I am Inspector Li, young man, what do you want?"

"That's right, I'm investigating a case more than ten years ago, and I'm currently collecting information.

I heard from the neighbor next to you that you participated in this case, so I would like to come over and ask you about the details of this case. "Lin Chen said seriously.

"The case? What case?" Inspector Li said, looking up and down Lin Chen again.

It was discovered that Lin Chen was young, and he didn't look like an investigator if he said he was an investigator.

The investigator is not as unprofessional as Lin Chen!

The investigators are professionally trained, and the young man today has no shape at all, and his eyes are soft, without frustration.

Having been in the inspector industry for so many years, the well-informed Inspector Li could tell at first glance that Lin Chen was definitely not an investigator.

Lin Chen said seriously: "It's the case of the couple surnamed Lin more than ten years ago. I heard that you were involved in this case."

Inspector Li thought about it carefully, and then nodded lightly.

Inspector Li said casually: "I did participate in this case, but does it have anything to do with you?"

"Do you know how they died? Was it really suicide? Or was it man-made? I heard that the enemy killed them, so I want to come and ask you!" Lin Chen said seriously.

However, Inspector Li did not immediately answer Lin Chen's words.

Instead, he asked back: "Are you an investigator? Show me your work ID?"

"I'm not an investigator, I'm the couple's son.

They died so strangely, if it was suicide, there were so many doubts!
I want to investigate the truth about the death of my parents that year!
I heard from relatives that the enemy killed him!
But for so many years, there have been no clues.

So I thought I'd come over and see what's notable about this case. " Lin Chen said.

Hearing this, Inspector Li said: "If you want to ask, you can go to the Inspectorate and ask them to look through the files of this case! Isn't it more detailed?
When you go around like this, how long will it take to understand the whole process? "

"I know, but I still hope to know what the situation was like from you first?" Lin Chen said seriously.

He felt that Inspector Li didn't seem to want to provide him with any useful clues.

However, Lin Chen thought about it again, and thought that it might be because of the professionalism of the inspector, that's why it happened!

Then Inspector Li said slowly: "That day, we received a report that someone committed suicide.

Let's hurry over.

When I went over, I saw that the doors and windows were all locked, tightly locked.

There were two people lying in the room, it was gas poisoning!
When we got there, the two had no vital signs and were a couple.

It was preliminarily concluded that the two had a dispute, so they did so.

Later, after our in-depth understanding.

It was found that these two people had some problems both emotionally and in life.

His wife was treated unfairly in the marriage.

It made his wife have extreme thoughts.

His wife sealed all the doors and windows while her husband was taking a nap.

Turn on the gas in the house.

Then the two were poisoned to death.

Moreover, according to the reaction of the surrounding people, before his wife did this, the two had a serious quarrel!

Basically everything that can be smashed was smashed in the room!
When we arrived at the scene, the whole scene was a mess!
It can be seen how intense the situation was at that time!
Probably the situation is like this.

If you still want to know more about it, then you can go to the Inspector's Department and apply for the information of that case back then to check! "

Hearing this, Lin Chen was a little dazed.

Could it be that the quarrel between his parents really made his mother want to kill someone?
But it's not right!

Even if his mother wanted to kill his father, she would turn on the gas tank while his father was asleep, then go out and lock the door from the outside.

In this case, his father can be put to death without anyone noticing.

But why did his mother lock herself in the room?
Two people died together?

Moreover, it's fine if they don't have children, they had children at that time!

That day, he went out to play with friends.

Played until the evening before coming back.

When I came back, I heard that his parents were dead!

I was having fun at first, but when I came back, I received such bad news.

Lin Chen was completely dumbfounded at that time.

Moreover, he heard the relatives around say that the enemy killed him!
I don't even know who killed it!
He has been remembering that time until now!

It was deeply ingrained in his heart, and he also felt that the enemy killed him!
But now, why did the situation turn out that after the two quarreled, his mother turned on the gas tank, and then just burped?

Lin Chen took a deep breath.

He kind of hoped that the enemy killed him.

After all, he hated it for so many years.

Suffering for so many years!
Because of this incident, his life has undergone earth-shaking changes!
Become an orphan who no one wants!

Was thrown in the orphanage!
His parents never did such a thing because of a quarrel!

In this case, then, what is the suffering he has suffered for so many years?
He has been ridiculed and squeezed out by relatives for so many years...

He was even kicked out of his own home!

Looking back now, it's like a joke!
What he has been obsessed with for so many years turned out to be caused by such a simple reason!
Lin Chen felt depressed.

He didn't want to believe it, and he didn't dare to believe it!

If possible, he would rather have an enemy kill his parents!
In this way, at least he still has a goal!
Have a belief that you can continue to struggle!

But now, he has nothing.

My obsession for so many years is a complete joke!

Inspector Li next to him seemed to see that something was wrong with Lin Chen's mood.

Inspector Li asked: "You look disappointed, what's the matter? Before you had to come to investigate, what was your idea? Did you think that your parents were killed by enemies?"

Inspector Lee asked.

He has been working for so many years, and he can see through most people's thoughts at a glance!
Lin Chen was a little disappointed, he said lightly: "It's true.

Before I came here, I always thought it was the enemy who killed me.

At the same time, this is why I have insisted on these beliefs for so many years!
But now, I have a feeling of broken dreams.

I feel that what I have been obsessed with and what I believe in for so many years is a joke!
I can't accept it! "

Upon hearing this, Inspector Li nodded slowly.

Then, Inspector Li said: "A young man like you, if I guessed correctly at that time, you should be about seven or eight years old!

We have also heard that their couple, surnamed Lin, do have a son.

But later, when we wanted to come to you, we couldn't find you.

Your neighbors said that you were taken away by your grandparents and went to school in other places!
But I didn't expect that after so many years, you suddenly turned your head and paid attention to this matter.

It made me a little unexpected! "

Lin Chen sighed softly: "Over the years, I have imagined what the cause is.

I always thought that my relatives joined hands to kill my parents.

I came here to investigate, mainly to get some clues, and follow the clues to find out who is behind it!

If it is my relatives, I will not let them go!
But... alas! "

Speaking of this, Lin Chen couldn't help but sighed softly.

My obsessions for so many years were turned into ashes and disappeared!

Inspector Li nodded lightly, and then asked him: "Since you have already learned about this, what else can you do?
If you want to go to the Inspectorate to take a look at the archives from that year, I can tell my old friend to let you go in and take a look! "

Lin Chen shook his head lightly, with a disappointed expression: "It's okay, I won't go, thank you, Inspector Li! I won't bother you, I'll go back first!"

"It's okay! I'll see you off!" Inspector Li said, standing up from his seat.

After coming out from Inspector Li, Lin Chen was in a daze on the way back.

The mood is full of complexities.

Can't tell if it's happy or sad.

However, some loss is real.

Because, he is now the strength of the middle stage of Qi training.

Now he already has the strength to avenge his parents.

But after checking it out, it turned out that it was just a quarrel between his parents, and his mother couldn't bear it anymore and decided to understand life.

Then he hastily left him and left alone, leaving him alone in this world.

Lin Chen sighed deeply.

If he knew earlier, he shouldn't have gone out to play, but stayed at home!

When his parents leave, he will at least go with him!

There will be no pain for so many years later!
After returning, the old man could tell that Lin Chen was very depressed.

He came to Lin Chen's side and patted Lin Chen's shoulder heavily.

The old man comforted him: "Young man, life is unsatisfactory nine out of ten, look up and look forward!"

Lin Chen nodded lightly, and said nothing more.

At night, Lin Chen lay quietly in his room, looking up at the ceiling.

At this time, he suddenly felt a little confused.

Over the years, the only thing that has kept me going today is because of this obsession.

But now his obsession dissipated.

All the years of suffering have become a joke.

Lin Chen suddenly didn't know where he should go in the future, and what he would do in the future?
Lin Chen opened his eyes and suffered from insomnia all night.

When it was dawn, he couldn't sleep.

In the end, Lin Chen thought that he would probably continue his current life.

Continue to be the old man's apprentice, and carry forward the old man's sect!
After that is ordinary life.

Marry a wife and have children, then make money, educate children and so on.

Ye Yuebai on the other side knew about Lin Chen's mental journey from the system.

Knowing that Lin Chen was discouraged, he accepted the fact.And when he planned to look forward, and even planned his own future, Ye Yuebai smiled softly.

In the original plot, because Lin Chen's luck is too strong.

Ever since he took the soul of that strong man as his subordinate, his overall strength has changed from what it used to be.

At that time, he also started to investigate this matter.

Of course, the answer Lin Chen got at that time was the same as now, it was all about his parents committing suicide because of the quarrel.

But in the back, it was the strong man who used a very powerful secret calculation.

That secret method can replay what happened in the past.

Only then did Lin Chen learn the whole truth.

That day, his parents did quarrel, and it was very violent!
His dad even hit his mom.

His mother was beaten until the skin on her forehead was torn and a lot of blood flowed.

In that fight, his mother was at a disadvantage.

His father won the fight, drank next to him, and continued to scold his mother.

At noon, his father lay quietly on the side and took a nap.

His dad slept soundly because of the alcohol.

His mother really thought about locking all the doors and windows, then turning on the gas, and letting his father be poisoned to death inside alone.
However, at that time, his mother did not intend to die with her.

At that time, the original owner had already sent people to observe secretly for a long time,
Knowing that Lin Chen's mother had such an idea, she immediately followed suit.

Lin Chen's mother closed the windows tightly, and opened the two gas tanks in the kitchen.

Then, Lin Chen's mother was about to go out from the door and locked the door with a lock from the outside.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the original owner suddenly appeared and knocked out Lin Chen's mother.

Throw her in there again.

And how did the original owner manage to lock the door inside.

At that time, the original owner had already reached the late stage of Qi training, controlling the door lock from the air, and locking it from the inside was just a piece of cake.

Moreover, his parents did not participate in the quarrel with the original owner at all.

The original owner designed many serial routines for the two, which made the two quarrel again and again.

As a result, one of the parties was forced to become murderous, and it was a matter of course that they came to such a result.

After killing the two of them, the original owner can sit back and relax, even when he is dreaming, he is beautiful!

In the original plot, Lin Chen investigated and came back, but found no clues.

Later, through the past revealed by the soul of the strong man, only then did I learn the whole truth of the matter.

It also made Lin Chen understand that his enemy is the original owner!

Then he embarked on a road of revenge!

But now, Ye Yuebai deliberately played tricks to prevent Lin Chen from signing the contract with the strong soul as smoothly as in the original plot.
Instead, let Lin Chen continue his current decadent state.

As for Lin Chen's obsession, let him explore by himself, and after getting an answer, he will slowly let go of the obsession in his heart!
From now on, Lin Chen will no longer be obsessed with investigating who killed his parents!
He will never come to seek revenge on Ye Yuebai again!
Ye Yuebai raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In the next second, he received the news that the luck value had increased.

Looking back, Lin Chen only has 3000 luck points left.

It can be seen that this incident has dealt a big blow to him!
Only the last 3000 luck points are left!

Ye Yuebai rubbed his chin and thought about it, what method should he use to wipe away the last 3000 luck points?
Take a closer look at Lin Chen's luck value structure.

Among them, there is still some connection with the strong man's soul, but it is a little less.

In this way, that ancient treasure box must be dealt with!
Ye Yuebai thought about it, and that old man!

The old man wanted to do his best to train Lin Chen.

Train him to be the successor of the sect.

In this way, the old man will definitely spend a lot of effort on Lin Chen.

In that case, Lin Chen who got help must have greatly increased his luck!

At that time, with the promotion of luck value, Lin Chen will have another chance to make a contract with the strong man's soul.

That would not be too good for him!
Afterwards, Ye Yuebai resigned from the car repair shop.

When they learned that Ye Yuebai had resigned from his job, Liu Sisi and Sun Manyun were shocked.

Liu Sisi was puzzled, Ye Yuebai did a good job here, why did he suddenly resign?

When Liu Sisi asked, Ye Yuebai just smiled faintly, saying that he had found a more suitable job, then packed his things and left.

Liu Sisi was very disappointed.

She wanted to leave the contact information about Ye Yuebai, but Ye Yuebai didn't even give it to her!

Just pat your ass and leave.

On the other side, since Sun Manyun knew that Ye Yuebai was working here, she often came to the store.

Create a sense of presence in front of Ye Yuebai.

Chatting with Ye Yuebai for a while, talking about what happened to him.

When Sun Manyun came to look for Ye Yuebai again, what she got was the news that Ye Yuebai had resigned from the car repair shop!

Sun Manyun's whole body was suddenly like a bolt from the blue, and she froze in place on the spot.

Damn it, wouldn't she have lost news of Ye Yuebai again?

And, most importantly, she doesn't have Ye Yuebai's contact information!

She also mentioned before that she hoped that Ye Yuebai could leave a contact information.

However, Ye Yuebai didn't seem to really want to have any contact with her, and he never gave her the contact information.

Now, once Ye Yuebai left, the sky and the earth are big, trying to find someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

The difficulty has been greatly increased!

In the end, Sun Manyun could only go back full of disappointment.

After Ye Yuebai resigned from his job, he immediately resumed his status of being worth over [-] million yuan.

It became that Niu Hulu and Ye Yuebai.

Of course, he also changed from a sunny and handsome boy to an uncle with some wrinkles on his face.

Even so, Ye Yuebai still looks so handsome!
It is not inferior to today's small fresh meat!

Especially after this period of time, Ye Yuebai's constant maintenance and skin care.

Today's Ye Yuebai has fair and tender skin, and her entire complexion is much more refined and brightened!

It's so different from what it looked like before!
The first thing Ye Yuebai did was to contact the Sun family.

Said that he wanted to make a deal with the Sun family.

I hope the Sun family can agree to this transaction and hand over the ancient treasure box to him!

Of course, it wasn't that Ye Yuebai didn't give them any benefits, but proposed to exchange them with top-quality pills.

According to the information he got, the old man of the Sun family has been suffering from injuries all year round.

Grandpa Sun had a serious internal injury because he worked too hard when he was young.

Now, he has top-quality pills in his hands, and he can take a few of them to treat old man Sun's internal injuries.

He exchanged this top-grade elixir with the system.

Produced by the system, it must be a boutique!
Two days later, after some discussions with the Sun family, they replied to Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai thought that the Sun family would seriously consider it.

Unexpectedly, the reply from the Sun family was, no!
The ancient treasure box cannot be handed over casually!
Not even Ye Yuebai, who is worth hundreds of millions!
Just when Ye Yuebai's and the others' meanings ended like this, who would have known that there were other meanings behind them.

The Sun family said that although they couldn't exchange the ancient treasure box with Ye Yuebai, they were willing to pay other things to make a deal with Ye Yuebai.

In exchange for the elixir to heal Mr. Sun's injury!
The Sun family said that they are willing to pay half of the Sun family's financial resources in exchange.

Of course, they also know that Ye Yuebai is now worth over [-] million.

I don't care much about things like money.

Of course, they also said that if Ye Yuebai didn't like money, they didn't know what to give Ye Yuebai.

He even told the Sun family that if Ye Yuebai wanted to add other things, they would give everything they could.

However, the ancient treasure box is very important, and it cannot be given to Ye Yuebai casually.

I also hope that Ye Yuebai will forgive me!

Ye Yuebai saw it, it's done!

He also wanted to use the method of bartering to get the ancient treasure box, but now it seems that there is nothing to do.

It seems that there are other ways to do it.

On the second day, the head of the Sun family actually came to the door in person.

He even brought Mr. Sun of the Sun family with him!
On the surface, Mr. Sun seemed to be fine.

However, from Mr. Sun's deep and dark eyes, it can be seen that Mr. Sun's mental state is actually not very good!
He was a little wobbly when walking.

The fact that the people in charge of the Sun family can come to the door in person is enough to show that they really want to get that elixir from Ye Yuebai to cure old man Sun's illness!
Moreover, Mr. Sun is now in the middle stage of foundation establishment.

If he can break through the realm and become the late stage of Foundation Establishment, he will surely lead the Sun family to a higher realm!
Therefore, they couldn't wait to hope that Ye Yuebai would forgive them and take pity on them!
Looking at the sincere face of the Patriarch of the Sun family and Old Master Sun, Ye Yuebai lowered his eyes and remained silent.

"Mr. Ye, the conditions we can provide you are already here. If you like anything, just mention it. As long as we can get it, we will definitely offer it with both hands."

Ye Yuebai's eyes fell on the faces of the two of them.Did not speak.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Sun family said again: "I know, Mr. Ye, you want that ancient treasure box!
To tell you the truth, this ancient treasure box belongs to someone else, who temporarily placed it with us and entrusted us to keep it!

We have no right to touch that box!

I also hope that Mr. Ye can understand! "

Ye Yuebai nodded lightly.

The reason why the Sun family got this box was indeed because someone else entrusted them with it.

At the same time also paid a large hosting fee.

The box is someone else's after all.

It is indeed difficult for him to take the ancient treasure box with the Sun family at this time.

After all, the power does not belong to them!
"Since the Patriarch of the Sun family has already said so, then I will not force others to do anything difficult.

This time, although I didn't get what I wanted, I think it's okay for us to make friends.

Patriarch Sun Family, what do you think? "Ye Yuebai said gently.

His eyes fell on the face of the Patriarch of the Sun family.

Although Ye Yuebai's eyes were calm, the pressure contained in them was not small,
It fell straight on the shoulders of the Patriarch of the Sun family.

The Patriarch of the Sun family could only nod his head and said, "Mr. Ye is right!
As the saying goes, there is no righteousness in business!
We also hope to make friends with you, Mr. Ye! "

Ye Yuebai took the initiative to contact the Sun family. Apart from wanting the ancient treasure box, the most important thing was that he wanted the Sun family to take the initiative to win him over.

Because, only the Sun family has needs for themselves, in that case, they will not easily help Lin Chen in the future!
At this time, Mr. Sun took the initiative to stand up and proposed: "Mr. Ye, I have an unfeeling feeling.

I hope to have a look at the elixir you mentioned!

I want to confirm whether this elixir can really cure me!
Otherwise, I spent so much effort, but in the end it was nothing but a bamboo basket to fetch water!

Wouldn't this be a particularly big blow to people? "

I had expected them to say that.

Ye Yuebai took out the elixir that had been prepared in advance.

When the box containing the elixir appeared in front of the two of them, the Patriarch of the Sun family and Mr. Sun couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Their eyes were fixed on the box.

Finally, Ye Yuebai gently opened the box, revealing the pill inside.

The elixir was round in color, and the fragrance that wafted into the noses of the two of them.

Just smelling it, the two of them immediately felt refreshed!
The aroma of this elixir seems to have a magical power, which can make people calm down!

The pattern of this elixir is rugged, and the dense patterns almost cover the entire elixir.

Grandpa Sun knew that this elixir must be very expensive just from the patterns on it!

Moreover, from the surface, the grade of this elixir is also very high!
The Patriarch of the Sun family turned his head at this time and looked at Mr. Sun.

The Patriarch of the Sun family's gaze was shining brightly: "Father, what do you think of this elixir? Are we looking for an elixir?"

Grandpa Sun was already a little excited at this moment.

He stepped forward and looked at the pill carefully.

At this time, he raised his head to look at Ye Yuebai, and said his request: "Mr. Ye, that... I have a small request.

Can you show me this elixir? "

"Okay, you can look at it casually! Take it, and you can ask me anytime if you have any doubts!" ​​Ye Yuebai said, and handed the elixir to Old Man Sun.

He wasn't worried at all that Mr. Sun would cheat.

Because he has a system!

With the system in place, even if something happened, if he didn't have time to stop it, at worst he would let the system freeze the time.

It can prevent both of them from having a chance to touch this elixir!
Grandpa Sun's hands trembled after receiving the elixir.

At this time, his eyes that were originally like rotten wood exuded a bright light.

His eyes were fixed on the pill in his hand.

It was like seeing some peerless treasure.

After carefully examining it for a while, Old Man Sun showed a happy smile on his face: "Yes, that's right, it's this pill!

It really does heal my wounds!

I've been looking for it for years and can't find it!
Mr. Ye, where did you get this elixir? "

Ye Yuebai replied calmly: "This elixir was refined by my master, and the master doesn't like the world to disturb, so it's inconvenient for me to tell who the master is."

Grandpa Sun nodded and said, "Okay, we understand!"

Take a closer look and confirm that it is the elixir you want.

In the end, Mr. Sun could only reluctantly return the pill to Ye Yuebai.

I just want to see what conditions Ye Yuebai will put forward in the end.

Then, Mr. Sun turned his head and walked towards the Patriarch of the Sun family.

The Patriarch of the Sun family looked puzzled: "Old man, is this elixir really what you want?
If it is what you really want, no matter what price you pay, I will definitely help you get the elixir! "

Grandpa Sun nodded lightly, then turned his head to look at Ye Yuebai: "Mr. Ye, we are going to order your elixir, and I hope that Mr. Yan Ye will not give it to anyone else.

Mr. Ye, if you have any requirements, just ask, we will do our best to do what we can! "

Ye Yuebai slightly raised the corners of his mouth, and said flatly: "Actually, I wanted to get the ancient treasure box at the beginning.

Apart from wanting to get the ancient treasure box from you, I'm not very interested in anything else.

But, from what you said, the ancient treasure box belongs to someone else, and you don't have the right to touch it.

If that's the case, I won't force anything.

This elixir is given to you, just treat it as a friendship between us! "

When Mr. Sun heard this, his whole face was filled with excitement.

His gaze was fixed on Ye Yuebai who was opposite him, and his voice was trembling with excitement: "Mr. Ye, what you mean by this is that you want to give this pill to us, don't you?"

"That's right, that's what it means!
Mr. Sun, you are lucky today! "Ye Yuebai raised the corners of his mouth slightly, nodded lightly, and nodded in agreement with what Old Master Sun said.

Grandpa Sun was full of excitement, he stepped forward and said solemnly: "Mr. Ye, thank you for your kindness!
We will accept this pill.

Mr. Ye, if you need anything, just tell us, we will do our best to meet your requirements! "

Ye Yuebai nodded, and handed the pill in his hand to Old Master Sun.

"I don't ask for anything else. If you meet someone who needs help, please do more good deeds.

This is my only request! "Ye Yuebai said slowly.

He didn't stay in this world for long.

After leaving this world, even if people like the Sun family want to catch up with him, they won't have that chance.

Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity and tell them to let them do good deeds!

If you do more good deeds, you should repay him!

Although Old Man Sun didn't understand why Ye Yuebai suddenly asked them to help those in need?
However, since Ye Yuebai has already said this, then they should do it like this.

After all, isn't Ye Yuebai also helping those in need now?
Such a simple thing is just a piece of cake for them!

"Mr. Ye's heart, Mr. Sun admires him!" Old Master Sun said, then he cupped his hands and bowed to Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai smiled slightly, but didn't say anything more.

After coming out from Ye Yuebai's side, both the Patriarch of the Sun family and Old Man Sun had happy smiles on their faces.

They were almost overjoyed.

I'm very happy that they were able to harvest such good things from Ye Yuebai.

After Mr. Sun returned home, he solemnly told the Patriarch of the Sun family to prepare a generous gift in return for Ye Yuebai.

Although they failed to produce something of the same value, they still had to return the gift they deserved!

So, when the Patriarch of the Sun family turned around, he prepared a lot of good things and sent them all to Ye Yuebai.

Ye Yuebai looked at the piles of gifts in front of him.

It can be seen that the Sun family really put their heart into it, and they are not stingy!

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