The Other Side: A Second Chance

Chapter 21: Changes

Day by day, our trip to the Heinland Mountains gradually became better. The second night with the wolves still hung fresh in my mind, and for the most part, I had stuck close to my family, no longer wandering anywhere beyond their line of sight.

I continued to practice magic with my mother, and Varis hung around for a couple of the lessons. While he seemed magically inclined like me, Mother theorized that maybe he was suffering from a shallower well than mine. I don't know if she was trying to comfort him with this knowledge, but she made it clear to him that with practice, he could deepen it, especially since he's young.

Yet I don't know about that, at least the young part. While I've been fully engrossed in learning, Varis has nearly fallen asleep on the log a few times as Mother lectures us about the schools of magic in Enora. There were a few and all kinds I was familiar with, at least from a fantasy setting.

Evocation, Conjuration, Divination, Transmutation, Necromancy, and Abjuration

Except for these last three, I wasn't familiar with them.

Dilation, Gravitation and Spirimancy.

Mother explained to me that dilation is a rare form of magic that involves the use of time. Very rarely have time casters been a thing, though it's theorized that with the use of ether, the fundamentals of time could be altered. Which is horrifying.

Secondly, she told me gravitation is, well, the control of gravity. This has been proven; she stated it to be possible. It's how she was able to fly in her encounter with the timberwolf alpha and how certain mages can make their towers fly. Which interested me.

Finally, there was spirimancy. The power of the soul. Spirimancy, she told me, is a very dangerous and new form of magic, as it has only been discovered this decade. It is also already the most powerful form of magic. She said it was the art of consuming a piece of one's soul or other souls from the ethereal realm to manipulate all of reality. Because everything is known to possess a soul, the power able to be obtained from this form of magic is insurmountable and highly volatile.

Mother told me that even as we spoke within the confines of the Magus Concordium, the Magi Council was still discussing the ethics of this discovery. Thus, as of now, the usage and teaching of spirimancy have been put on hold until the magisters confirm their approval.

I hadn't expected to learn about magical politics, but it was interesting. Another interesting thing I learned from my mother about this world is that teleportation isn't a thing. Well, she told me that there are "portals" in a sense, but they're pathways known as "Web Ways," which allow people to travel between realms or far-off destinations. Yet no one knows how they're made; she told me they're just natural events.

Web Ways can open up in certain areas of the world and remain there for thousands of years or seconds before they disappear. She went on to tell this long historical tale about how humans came to be—

"Wait…" I stopped. "What do you mean humans came to be?" I asked now, focusing my attention as Father motioned for me to climb onto the wagon as we were about to depart for home.

Mother stopped mid-lecture as she got onto the wagon and looked at me. "Oh, humans aren't from Enora."

"Eh, what?" I sat beside her on the wagon and looked at her with wide eyes.

My mother smirked when she saw how interested I had become. Wrapping her arm around me, she pulled me in for cuddles.

Fuck I should've expected she was going to snuggle me on the way home!

"Humans came to Enora via a Web Way many, many thousands of years ago." She hummed.

Accepting my fate, I sighed, relaxed into her bosom, and glanced at Isa, who was climbing onto the driver seat beside Father. "Isa, why haven't you told Varis and I this?" I asked, knowing she was listening; she was always listening with those rotating feline ears.

"Because we haven't gotten to human history yet in our historical studies." Isa said as Varis boarded.

"You seem very interested in this, Luna." Mother hummed and pulled me into her breast as she bent over and kissed me on the head.

Like hell, yeah, I am! Being someone who was once human and reincarnated makes this very interesting! I wanted to say, but instead suffered under the onslaught of love.

I shifted and said, "I am a little; I read a little bit ahead in my books, but I want to hear from you!" I smiled.

We might as well get a story going while we ride.

Just as Varis got on board the wagon and made sure all his stuff was on, Father checked with us one last time we were ready. Seeing that we were, he flicked the reins and ordered Opal to take us home.

As the wagon began to move, Mother hummed and said, "Sure, why not? Though Isa, you're better with ancient history than I am. So, if you want to dive in and help feel free."

The serelli nodded and smiled as she gave my mother a thumbs up.

Mother took a deep breath and started, "It was long ago. About seventy thousand years ago, before the Intrusive War, there was an event that rocked all of Enora and possibly even the universe at large."

My eyes widened. "What the heck could that be?"

Mother smiled. "The Consolidation of the Planes."

"The what?" I asked and tilted my head.

Isa spoke up for Mother as she turned to face up: "The Consolidation of the Planes was an apocalyptic event that shattered many of the ancient kingdoms and allowed for the Dark Lord to begin his rise. The event is theorized to be the convergence of many different universes and planes into one point."

I blinked. "So, wait… you mean? Like another Enora hit our Enora?"

Mother giggled. "Yes and no. That's one of the theories, though, you smart girl." She pinched my cheek. "The event is still being studied to this day."

Isa nodded. "The Consolidation triggered an event we called 'The Portal Storms' or 'The Creation of the Web Ways.' When our reality collided with the others, it tore fabrics of it open all over the place, allowing entities from other worlds to enter ours and ours into theirs."

"And such entities involve humans?" I guessed, and Isa smiled and nodded.

"Yes. It was said that during the crisis, a human war fleet entered our world in the Westriden Ocean near my home of Kazora. It was here that the humans founded what is today known as the nation of 'Vinland'."

I nearly spazzed in Mother's arms and fell off her.

Vinland? Fucking Vinland? Were these humans Norwegians by chance?

Isa blinked as she noticed my mental break and asked, "Are you okay, Luna?"

How did I not know of this? You'd think out of all the maps and books at home, I couldn't possibly miss fucking Vinland! Alright, a new thing has been added to the bucket list of my new life. I need to see Vinland.

I coughed and cleared my throat. "I-I'm okay; it's just that name. It's very cool."

Isa chuckled. "It is, I guess. But yes, before seventy thousand years ago, humans did not exist on Enora. Based on Vinlander studies and descriptions, it's said they come from an ancient land known as Norvegr."

It kind of sounds like Norway, but I don't know too much about Vikings.

Isa continued, "A land that, based on their descriptions, does not match anything here in Enora. Thus, adding to King Erikson's story of how the Vinlanders sailed to their homeland over a 'rainbow ocean' within a land of stars."

"What makes it even more interesting?" My mother spoke as she patted me on the head. "That would mean they would've had to traverse over The Thing."

Isa nodded. "Exactly. Vinlanders are famous for making tough vessels, but even now Yankston's dreadnoughts avoid The Thing even today."

Varis groaned. "What even is The Thing? Momma mentioned it before, yet she never clarified."

What the hell are they talking about? The Thing?

Mother nodded and looked at me. "Hold on, Luna, hop off my lap. I think I brought a lot of my maps with me."

I scooched off her lap and sat to the side as my mother bent over and began to rifle through her belongings. After about a minute of searching, she said, "Ahha! I got my sea map here."

"Why did you bring a sea map to the mountains?" Isa asked her with a confused look as Mother simply smiled.

"I like to read maps!" She hummed and began to unfurl it on the floor of the wagon.

It was a massive map, revealing many of the world's oceans and seas. My eyes widened. I had never seen this map before. I've only had the chance to look at what's in books or what Isa provided.

Perhaps this was in the cabin. I wondered as the map stretched about four and a half feet wide and was tall enough to ride up on Varis on his side of the wagon.

Enora is fucking massive—way bigger than Earth. Either that or the cartographer exaggerated here. Yet, what the fuck is that?

I leaned over Mother's shoulder and looked at the massive map, squiggling down the entire known planet from the top, down, and under a couple of continents to this world's version of Antarctica, known bluntly as the Eternal Frost. Was this a massive black line? It was almost as if the cartographer got drunk, or let a child ruin a perfectly good map.

Yet there were some gaps in this massive ink stain that had markings such as "safe passage" or "only use during the summer season," etc.

"Why is there a big mess?" I asked my mother.

"That, sweetie, is The Thing." Mother tapped on the big mess.

I blinked. "What is it?"

"That's what I've been asking!" Varis huffed.

"Nobody knows what it is or even if it is an 'it'." Isa said with a shrug. "The Thing has been here since time immemorial. It is dangerous to cross over it in the ocean. A very, very small amount of brave adventurers have tried in the past, and only a few have succeeded. Those who had succeeded never wished to speak of it and many of those have even gone mad."

Mother smiled. "Weren't the Yanks trying to create an underwater vessel to explore it? I recall reading the papers about it a few years ago."

Underwater vessel? A submarine?

Isa shrugged. "I do not look much into what the Yanks are doing nowadays, and I honestly don't care." She huffed.

I keep thinking they're talking about Americans, and it's tripping me up so fucking badly.

"So, is it like a big, scary monster?" Varis asked again, and everyone sighed.

"Nobody knows what it is, Varis." My mother repeated this as my brother sighed and crossed his arms, still seemingly skeptical.

"Fine, when I grow up, I'm going to go see what it is!" He proclaimed this, and my mother laughed and shook her head.

"No, you aren't. I'll make sure you don't ever get near it." She smiled and glanced at me. "Is something wrong, Luna?"

I had realized it, but looking at the map, my face was scrunched up. Hearing my name, I relaxed and nodded. "O-Oh I'm fine. It's just a lot to take in." I laughed nervously.

Humans came from the Norwegian Vikings, and there's something big wrapping around the world. Not to mention, this world is massive. This is just a lot to take in.

Mother giggled and nodded as she began to roll up the map. "Enora is a big place with a lot of different cultures and mysteries."

Isa nodded. "Especially on the Western continents."

"Which reminds me!" Mother snapped her finger and smiled widely. "The Yanks recently uncovered an ancient ruin in the Wylde Lands that, to be believed, was once held by the Far Reachers." Her eyes were gleaming with ideas of what could've been found.

Isa rolled her eyes. "Once again, the Great Migration is desecrating sacred ruins." She grumbled and turned away.

I blinked and looked to Mother, who deflated a bit when Isa turned away. Okay, that seemed like a sore topic, so I noted and reached over to pat my mother.

Mother took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to sour the mood, Isa."

"What's wrong with some old ruins being dug up?" Varis asked.

"Brother," I said, "I don't think it's right for us to poke."

Mother nodded. "Yes, we can discuss this later. For now, let us enjoy the ride home."



The trip home was mostly uneventful, which, frankly, I was more than happy to take. The past week has been too packed with events. Sleeping has become difficult. I've been having recurring nightmares about my encounter with the wolves. It's embarrassing, but I'll admit that the first night on our trip home, I snuck into the tent with my parents and Isa and cuddled up to them.

I haven't done anything like that since I was a child in my old life. Yet when I felt my mother's arms around me, I passed out almost instantly. That next morning, even though she was surprised I had done such a thing, she was happy to comfort me. I also think doing so made her feel better for herself, as she seemed a lot more upbeat and cuddlier on the remainder of the trip home.

Well, actually, there was one event I forgot to mention. I'm officially seven years old! Due to the trip almost killing me, the actual birthday celebration didn't happen. Yet on the ride home, my mother slipped something into the pocket of my skirt, and what I found was something truly touching.

It was a tiny ornate wand with a nice wooden handle and a silver top that spiraled on itself, forming a cage that contained a bright sapphire.

"I made this for you," she said to me as the wagon strolled along. "I meant to give it to you the day you cast your first spell." She whispered into my ear so as not to wake Varis, who was passed out in front of me. "But as you know, my little mage got me all distracted." She giggled and tickled me playfully.

"Wahha! Stop!" I squealed and squirmed before smiling as I gripped the small wand in my tiny hands. "Th-thank you, Mother." I looked back at it, my eyes shimmering as I could feel myself getting a little emotional.

Curse these child hormones!

"This looks lovely," I said. "How do I use it?" I smirked.

Mother giggled and kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "I can show you when we get home, though the wand is meant to supplement the somatic parts of spells. The hand motions." She clarified. "It can also enhance the spells as well, though…" She smiled smugly. "My little archmage probably won't need that." She giggled.

I blushed deeply and leaned back to kiss my mother on the cheek, which made her ears wiggle fast and her face turn red. Her smile was so wide, I thought her face would split as she pulled me into her breasts tightly and nearly smothered me with a hug!

Yet aside from that, the trip home ended with us arriving at our two-story property sometime before dusk. The sun is dipping beneath the mountains and illuminating the sky in bright blues and purples. Spring was officially settling in as winter appeared to be departing early. A warm gust of air wafted over us as Father stopped the wagon outside the front door.

"Alright," he said, "I know we're all tired, but let's get this unpacked so I can take Opal back to Mr. Hautchkins."

"Would you like me to come with you, love?" Mother asked him, and he shook his head.

"No. Stay here with the kids. I'll be back shortly, I promise."

Mother nodded, turned to me, and ruffled my hair. "Alright, Kiddos!" She lightly kicked Varis so that he woke up. "Unpack the wagon, then it's bedtime!"

"Bedtime?" Varis groaned. "We just got home!"

"You have classes in the morning," Isa reminded us, and Varis whined.

"No whining!" Father said it sternly. "Listen to your mother and Isa."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, Papa!" I got up and stretched before grabbing my bag of items and tent and hopping off the cart.



So, it finally happened. It began to happen. I don't know when, how, or what the hell triggered it, but I can feel it. Puberty 2.0 has arrived, the speed run edition.

Both Varis and I seemed to have gotten hit by it at once; it all started around the spring equinox in the month of Cirrus. Varis had recently turned nine years old, and like me, we held a big event. Though nothing too crazy like going out to the mountains. No. Father rented out the town hall for a hefty sum; I know this from listening to our mother belittle him for how much he spent, and we held this massive party! We invited the Hautchkins, some of Father's fellow constables and their families, and even a few distant relatives I had never met before from both my mother's and father's families.

I'm thinking about it now. I never really asked them about their families. I'll make a mental note.

Well, the point is. Almost the day after, and I swear it felt like the day after. It struck us. It started weird at first. I began to feel little pains in my chest area beneath my flat breasts. It was tender, and wearing my outfits caused annoying pain whenever my nipples ran over the fabric. Not to mention, I felt a little taller.

Varis had another growth spurt too, and much of his pants and clothes were no longer fitting, and he was lanky! I mean, skin and bone and nothing in between. It didn't hit me what was happening until just the other night, after a day of magic training when we started doing our Rest Days. We got a bit dirty.

I've recently gotten the hang of wind spells, and it turns out I was succumbing to those pleasurable sensations when spell casting, which resulted in me being overwhelmed with ether and overcasting. After doing so, we moved on to water magic, which was extremely easy and fun, and next, we moved onto earth.

Well, I decided to get a little cheeky. It turns out that while magic can break physics, to some extent it still follows them. Back in the old world, I was a bit of a science nerd. I won't say I knew it all, but I liked to read. And I wanted to experiment.

I wanted to make mud.

Can water magic fuse with earth magic?

It turns out it can, of course, but my little child brain and inner RPG nerd wanted to try this tiny bit of knowledge.

It backfired.

Mother and I were standing outside as she explained to me a simple mote spell perfect for self-defense. A spell known simply as "Stone Shard."

Essentially, the spell would allow me to magically pluck a decent-sized chunk of earth from the ground, about the size of my small fist, and lob it at whatever speed I decided based on how much ether I applied to the spell.

But you can do a little bit more. You can also levitate the rock around and move it. So, using a bit of my knowledge of erosion, I wondered, What if I apply some wind and water to the dirt to shape it into something like a drill or arrowhead?

I was missing a crucial piece here: fire. I forgot that I would need to heat the stone and dirt to harden it and that air wouldn't be enough. So, as I began to do my little trick to show off to my mother, I began to rotate the rock rapidly, and I concentrated my ether on creating a gust of wind to widdle away at the stone along with sprinkles of water.

What started well eventually turned into me aggressively splattering myself and Mother with globs of mud! Father and Varis had watched from the sidelines while they worked on the fence around our house and howled with laughter.

Mother was a bit frustrated as she was wearing a fine dress today rather than her usual sundress or polo and pants, and she sighed.

"Okay, class is dismissed for right now." She muttered as she flicked some mud off of her eye. "Let's go get cleaned up."

"S-sorry." I whined, feeling immensely embarrassed.

I should've seen this coming!

Mother smiled. "It's okay, but instead of doing your own thing, sweetie, let's follow instructions." She patted me on the back and began to pull some mud out of my long black hair.

"Is it me, or have you gotten a little taller?" Mother hummed. "I swear you used to be this big just yesterday." She placed her hand at her hip, which was maybe about half a foot below me; now I stood about chest height to her.

I blushed. "I dunno… Maybe I just got lucky and grew with Varis." I sighed as we began to walk inside, though just by the act of turning, I felt my dress shift, and I groaned softly and rubbed my chest.

"Something wrong?" Mother asked as she held the back door open for me, and we stepped inside, not the kitchen. "My chest has been feeling funny," I said softly.

"Did you get hit in the chest on accident?" She asked me as she shut the door and greeted Isa, who was eating her lunch at the table.

"I don't think so." I grumbled and sighed. Great, now I'm all grumpy.

Mother was silent for a moment and said, "Why don't you go up to the washroom? I'll join you in a moment."

I blushed. "Wh-what? I can wash myself!"

"No arguing." Mother ordered.

My face burned brightly as I heard Isa snickering. I bit my lip, huffed, and marched up to the bathroom.

Our bathroom was of average size and even had basic plumbing, which was a nice thing to discover when I first came to this world. There were no water heaters or anything in this world, at least that I know of. But what we did have to make up for it were these neat things called heat stones. As I pumped the in-house well to fill the large metal tub upstairs, I went to the closet and pulled out a little red rock with a flame etched on it.

I don't know if Mother made these with her magical abilities or if they bought them. But what you do is toss them into the water, and immediately, it begins to steam and bubble lightly, warming the water to a comfortable level but never boiling.

I think I never left the stone in the water long enough. Once the water was to what I liked, I reached in, plucked the warm stone out, and put it away.

Taking a deep breath, I stripped out of my mud-covered clothes and stood in the bathroom naked. I nervously glanced at the mirror and saw my naked self staring back, and I blushed faintly. "Is she really going to barge in here?" I muttered and then blinked as I focused my eyes on the mirror some more.

Something's off. I thought as I stepped closer to the mirror, and that's when I saw it.

"No shit…" I muttered under my breath as I brought my hand up to my right breast, and what I noticed in the mirror was a little bump.

It's finally started, I thought, just as Mother threw open the door and I screamed!

"Time to get washed!" She proclaimed in nothing but towels draped over her body.

Mother noticed that my breasts were finally starting to develop as we bathed together in the tub. She was ecstatic. Stop talking about, "Oh, I can't wait to get you this kind of bra." Or. "If you get as large as me, I have the cutest outfit." And, of course, "My little girl is finally becoming a woman!"

It wasn't fun. I love my mother to death, but only for the love of God. Please, I'm dying of embarrassment here!

Yet as we bathed, she did something I greatly appreciated. While she washed my back and I focused on the front, I couldn't help but wince every time I had to go over the tender areas. Noticing this, this mother reached around and whispered, "Don't worry, this will help." She lightly placed her hand in the middle of my chest and whispered, "Resilience." Her hand pulsed with a blue glow, and warmth shot through my chest and up and down my body.

Within seconds, the tender, raw feeling that plagued my developing body faded. "Something I wish I had when I was your age," Mother whispered delicately into my ear. "It won't last forever, but as your boobs grow, my love, if they ever bother you, let me know, and I can make it go away. The pain that is, you're stuck with the boobs." She joked.

"Darn it!" I playfully complained.

"Aww, do you not want them?" My mother snickered and poked me.

"I do, I do!" I giggled as my mother poked me. "I just wish they weren't so annoying." I huffed.

"You'll learn to live with them." Mother hummed as she began to help me wash my hair as the remainder of our time peacefully went by as we cleaned up.

Eventually, when we got out of the tub, my mother told me to meet up with her going forward. She mentioned something about taking me to the doctor to get checked up on in town. It surprised me to hear this, though she explained we elves develop quickly and its best to keep an eye on our health during this process. She also told me to let her know whenever my clothes started to feel restrictive so that she could adjust them.

Ugh, so much to keep track of. I groaned internally. But I guess it's all part of growing up.

Elven puberty isn't fun. Not saying normal puberty back when I was a human boy was fun. Even though I'm in the early stages, I can already feel stuff changing. Am I excited to get boobs, and maybe some like mothers? Heck yeah, my mother is beautiful, and I want to be too, but if their growth sucks this much, I dunno, man. Not to mention the pain I'm feeling all over.

When she said Elven puberty is fast, she wasn't kidding!

To make matters worse. Varis is in full swing too, and he smells. Do boys smell this bad? Do I smell? I haven't checked. But, dear Lord. I need to ask Mother if I can get my room now.



Life continues to trudge forward. A month has passed since puberty slammed into both Varis and me. My breasts have begun to swell more and are now visible when I bathe. Nothing crazy, just some noticeable bumps, which Mother has been easing every morning for me. Thank God for her magic.

Father and Mother have also conceded to my pleas, and Father has emptied his study, which he rarely uses anyway, and moved all the items to Mom's mystery cabin. Thus, the study was then transformed into my room! Once again, I praised God.

For the first time in seven years. I officially have privacy. Or at least, some privacy. The walls in this house are thin, and my room is now next to Mother and Father's.

Mom and Dad don't care that we know what they do at night. Maybe getting my room was a mistake.

But as the month of Orpheus came around and the warm spring air cleansed the land, Trees, and flowers began to bloom, and the fresh air was immaculate. My new room was now in the front of the house facing the direction of town, and every morning, I would wake up, throw open my window and curtains if they weren't already there, bask in the light, and look out towards the town of Oren.

Yet this morning, as I got out of bed and stretched, first off, I noticed I could slightly reach up high today. Maybe I grew a little again? I thought as I went over to my curtain and threw it open. I squinted as the sun's bright rays hit me, and I threw open my window to breathe in the fresh air.

Yet, as my eyes adjusted, I noticed something off. The town of Oren looked different. Along the edges, I saw massive, drab green and gray tents, smokestacks from campfires, and large amounts of movement. Yet before I could focus my attention, my ears twitched at the sound of thunderous boots marching just outside the house.

I heard a man's voice shout out, "One! Two! One, two, three!"

And just outside my house, marching along the road, a column of soldiers marched from Oren, and the one leading began to sing.

"In the heart of Heinmarr, where the alders soar,

We march with pride, forevermore.

Through fields and cities, a united might

Heinmarr's sons, we stand and fight."

As the lone man quieted down, the rest within the marching column boomed in unison.

"For glory, for honor, our banners held high,

Under the sun, under the sky.

With comrades true, side by side,

Heinmarr's strength, our eternal guide."

My eyes widened as the soldiers continued to march past my house. Outside, I could see Mother and Father running out the front door to see the commotion. Yet once again, the man leading the march sang out,

"Onward, soldiers, through day and night,

With disciplined steps, our duty in sight.

In the land we love, our voices raise,

Heinmarr's sons, our anthem plays."

A loud cheer erupted from the column as the boisterous soldiers all sang out in unison once more.

"For glory, for honor, our banners held high,

Under the sun, under the sky.

With comrades true, side by side,

Heinmarr's strength, our eternal guide."

A knock came from my door, and I turned away from the column of soldiers outside my window and rushed over and opened the door to find Varis's tall, lanky look, looking as if he was going to keel over with excitement.

"Luna! You see the army marching outside?!" He frantically asked.

I stammered. "How could I miss it?" I pointed out my window as I heard the leader singing out another verse.

"Papa said it's the whole battalion, whatever that means!"

I blinked and said, "O-okay, go down the stairs; I'll get dressed."

Varis nodded his head and quickly ran down the stairs.

"We're almost there, lads! " A soldier shouted outside as I stopped to listen to the song once more.

"Through trials and triumphs, we shall endure,

Our unity strong, our spirits pure.

In the face of challenge, we stand tall,

Heinmarr's call, we heed the call.

For glory, for honor, our banners held high,

Under the sun, under the sky.

With comrades true, side by side,

Heinmarr's strength, our eternal guide.

As shadows lengthen, and the night draws near,

Heinmarr's sons, free from fear.

In unity we march, a nation strong,

Heinmarr's legacy, our marching song!

Hoo-rah! Hoo-rah!"

The soldiers cheered loudly as the thunderous marching continued, which was soon followed by the roars of land striders pulling along wagons filled with supplies and what looked to be massive cannons and other siege engines.

I quickly put on a simple black dress and stockings and slipped into my boots. Thankfully, with the warm season blowing in, I no longer needed to layer up so much. Yet as I went to grab the wand my mother gifted me, my ear twitched as I heard my parents outside.

I turned to see Mother and Father standing side by side, holding each other, as they watched the column of soldiers go by.

"He wasn't lying," Mother said as she glanced at Father.

"No, he wasn't, Lorzio thus far has been truthful," Father said in a low but audible voice.

"How much longer do you think we have?" Mother asked, sounding concerned.

"I don't know, but I know for certain that this isn't a training unit. Look at all the stationary armaments. They're going to fortify the border."

My eyes widened as I listened in. What the hell are they talking about?

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