The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 69 Trade Route

The most hateful thing is that if you are not deep enough, they will just stare at you from afar in the dark, and they will come out when you are deep enough, and the deepest one among those who came back alive just left One and a half days, but seventy or eighty kilometers, no one knows what will happen further inside.

What's more, no one has come back alive so far, including those carefully selected ghost slaves, who also only see in, but not out.

They were bold and reckless, and entered the mountain under the banner of doing business, but at most they walked seventy or eighty kilometers along the ancient Jacob River, and were stopped by people from a village, but they did not embarrass them. Just tell them that if they want to do business, they can do it here, and if they go further, it will be a dead end.

The appearance of that village is very strange. It is placed on a good flat ground. Like those castles of the lords and nobles, it was built halfway up the mountain. It already has the prototype of the castle. three-dimensional sense.

The neatness is unbelievable. The goods here are quite complete. In addition to the regular fur goods and herbs of the Andes mountain people, they also found a large amount of honey. After asking, the price is unbelievably cheap, one hundred pounds of salt for one Pounds of honey, cheap as hell.

Although it is true that Man Yu's army leader is deep inland, there is the largest salt lake in the whole continent. Although it is also a controlled commodity, it has a little influence, and it is not a problem to buy it in large quantities.

Honey is different. It is an absolute luxury. In the plains of Asia Minor where beekeeping is relatively developed, it is exclusively provided by the nobles and lords, not to mention that most of the territory belongs to the semi-Gobi-like Manyu military leader.

This thing can only be transported thousands of miles from other places, even it is not common on the dining table of the lords and nobles, let alone ordinary families, only those children who are greedy, with the risk of being full of bags, can get it from wild beehives. Do something to relieve hunger.

With this new continent, those profit-seeking businessmen have long left other things behind and become hardworking porters, exchanging carts of salt and grain for carts of honey.

The huge profits from the sale are enough to make these businessmen laugh out of their dreams. Although the bulk of it does not belong to them, even the small part that remains is enough for them to live a luxurious life.

As for the prohibition, what a joke, without the support of those lords and nobles, how could the caravan organized by ordinary people pass through the market safely with a large amount of goods in such a chaotic situation?

How could it be possible to transport military supplies such as salt and food over the Bastille's army and swagger to the Andes Mountains?

There is no doubt that the Duke of Borg is not only aware of it, but also the biggest participant in it.

Judging from the current situation of the Man Yu army leader, it is impossible to restart the slave trade in a short period of time, but after successive battles, the finances of the Faerun family are tight and the deficit is serious, and new sources of finance must be explored. The large amount of honey coming out caught the eyes of the chancellors of the Duke's Mansion.

In this world of scarce materials, any dessert is a luxury, a scarce resource, a hard currency that is not inferior to gold and silver, and the supply is in short supply.

Not only can they be used for their own use, but they can also be used as foreign trade goods and shipped to other territories for sale at high prices.

All experienced businessmen know that the most profitable business these days is by no means detaining the three melons and two dates from the untouchables. They have been exploited layer by layer, and there is basically no residual value, and the wealth is in the hands of the nobles. The private treasury is moldy and rotten. Most of the time, there is nowhere to spend it. Earning their money is the fastest way.

Another point is that high-purity honey is relatively easy to store. As long as it is put into a sealed wooden barrel, it can be stored for several years. In addition, it is high in value and small in size, making it suitable for use as a commodity.

Once this kind of thing is opened, it is like a flooded dam, which cannot be blocked even if you want to.

In any era, the most daring group of people are not heroes and warriors, but businessmen, especially those who are tempted by enough benefits. Thousands of miles, to earn the meager price difference, if the benefits are large enough, they can ignore even the crime of beheading.

Chebman is one of the best. Ever since he embarked on the road of doing business with eight Byron silver coins collected from here and there, he knew that this is a game for the brave. Only those who dare to do what others dare not do Only by doing things can you earn your own share of wealth.

He has done everything from selling needles and thread to running a business with a large caravan, but it has always been a small business, with profits and losses, and he has never lived or died. However, he has not given up hope. He firmly believes that it is not that he does not work hard, but I haven't met my own luck yet.

Then half a year ago, the opportunity came and he seized it.

That's right, he was the first spy who entered Andis Mountain under the banner of doing business.

However, when Chebman entered the mountain, it wasn't what people praised now. He had an outstanding businessman's vision that ordinary people don't have. If he was really as amazing as they praised, would he still be so poor in front of his body?

It was purely that the business I was running was affected by the war at that time, and it plummeted, and I still owed a lot of debts. Those creditors came to make troubles every day, and I couldn't get along in the collar. At this time, Bastille was captured by Andes Mountain When the news of the fall came, the Duke of Faerun was furious and sent a large army to attack.

He found a relationship to infiltrate the servants, and wanted to take the opportunity to make a fortune, but in the end, he still had bad luck, and a fire burned all the hopes of those who had the same purpose as him. Of course, compared to those who died in the sea of ​​​​fire Man, he was lucky.

Then, the great turmoil in the entire Man Yuk army began. At this time, he wisely chose to stay and garrison in the rebuilt Bastille.

Chebman knew how many catties he had, and when he actually went to the battlefield, his small arms and legs would be cannon fodder at best. The reconstructed Bastille looked very dangerous, and there would be no big battles to fight in a short time.

This can be seen from the fact that the other party took the initiative to withdraw to the depths of the mountain. The other party did not intend to provoke the Man Yu army to lead the army, at least not now.

Then his life had a turning point, but this turning point was not something he actively sought, but was forced. The Baron Patraim who was stationed at the Bastille might have had a whim in his dream during his afternoon nap, and came up with a way to make his life easier. The spy dressed up as a businessman and went into the mountains to investigate. As a small businessman with many years of business experience, facing such a job is a true performance!

In this way, Chebman was sold by his captain, and he went into the mountain with a few poor commodities in a daze, and bumped into the village in a daze, and then he found mountain flower honey in the dazed village, and he returned in a daze. When he arrived at Bastille, he dedicated it to the Baron Patraim, and then he was promoted in a daze, and became a quartermaster of the Bastille garrison.

As a quartermaster, he doesn't care about the army's equipment and other things, but is responsible for dealing with the Andes mountain people in the mountains. There are more than one hundred people under his command, including his former captain, among whom the mountain flower honey is his The point of purchase.

Thinking wildly, Chebman has already arrived at his destination this time—the grocery store.

That's right, this store has no name, it's just called a grocery store, and you can't be mistaken, it's the only one in the whole village, but Chebman usually refers to it as the bridgehead grocery store, which is the name of the village castle.

He always thought the name was weird, there was neither a river nor a bridge, what kind of bridgehead was it called!

Regarding this question, the owner of the bridgehead grocery store always smiled and said nothing.

Talking about the owner of the grocery store in the bridgehead, Chebman knew very well in his heart that the muddleheaded experience that he could not explain half a year ago was actually not muddled at all, especially when he saw the young boss for the first time.

From the beginning to the end, it was not that I found the bridgehead and this grocery store by myself, but that they led me all the way here, in order to deliver the big killer of mountain flower honey to the hands of important people through my own hands.

As one of the profiteers, even if Chebman understands, he still has to pretend to be confused. As more and more people get involved and the scale of the business grows, this kind of confusion will probably last forever.

The young grocery store owner greeted him with a smile on his face, Mr. Chebman, you are here at last. This time you are two days later than usual. If you are one or two days later, I will sell the goods to others .”

Chebman restrained his mind and carefully said with a smile: Boss Ralph, please forgive me. It's not that I want to delay on purpose, but because the road is not peaceful. I met a group of small thieves, and I was delayed for two days. I can't come to the door empty-handed. Well, forgive me, forgive me, don't make an example, don't make an example.

Okay, I also know your difficulties. These days, no one's life is easy. Let's talk inside.

Please first, please first.

With me, don't be polite. I am the host and you are the guest. There is no reason for the guest to be the host. Please invite first.

It's better to obey than to respect.

Let's get straight to the point, the price is still the old price, but I have to remind Mr. Chebman that this business will stop after two trips at most.

Stop? Why? Aren't we doing well? How can we stop? Chebman jumped up before his butt touched the stool.

What a joke, this is a big business with tens of thousands of Byron silver coins per order. If it stops suddenly, not only will I feel distressed and scratched my heart, but the baron behind me who has become addicted to money will not let him off lightly.

Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet! Ralph, who transformed himself into the owner of the bridgehead grocery store, showed a signature smile, It's not that we want to stop, but God doesn't allow it. Four seasons reincarnate, and we will enter soon. It’s winter, and the flowers are gone, where can I get you so much honey?”

It's true! It's true! It's my fault, it's my fault. The sale of honey is seasonal, and manpower can't control it.

Chebman wiped the profuse sweat from his forehead, still impatient, with an ugly look on his face.

It's not just honey, herbs and animal skins that are seasonal, the production will also be greatly reduced in winter! Our business can't just stop for half a year, right?

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