The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 262

As for the products dumped into the Swamp of Despair, there are too many to count. Not only the various specialties of the Eternal Night Army, but also the products of the Princess Regent's fiefdom and Angelbena's fiefdom, they cannot refuse.

And it's quite trouble-free. After being shipped from the place of origin, it will be directly transferred from the Jacob River to the Donau River, and it can be sold at a high price in one hand.

Back then, the ancient Andes Empire firmly controlled most of Arshan in their own hands by relying on this river.

Now it is only a partial re-enactment of what was then.

The real event is to flow down from the Andes inland lake, pass through the Asia Minor plain, enter the Zambian inland sea, pass through the Gili Strait, enter the endless sea, turn around along the coastlines such as the silent rainforest and the Huayu Plateau, and then enter from the mouth of the Danube River , upstream, across the Swamp of Despair back to Andis Inland Lake.

And vice versa, there is basically no big terrain drop along the way, and it can be said to be unimpeded all the way, which is a complete cycle.

In other words, the circulation of goods and the prosperity of commerce in the ancient Andes Empire were far from what the Byron League could match.

There is still a long way to go for the leader of the Yongye army to reproduce the grand occasion of the year.

Just the many checkpoints in the Asia Minor Plain is a headache, not to mention the Zambian Inland Sea, the Gili Strait and the long coastline of the Endless Sea, which are now controlled by the Witches' Secret Society and the fleet of the Commons family.

The fleet commanded by the Yong Ye army now can dominate the upper reaches of the Jacob River and the Donau River. Looking down on the heroes, it can only be said that it has a strategic advantage, but in terms of shipbuilding technology, it has been developed for hundreds of years. The historical witch secret society and the Commons family still have huge technical barriers, especially in terms of sea ships.

Not to mention going out of the big river to compete with them at sea, I'm afraid it won't take long, when they see clearly the benefits brought by the two big rivers, they will probably wantonly build river boats and compete with the Yongye army leader.

Never underestimate the pursuit of interests by those lords and nobles.

In fact, after only two short years, it wasn't just the ships of the Yongye army that shuttled on the Jacob River, other lords and nobles were trying their best to order ships from other places, hoping to get a share of it. However, the lower reaches of the Jacob River have not been completely cut off from beginning to end, and there are still various merchant and fishing boats.

It's just that their scores are too scattered, unlike the Yongye Army Commander, which has a large-scale organization and cannot form a competitive force.

However, with the increase in investment, this situation will not take long to reverse.

The lords and nobles in this world are not without money, many of them have money and have no place to spend it, so they can only stay in their own treasure house to mold. Once they find the corresponding channels, the burst of energy is absolutely amazing.

Someone has entrusted their relationship to the Princess Regent, wanting to buy the merchant warship in the hands of the leader of the Yongye army. The price is so high that they cannot refuse - when the value of an ordinary merchant ship reaches the sum of the value created by the ship for three years without stopping When, why not sell?

It's not their family who know how to build ships. The Commons family is watching eagerly in the inner sea of ​​Zambia. It is estimated that the number of orders in their hands is more than that of the leader of Yongye Army.

The scale of the shipyard led by Yongye Army has been expanded again and again. The second, third, and fourth branch factories are in the process of being built one after another. What restricts their development is not the problem of funds, but the manpower, especially the shipbuilding. Craftsman, this is not something that can be achieved in a pinch, it needs to be cultivated bit by bit.

The shipbuilding industry will be the first heavy industry in the rise of Yong Ye's army leader, which is completely predictable.

The leader of the Yongye army has not moved for a long time, but Ake Messer has been vigorous and resolute. After completely extinguishing his own rear, the army set out and selected 20,000 elites to form a vanguard army. They went into battle lightly and ran all the way. It only took two weeks , they rushed to the border between the Carter army leader and the Swamp of Despair, and took down the city of Geqi with only one charge.

The reason why it went so smoothly was not only the strong military power of the Kingsley family, but also because of the unprecedented internal friction in Geqi City, the original ruling class suffered heavy casualties, and the new ruler had not yet taken office.

Grand Duke Buck's previous wooing had more or less worked, and many forces had already turned to the Kingsley family. It was inevitable to break the city by combining internal and external forces.

At this time, the main force of the Kingsley family arrived late and directly settled in Geqi City.

The vanguard army of the Kingsley family, after a short period of rest, attacked frantically, pushed north and south along the border, and launched a frenzied attack on the criminal alliance.

The whole process can be described as devastating.

Other cities in the Criminal Alliance are facing the same problem as Geqi City, and their internal divisions are severe.

At the beginning, they were able to compete with the Kingsley family, not only because the Kingsley family was unwilling to invest too much energy here, but also because of their united will.

There is nothing now, and when the army arrives, it will be the time to break the city.

When getting this news, one can imagine the panic of the crocodile elders council.

The parliament, which had been stalemate for a quarter, finally failed to produce a result that was not a result. All ethnic groups and tribes, according to their respective strengths, contributed their efforts to form a parliamentary coalition to fight against the invaders.

However, the ruling power of the parliamentary coalition forces did not fall into the hands of individuals. Instead, five elders were elected in the council of elders to form a council of elders to jointly rule.

It is worth mentioning that among the five great elders, three of them participated in the seven-day tour led by the Eternal Night Army. They were the three Nidia, Klein, and Weber that Sean valued the most.

It is expected that the three of them can be selected, because the three are second to none in terms of their own abilities and ethnic power.

Ake Messer in the attacking state is another state.

When guarding, it is as solid as gold.

When attacking, the storm was not much worse than that of Di Kelong.

He upholds the idea that soldiers are precious and swift, and he fights unannounced wars with the crocodile tribe.

As soon as the criminal alliance was taken down on the front foot, the back foot paid a high price to recruit mercenaries in these cities.

As I said before, most of the people who can hang out in the criminal alliance are desperadoes and have no sense of loyalty at all. In their eyes, interests are above all else.

Regarding the high bounty offered by Akemesser, there were many followers, completely forgetting the hatred of breaking the city a few days ago.

In just half a month, Ake Messer spent more than 300,000 deer head gold coins (also known as gold slivers) and smashed down a gold mountain without compromise.

Correspondingly, more than 50,000 mercenaries were organized.

The irony is that more than one tenth of these mercenaries are members of the crocodile tribe.

The composition is even more varied, former gang members, exiles, miners, slave traders, etc., the small body has not fully grown, the old has gray hair, and can barely hold a weapon.

The combat effectiveness of such a force can be imagined.

However, Ake Messer didn't expect them to have much combat power, but used them as cannon fodder, the vanguard of the vanguard army, and threw them into the Swamp of Despair to explore the way, and test the reaction of the crocodile tribe by the way.

The shadow of a famous tree.

The Swamp of Despair has been famous for so many years, and Akemesser would not rashly drive his 100,000 troops into it just because of hearsay.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be a trivial matter to lose one's reputation. Once the loss is too heavy, it will directly hurt the vitality of the Kingsley family. At that time, let alone plotting the Swamp of Despair, it is still a question of whether the Kingsley family can be defended.

At that time, the wealth of the Kingsley family was their original sin, which attracted countless greedy eyes.

Those who are generals don't think about victory, they think about defeat first, so that they can fight a hundred battles without imperil.

Axmesser may not have the kind of penetrating aphorisms to guide him, but he does.

This is exactly what the saying goes—failure has its own reasons, and success always has similarities.

The crocodile tribe didn't know that this mercenary was just a show, and if they drove into the Swamp of Despair, it would be like stabbing a hornet's nest.

The crocodile tribes around the border spontaneously organized and launched a crazy attack on the invaders, but the effect was not satisfactory, and they paid a heavy price instead.

For the current environment of the Swamp of Despair, these crocodile people are more uncomfortable than those outsiders.

Many terrain advantages that could have been used have completely disappeared, and the alligators, which are an important part of their combat effectiveness, cannot exert their maximum power at all.

Although the Swamp of Despair crocodile is better at hunting on land than other similar species, its performance in water is not as good as it is, and it is estimated that it is not even a third of the level.

Moreover, there has been a lack of food for a long time. Although there has not been a large-scale death, the state is generally very poor. If the Kingsley family waits another year or two to launch an invasion, I am afraid that they will not even have a few swamp crocodiles that can be fought.

Then there is the disadvantage of numbers.

No matter how bad the combat effectiveness of these mercenaries is, the number is there.

Those crocodile tribes are unorganized and undisciplined, and hundreds of people dare to charge against them.

Courage is commendable, but it is out-and-out brainless passion, giving food to others in vain, and becoming the spoils of war for those mercenaries in exchange for money.

Ake Messer took the wealth and wealth of the Kingsley family to the extreme. He not only issued a huge reward before the mercenaries set off, but also issued a reward to the crocodile tribe.

No matter men, women, old or young, living people pay a price, dead people pay a price, soldiers pay a price, old, weak, sick and disabled, as long as they can be brought out of the Swamp of Despair, the Kingsley family will pay on the spot.

In order to prove the authenticity of his words, Ake Messer revealed another golden mountain on the spot.

Boxes and boxes of gold coins and silver coins dazzled the eyes of those mercenaries, and they all panted like cows. If it weren't for the elite knights of the Kingsley family who were armed to the teeth at that time, they would have robbed their hearts on the spot. There is.

The promise of the Kingsley family resounding through the Byron League was not blown out, but made with real gold coins.

To use a local rich man's words to describe it, as long as the problem can be solved with money, it is not a problem. If the money can't solve it, it can only mean that the money spent is not enough, and try to add another golden mountain.

From this policy, it can be seen that the Kingsley family has deep malice towards the Crocodiles. This is an out-and-out extermination policy. They want to completely monopolize the Swamp of Despair.

The moral bottom line of these mixed mercenaries was not very high, and now it was directly shattered by money.

After they entered the Swamp of Despair, just like devils entering the village, they adopted a proper three-lights policy-robbing, killing, and burning.

The relationship between the Kingsley family and the crocodile people has slipped to a trough and has become completely irreconcilable.

In the beginning, those mercenaries were a little cautious.

After entering it, I found that the situation in the Swamp of Despair was more serious than imagined. The natural dangers that I once relied on were not there. Most of the villages and towns were like stripped girls, lying there naked.

After robbing more than a dozen villages and towns in a row, there were too many monks and little meat, and after the loot was not enough, internal divisions and conflicts arose. Under the leadership of several leaders, they were divided into eight groups and attacked everywhere to expand the results of the battle.

Ake Messer, who was sitting in the back, just watched with cold eyes and didn't care at all.

In his eyes, this mercenary is used to frighten the enemy. Of course, the larger the area, the better, so that he can observe more comprehensively.

As for life and death, he didn't worry at all, even if they were all dead, he would be happy to save a fortune on spoils!

Soon this group of miscellaneous mercenaries paid a heavy price for their recklessness.

The vanguard of the crocodile tribe's joint army arrived. Although it was a bit late, it still came.

The vanguard of the crocodile tribe was actually not many, only a little over 30,000. If the mercenaries didn't kill themselves and divide their troops, they might still be able to fight.

Now it has become a typical situation where more teams fight less, and when three teams of 3,000 to 4,000 people are eaten up in a row, the other teams only realize that they want to reunite, which is also powerless.

Not only because of the backward means of communication, but also because of the limited geographical environment.

Although the danger level of the Swamp of Despair is not as high as before, the geographical environment is still very complicated, and many places must be avoided far away.

The straight-line distance of those scattered units of mercenaries may only be 20 to 30 kilometers, but if they really walk, they may have to detour hundreds of kilometers.

Needless to say what happened next.

These mercenaries are not even considered a serious army. It is no problem to fight against the wind, rob, kill and loot, but when they encounter a hard idea, they can only be defeated.

When entering, the momentum is like a rainbow.

When they were defeated, like a bereaved dog, they were in panic all day long, and many of them plunged into the Jedi, and those who were killed were not swallowed by the drying mud swamp.

Those mud swamps with only a layer of dry skin can't stand being trampled on indiscriminately. Once turned over, they swallow a group of people into it, and the more they struggle, the faster they die.

Of the 50,000 mercenaries, less than 10,000 escaped alive.

But in the eyes of Akemesser, they have perfectly completed their mission, not only found out a little bit of the situation in the Swamp of Despair, but also introduced the opponent's vanguard into their pocket formation.

When the mercenaries were exploring the way ahead, Ake Messer was not idle, and separated two vanguards to follow the mercenaries who attracted most of the crocodile tribe's attention.

Once the mercenaries are defeated and collected inside, it becomes a perfect pocket.

Mercenaries are not only cannon fodder for pathfinding, but also bait thrown out.

After trapping the vanguard of the crocodile tribe, Ake Messer did not work together to destroy it immediately, but moved forward layer by layer, firmly blocking their way back.

Ax Messer is preparing to catch a big fish and wants to fight a decisive battle in an environment he is familiar with. It is a very smart approach. Sean sincerely praised.

Judging from his previous battles, this person really likes to use righteousness but not surprise, prefers to defend rather than attack, and prefers to guide the enemy to attack himself, and then defend and counterattack. A military staff officer analyzed logically.

Why analyze his battle cases? We have his old opponent here, General Dixon, what do you think? McGee the Skull Crusher's loud voice drew everyone's attention to the only outsider in the combat conference room who was not an outsider. body.

It is said that he is not an outsider, because judging from the current situation, it is almost a certainty that he will join the Yongye army leader.

However, it has been a month since the leader of the Eternal Night Army received him from the leader of the Carter Army. Except that at the beginning, Xiao En had a long talk with him for three days, and then he fell silent. Not a word about En's oath of allegiance.

Sean also seemed to have forgotten about it.

However, Yong Ye's military leaders did not prohibit him from participating in military conferences.

This made many people secretly whisper in their hearts, wondering if Sean had other more important arrangements for him.

As for Di Kelong's participation in the military meeting of the Eternal Night Army, no one raised any objections.

Di Kelong's achievements in recent years are not only obvious to all, but also happened under their noses. Many classic battles are almost studied by the military staff, and they are regarded as classic textbooks. Many young military staff look at him. It's like watching an idol.

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