The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 286 Ghost Tricks (Part 1)

If it was true as he himself said, if he did not want to offend the Princess Regent, there would be no need to play neutrality at all. In the first trial, he would have passed it directly, and there would be no need to call all the academicians to discuss it.

In the final analysis, it is not that I have seen room for maneuver and want to do something up and down to get some benefits from it.

I just don't know if the conditions offered by the Princess Regent are not enough, or if they didn't ring the old bell at all, causing the two parties to break up.

The former should be the majority. The Princess Regent is not very old, but she can be said to be very experienced in politics. The situation inside is clear, and she will not do things that stick her neck and not bow her head. Otherwise, she would not be so confident. Canonize first, then register.

The only mistake was that he underestimated the appetite of the old fox in front of him, and failed to feed him directly, which made him unable to get up or down.

The two pushed back for a while, and Kaufman opened the exquisitely crafted brocade box with a look of reluctance, glanced at it, and then closed it calmly, but this time he did not push back. For Johannes, this small brocade box the size of a fist became heavier than a golden mountain in an instant.

In fact, the contents inside are indeed heavier than a gold mountain. There are not many things. There are only four contracts, namely iron, copper, silver, and gold. There are fifty years of output from medium-sized mines with no less than two thousand miners. Domination.

Their value is more difficult to measure than money with exact numbers, but one thing is certain, their value will never be less than a million gold coins.

Of course, this is based on a time span of fifty years.

Kaufman had already scolded the members of the Kingsley family from top to bottom.

This trick is not insidious, the food was delivered to the mouth, but there is no way to eat it immediately, and you can’t go back on your word. If you don’t keep your promises and take the benefits and don’t do things, the other party will also tear you up. Shameless, I won't be able to get half of it by then.

But it is really uncomfortable not to eat the meat that is so full of mouth.

Coleman's eyes flickered for a while, and he slowly shook his head and said: This matter still needs careful consideration and a long-term plan.

While talking, he pushed the brocade box back at the same speed as a snail crawling, obviously with great perseverance.

Although the temptation is great, it is not enough to make him tear up with the princess regent, because he has witnessed the iron-blooded wrist of his great-granddaughter.

Without touching her bottom line, she also adopted a relatively gentle attitude towards members of the Lancelot royal family in exchange for their support.

Once her bottom line is touched, she will show the most ruthless side. When she cut her other uncle in half, she didn't even bat an eyebrow. She was only fifteen years old that year.

The current her is more unpredictable. Before the result comes out, no one knows whether the chess she is playing now has other deep meanings.

Dreaming back at midnight, he always dreamed that he would end up in a terrible end, and every time he woke up, he would hate his greed and obsession, and he had taken a stupid step back then.

It is not so easy to make up for it now.

The most important thing is that whenever he is faced with temptation, he has no way to control the greedy heart that goes deep into his bone marrow, and he has a sense of luck.

Coleman really wanted to eat the fat in his mouth, but the problem was that this time he was a little uncertain about Sophilia's attitude towards the leader of Yong Ye.

If it was said that the other party didn't pay attention to this matter, he had greeted him a long time ago and sent him a not-so-light gift.

If you talk about paying attention to this matter, since I was rejected in the first trial, the other party has no further information at all, and he is caught off guard. You just need to be a little bit more sensible and make up a copy, and you will take it lightly. It's a stupid move, and at this point, everyone can't get down.

My lord, please slow down, let me finish my sentence first. John Winnie pressed Kaufman's hand, and continued, Of course we won't make it too difficult for your lord, so let's take a compromise, Your Highness. The most criticizing thing about this canonization is that the whole process violated the old regulations of the Byron League. Why don't our Highness call the future baron to come to the capital to accept the canonization? If he is willing to come, we will Go along with the flow and sell the favor of Her Royal Highness, if he refuses to come, then don't blame us for being ruthless, even if you refuse to obey the call of your own lord, what kind of lord are you?

Kaufman's eyes lit up, and he applauded again and again: This method is a prudent opinion. Why didn't Lord John Pooh propose it earlier? If it had been proposed earlier, I would definitely be the first to support it. Why go through these unnecessary procedures .”

He said so, but his hands and feet were as nimble as an old man who was about to do construction work. He had already retracted his hands, and put the brocade box into his arms by the way.

Everything flows smoothly, and what is natural can no longer be natural.

Naturally, he doesn't mind doing this kind of smooth-flowing business. Not only will he get some extra benefits, but he will also save himself from the predicament in front of him.

If the canonization fails because the baron refused to accept the canonization for Valesta who came in person, then I can't blame myself.

Then I ask Mr. Kaufman to take care of you. John Winnie turned a blind eye to this situation and spoke earnestly, as if the other party was really just helping, not benefiting.

The two talked very happily, but they did not part ways. They had dinner together and listened to an opera before saying goodbye.

A similar scene was being staged in front of several other academicians of the Academy of Heraldry. They were either bought with a lot of money, or stated their interests, or moved with emotion, or understood with reason. Some were happy, and some broke up.

But when the chief academician Kalman fell to the other side, it already meant that the balance was out of balance.

Sure enough, when Coleman made this proposal at the academician meeting the next day.

Not only did the three members of the original opposition fall to this side, but even another academician from the Black family, who remained neutral, also turned the other way.

Kaufman cast a meaningful glance. People sitting in their seats will not easily change their positions. Once a relatively large change occurs, there is only one possibility, and that is that some kind of interest transaction or Compromise, I don't know what the Kingsley family paid this time, another mountain of gold, silver, copper and iron?

Five to three, according to the usual practice, this matter is settled like this. This matter has already consumed too much energy for us, we can't continue to waste it like this. Let us inform Her Royal Highness the final result and see how she handles it. Kaufman, who is the chief academician, made the final decision.

The three academicians with supportive opinions looked at each other and nodded reluctantly.

Not only are they completely at a disadvantage, but also because the result of this kind of handling is not the worst, and there is still room for recovery. If they continue to fight, it will only get worse.

And they are also very clear that the results they discussed in the Heraldry Academy are not decided in this room, but are more affected by off-site factors.

The sudden 90-degree turn in the attitudes of the two neutrals must be because they reached some kind of agreement behind the scenes, and they are now at a loss.

After the results came out, the Heraldry Academy acted uncharacteristically quickly. The decision made in the morning was delivered to Princess Regent Sophilia by letter in the afternoon.

Your Highness the Princess. Bi Luo, the personal bodyguard of the Princess Regent, greeted in a low voice.

Didn't I already tell you? Your Highness, don't bother me when you're practicing calligraphy. A slight displeasure flashed across Sophilia's clean and beautiful face.

Sorry, I'm going out now. Bai Qiangwei said with a low eyebrow.

Forget it, let's talk about it, let's go out and talk about it. The princess regent put down the scroll in her hand, stood up, and when she was about to walk to the door, she suddenly turned to her half-brother, Byron Union The future real ruler, Prince Laurie, said, One hour, not one second, I will check tomorrow.

Understood. The future king, Prince Laurie, replied sickly.

The eldest sister is like a mother.

This point is applicable to the relationship between the two.

Prince Laurie was an out-and-out posthumous child. His mother died violently just three months after she was pregnant. His mother became a tool in the hands of the previous regent. Not long after giving birth to him, she also died violently.

The cause of death has not yet been definitively determined. Some say that he died of depression and panic, and some say that he died of being murdered by the previous regent.

Anyway, Laurie himself had never seen it, and when he remembered, he had already escaped from the control of the previous regent, and took shelter under the flimsy wings of the regent princess Sophilia.

Although the Princess Regent is his older sister, most of the time, she plays the role of a strict mother, trying to train him to be a qualified heir.

After a long time, Laurie was subconsciously afraid of her.

As soon as the Princess Regent was gone, Prince Laurie threw the pen and jumped up. The lively scene was very different from the previous one, which was weak and weak.

A servant boy who was about his age sneaked under the window sill and said in a low voice, His Royal Highness has gone far.

Come in quickly, change your clothes, change your clothes, and write until the thirteenth page, not more than one word, or my sister won't believe it. Laurie opened the window and let the page boy in, quickly He took off his coat and kept urging the boy who was standing stupidly.

His Royal Highness hasn't left the palace, is it too risky to do so? The servant boy said with a bitter face, If His Highness finds out, he will definitely kill me.

Don't worry, once my sister gets down to business, she will forget the time. It must be an urgent matter to let Biluo come in and interrupt her to supervise my writing. Laurie said with a pair of wisdom beads in his hands. In order to play, he racked his brains and used all kinds of methods, and he even learned behavior analysis without a teacher.

Although the servant boy was reluctant, he couldn't hold back Laurie's urging. He was also a daring master. If he was offended, he would definitely not have a good life.

After the servant boy changed his clothes, he sat there obediently and wrote for Prince Laurie. The strokes and strokes were 80 to 90% similar, and even acquaintances couldn't easily detect it.

Obviously, this is not the first time they have done this.

Prince Laurie, who had changed his clothes, came out through the window. It was as if the sea was wide and the sky was high and the birds were flying. He was so excited that he almost looked up to the sky and roared. However, he was concerned about his sister and forcibly suppressed this impulse.

Sophilia, the princess regent, obviously didn't know that her brother was playing tricks on her. She shook her head helplessly as she walked, Who is Laurie like? Parents are very quiet people, but they gave birth to a monkey. One day He can't be idle at night, let him practice one hour of calligraphy and one hour of reading every day to cultivate his body and mind, just like the torture at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, how can he control the royal family in this state?

chant like you! When you were in Duanmai Grassland, you rode the strongest horse and hunted the most ferocious beasts.

Out of a strong desire to survive, Bai Qiangwei swallowed the words that came to her mouth, and said with a smile: Your Highness is at the age of the most energetic, it is normal to have such a behavior, instead of letting him study For writing, it is better to let him practice martial arts and exercise to vent excess energy, we all came here like this, and it will be fine when we grow older and fully mature.

That's not possible. The princess regent shook her head and said, How little does he spend on exerting energy every day? Once he lets go, it will really be what he wants, and he will completely throw aside his cultural practice. To become a qualified king, it is not enough to have a strong body, a smart and rational brain and the ability of self-restraint are indispensable, otherwise those villains will take advantage of it.

Maybe His Highness's standard is too high. Bi Luo could only respond in this way.

Nurturing an excellent next generation is a topic that has caused countless parents to scratch their heads, let alone training a king, especially a qualified king, it is not a difficult problem.

After all, being a qualified king is a false proposition. The standard is too broad. How can it be considered qualified? In the eyes of others? Or in your own mind?

Maybe Sophie Liya has a standard in mind, but it is too high, so when watching Prince Laurie, she is always unqualified.

The princess regent didn't bother with this issue, because she knew that the other party couldn't give her any advice, so she asked, What's the matter? It's so urgent?

The Institute of Arms has produced results. Bai Qiangwei Biluo said with a strange expression.

It finally came out. Sophie Liya, the princess regent, didn't pay attention to the strangeness of her personal bodyguard. If you don’t exhaust them all to death, have you passed it or not?”

That dissatisfaction is evident.

She really doesn't like these old guys who exude a decadent aura from their bones.

They may have been the mainstay of this alliance in the past, and they have fought for it and shed blood, but now they have become the biggest sore of this alliance, not only hindering its development, but also constantly squeezing its nutrients for use. Fat yourself.

Of course she knows what they want, but she doesn't want to satisfy them all.

Because once, there will be a second time, and a third time, she can't accept their threats again and again.

It's just that the situation has become so complicated and the delay has been so long, which is a bit unexpected.

Neither passed nor rejected.

Neither passed nor vetoed? What's the result? Don't be tricky, tell me quickly. The regent princess was also confused.

The academicians of the Academy of Heraldry insisted that the canonization process did not comply with the rules, and returned the registration application we submitted, asking us to go through the royal capital according to the canonization process, and they immediately registered. Bi Luo answered truthfully. road.

What the hell are these old guys doing? Are you trying to amuse me? Sophie Liya's beautiful brows frowned. When did they take the so-called tradition so seriously? What is the intention behind it?

Last night, Academician John Winnie met with Academician Kaufman and Academician Gilder in private. Bi Luo added.

They have always been paying attention to this matter, and the petty actions of those academicians in private can't be hidden from their prying eyes.

Thank you Sword World for the reward of thousands of coins. Since I don’t want to disturb your reading experience, I seldom speak in the chapters or the author’s speech, but everyone’s rewards will be kept in mind! I can't thank you all! I'm so sorry!

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